In This Issue:
- Dukes First Day Pictures
- A Letter from Dr. Miller
- Financial Aid Disbursements and Eligible Hours
- Fall Bills and Authorized User Access
- Student Account Refunds-BankMobile
- Time for Move In!
- University Cleaners Campus Partnership
- Fall Meal Plan Kick-Off Dates
- 10 Tips for Helping Students Find Affordable Textbooks
- Student Employment
- Self-care tips from the University Health Center (UHC)
- Health and Well-being: Empowering Your Student
- Engage with the Community Engagement & Volunteer Center (CEVC)!
- Dukes Ride
- Update on Student Travel Home: NY, NJ, CT & PA
- Dukes Vote

The Madison Family Newsletter is created each month by the Office of Family Engagement in partnership with many members of the JMU community. For more family resources, visit our website.
Let your Duke know about the opportunity to capture their first day of class picture! The Office of Family Engagement will be out on the Quad in front of Wilson Hall on Wednesday, August 21 from 10 AM - 2 PM. Pictures will be available to download after the event.
A Letter from Dr. Tim Miller
Hello JMU families,
It won’t be long before we’re welcoming all our Dukes back to campus, and I hope they’re as excited as we are! It’s been great seeing so many of you at Orientation, at the Nationals game and many other places over the summer but there is nothing better than the energy of a new school year.
Career Outcomes
We have released the most recent Career Outcomes report and are happy to say that 95.4% of our 2023 Bachelor's and Advanced-Degree recipients are working or continuing their education. The report lists top employers, data by major and other great information which can be helpful for our students who will soon be looking for jobs after graduation. JMU continues to set the bar for career outcomes in the Commonwealth and across the country.
Sensory Room
A new resource for students who are neurodivergent or who just need a calming place to go is the Sensory Room, located in EnGeo. I had a chance to check it out recently and it is really amazing. It has a bubble tube, sensory fiber optics, gel floor tiles, a vibro acoustic lounger and massage chairs.
Counseling Connections
If your student has previous or existing mental health concerns, Counseling Connections can help them connect with local mental health resources and come up with a plan before the Fall semester begins.
Timely Care
Our partnership with TimelyCare provides our students with mental health services at no charge to them. I feel it's important for all students to set up an account, just in case they need it now or in the future. Our students who used this service last year gave a 4.98 (out of 5) approval rating and 75% reported mental health improvement with the counseling service and 87% with the 24/7 TalkNow service. Please encourage your student to download the app and register before they return to campus.
Campus Construction
Construction on Carrier Library is moving along nicely, everyone will see a lot of progress in that area. This project will re-open in time for the Fall semester of 2026 and will be transformational for the entire campus.
We are also making huge strides on the new residence hall that will replace Ikenberry Hall in the Village. It’s a prominent building that you will see getting under roof in the coming months. This is an exciting addition of about 400 beds that will open for the Fall of 2025!
If your student is living on campus, be sure to check out Residence Life’s what to pack list to help you be prepared.
Here are some key dates you may want to put on your calendar:
Aug. 21 – classes begin
Sept. 27-29 – Family Weekend
Oct. 16-20 – Fall Break
Nov. 4 – Class registration for the Spring begins
Nov. 23-Dec. 1 – Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 7-13 – Final Exams
Dec. 14 – Winter Break begins
Dec. 16 – All final grades must be submitted by 3 p.m.
You can keep up with all dates by checking the Academic calendar.
Requirements for incoming students
One more reminder for new students to be sure they submitted and have verified the required information about immunizations and completed the TB assessment prior to starting classes. If they have not done this, they need to as soon as possible since it is required by state law. Instructions are in the One Book and on this Incoming Students page. Once verified, they will receive an email to their JMU email address as well as a secure message on MyJMUChart confirming that nothing further is needed. Not completing these steps will result in a non-refundable $50 fine and they will not be able to make any changes to their class schedule or enroll in classes for future semesters until this has been completed, so it’s important for them to check for their confirmation.
Also, all new students were sent an email on July 24 with information about these required online trainings, which are due by Aug. 15:
- Mental Health
- Sexual Misconduct Prevention
- Alcohol and Other Drugs
Move-in Receptions for New Parents & Families
We’d love to see you at one of the move-in receptions where several of us from Student Affairs and Family Engagement will be available to answer questions and share some resources. You’re welcome to attend the day before or the day of moving your student into their residence hall:
- Thursday, Aug. 15 at 6:30 p.m.
- Friday, Aug. 16 at 5:30 p.m.
- Saturday, Aug. 17 at 5:30 p.m.
- Sunday, Aug. 18 at 10:30 a.m.
You are welcome to stop by or come for the whole time. If you are planning to attend, please RSVP by August 12. You only need one registration per family. I hope to see you there!
Remind your Dukes to download the JMU Be Involved app to see what’s happening on campus. That’s also where Weeks of Welcome events are listed, which begins with move-in for all new students. There are so many opportunities for students to connect and find their place here at JMU, please encourage your Duke to check out what’s happening, try anything that sounds interesting to them, and keep trying even if the first few don’t work out. Student Org Night is a great place to start and is not just for new students. Remind them to read Dukes Weekly every Monday at 1 p.m. for an update on everything happening that week.
Questions to ask your student
Let’s schedule our first couple of check-ins for this semester. (Okay, this isn’t a question, but it is something you should talk about before your student leaves.)
Tip: Agree now on how often and when you are going to spend some time reviewing how the semester is going, including reviewing their grades (and class attendance if needed.) It will be easier now than trying to pin them down for a time once they get into classes, activities and social life.
My recommendation is a once a month Zoom call where you can have them show you their progress on Canvas and talk through areas of struggle or concern before it’s too late in the semester to improve.
What are your goals for the semester?
Tip: Setting goals gives them something to work towards and will also give you something to talk about throughout the semester in your check-in calls. These don’t just need to be about academics, encourage them to set goals for outside the classroom as well.
Final Advice before the Fall
One piece of advice I like to give to our newest JMU families is to make the most of these last few weeks that your Duke is at home. There will be so many emotions (for you and them): excitement, frustration, nervousness, impatience, joy and many others. Every year you will see them grow and change; make good and bad choices; struggle and thrive; and figure it out.
If this is your first time dropping your Duke off, my recommendation is to plan to do something those first few days once you get back home and especially that first night. If there are siblings at home, they will likely miss them as much or more than you do so a fun family activity can help set the tone for the new year. The family pet will likely need a little more love and attention too. Make sure you have some way of starting this new chapter for the family that is still at home. Don’t assume everything will be fine and normal, make a plan to go to the movies, get dinner, take a drive, or something that you all enjoy that won’t make you miss your Duke even more!
Finally, I believe you shouldn’t visit your Duke for at least the first three weeks of the semester and that they shouldn't come home those first three weeks. It’s important that they are here to make friends and find their way. They can't be successful at JMU if they aren’t here. Plus, you can’t figure out what your life will look like if you are always coming to campus. You can all handle this and make it work, just give yourselves some time to settle into your new life.
As always, thank you for trusting us and sharing this part of your student’s journey with us. I hope to see you all on campus soon!
Go Dukes!
Dr. Tim Miller
Vice President for Student Affairs
Financial Aid Disbursements and Eligible Hours
Submitted by: Brad Barnett, Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management/Financial Aid Director, Financial Aid & Scholarships
Fall Financial Aid Disbursements:
Financial aid disbursements generally occur during the first week of each semester if all paperwork has been submitted in a timely fashion and the student is registered for the amount of hours used to determine financial aid eligibility. If you want to learn more about the disbursement process, timeframe, and financial aid refunds, you can read Section 13: Financial Aid, Disbursements, Your Bill, and Refunds of the Financial Aid: Terms and Conditions – Consumer Information document on our website.
Financial Aid Eligible Hours:
The number of financial aid eligible (FA Hours) a student is registered for during the enrollment period plays a major factor in determining eligibility for financial aid. Not being enrolled in the correct number of FA Hours when it’s time to disburse funds will lead to delays, as we cannot disburse financial aid if a student is registered for fewer FA Hours than what was used to develop the financial aid package.
For example, if a student is registered for a total of 12 credit hours in a term and only 9 of them are listed with a Yes” under the “Eligible for Financial Aid” Column in “My Class Schedule” in MyMadison, then for financial aid purposes, the student is considered enrolled in 9 hours. However, the financial aid package was developed based on 12 hours.
You can find more information about this in Section 9: Classes and Program of Study Applicability of the Financial Aid: Terms and Conditions – Consumer Information document on our website.
Submitted by: Wesley Breeden, Bursar, University Business Office
The University Business Office created statements for the Fall semester on July 10th. If you were expecting to receive a billing statement and have not seen one yet, you may want to make sure your student has set you up as an Authorized User in their M3 (Madison Money Manager) account.
An Authorized User is an individual who has been granted permission, by the student, to discuss their financial account with the University Business Office. Authorized users receive alerts when statements and 1098-T tax forms are generated. Authorized Users also have their own username and password to access the M3 portal. Authorized Users DO NOT have access to financial aid, grades, or other online student information.
Student Account Refunds-BankMobile
Submitted by: Brandon Cline-Taskey, Director, University Business Office
Fall semester financial aid will post to student accounts soon. When financial aid overpays the student account, the University Business Office initiates a refund to the student or parent based on the type of financial aid. Most refunds go to the student. Overpayments from Parent PLUS loans are refunded as a check to the parent who took out the loan unless they requested that the refund go to the student when they completed the loan application. The University Business Office works with BankMobile Disbursements to process all JMU refunds. To ensure that student refunds are available as soon as possible, we strongly encourage students to log into BankMobile’s system to set up direct deposit into an existing bank account. To access BankMobile, the student can go into their Student Center in MyMadison and click on My Refunds.
If a refund is created and the student has not made a selection in BankMobile, BankMobile will email the student multiple times over 21 days asking the student to make a refund selection. If the student still does not make a selection, a check will be mailed to the student’s home address after 21 days. We are seeing an increasing number of student checks lost in the mail, so we strongly suggest setting up direct deposit into an existing account. For more information about making a refund selection, contact the University Business Office at 540-568-6505 or
Submitted by: Sydney Wood, Social Media and Marketing Manager, Residence Life
First Year Students move in on Friday, August 16, and Saturday, August 17 following their appointment time.
Transfer Students move in Sunday, August 18 from 8:00 a.m. - noon following their appointment time.
Upperclass Students move in on Sunday, August 18, and Monday, August 19 following their appointment time.
University Cleaners Campus Partnership
Submitted by: Sydney Wood-On behalf of University Cleaners, Social Media and Marketing Manager, Residence Life
On-campus residents can now sign up for a laundry service that picks up a duffel bag of their dirty clothes, cleans and folds them, and returns them within 2 days! Save time and money for your student and give the gift of laundry!
Submitted by: Jenna Gray, Director of Student Engagement, JMU Dining
As your Duke prepares for the fall semester, here are a few key dates to remember:
- Residential Meal Plans: For move-in, students living on-campus have a special feature allowing access to breakfast, lunch, and dinner starting with dinner on Friday, 8/16/24.
- Commuter Meal Plans: All students will have access beginning Tuesday, 8/20/24.
If your Duke still wants to sign up, there’s time: Explore the Options
Making Meal Plan Changes:
- On or before Thursday 8/8: Changes can be made via email (link)
- Between Monday 8/26 – Friday 9/6: Changes can be made via JMU Card Services
- A $15 fee will be assessed for all meal plan changes
- Please note: Changes between Friday 8/9 – Sunday 8/25 cannot be made. However, meal plans can still be used. Changes will then be prorated based on usage.
- For questions on meal plan sign-up, contact Card Services via phone at 540.568.6446, or your Duke can email from their JMU email account.
For more information or questions about dining on campus, visit our website at Stay connected on social media @jmudining or contact us directly: or call 540-568-6751.
At JMU Dining, we have something for everyone!
10 Tips for Helping Students Find Affordable Textbooks
Submitted by: Emily Blake, Assistant Director of Communications & Marketing, Libraries
JMU Libraries offers several options to help students find affordable textbooks. We’ve created this 10 Tips list with ways we can help and additional ideas to try if we don’t have what you need.
Submitted by: Klaudia Whipple, Student Employment Assistant, Student Employment
JMU PageUp is the best place for your student to find the most-up to-date information about job openings at JMU. Each posting identifies the hiring department and provides a detailed description of job responsibilities, qualifications, hourly rate or pay range and a list of additional documents (i.e., cover letter, resume, etc.) students will need to attach to their application.
Students can join us August 28th from 12:30-3:30pm in room 1075 of the Student Success Center for our Annual Part-Time Job Fair! There will be opportunities for On and Off Campus positions. The Student Employment office recommends that students searching for an on-campus position apply for as many jobs as they are interested in and feel qualified to fill. All on-campus positions are competitive so make sure your student has a quality resume, cover letter and references before beginning the application process.
Selected applicants will complete an interview process with the department. Make sure your student knows how to “dress to impress” with appropriate interview attire and is prepared to make a good impression.
The most-qualified candidate will be offered the position by the department. If your student accepts a job offer, the hiring department will need to complete paperwork to meet institutional, state, and federal guidelines and ensure prompt payment of wages. Students must provide their hiring department with a copy of their Social Security card and, for direct deposit purposes, a voided check, deposit slip or a bank statement showing the full account and routing numbers.
In addition, federal regulations require JMU to confirm all new employees are eligible to work in the United States through completion of Form I-9. Your student will complete Section 1 of this form with the hiring department or on their own electronically. Section 2 will be completed either with the hiring department or with the Student Employment office. To complete Section 2 of the Form I9, your student must provide documentation that verifies both identity and work authorization. You can see a full list of acceptable documents on the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services website. All documents must be original and unexpired. The hiring department or Student Employment must examine the documents your student presents and record the information electronically on Form I-9.
Your student is now on their way to gaining priceless experience and a good, old-fashioned paycheck! For Student Employment questions or concerns send an email to or call (540) 568-3269.
Self-care tips from the University Health Center (UHC)
Submitted by: Deborah Hoover, Assistant Director of Nursing, University Health Center
Coming to live in a new place can mean new germs, so it is very common to get sick the first few weeks of school. Most illness and injuries are self-limiting and can be treated with self-care measures. The UHC has tips that you can share with your student so they can be prepared if they need to use them.
Health and Well-being: Empowering Your Student
Submitted by: Tia Mann, Director, Well Dukes
At the Summer Orientation session Health and Well-being: Empowering Your Student, we reviewed together a “Conversation Checklist” – independent skills that both students and families have found helpful to prepare for the transition to JMU. We know you’ve been having lots of these conversations already! As we near move-in, which of these topics, if any, would be helpful to talk through with your Duke? Your wisdom, guidance, family values, and expectations have and will continue to give your student a strong foundation as they navigate their new environment here at JMU.
Creating healthy routines – Eating, sleeping, physical activity, getting outside, study habits, etc.
Medical support – Types of self-care, when to see a doctor, how to refill a medication and taking medications as prescribed
Essential documentation – Knowing what they might need and where it’s located - their insurance card, or for accommodations a former IEP or 504 plan
Waking up independently – How to set and wake up to an alarm
Laundry – How to do it and how often to wash sheets and towels
Self-awareness – Knowing and being able to talk about any conditions they may have, their needs, limitations, accommodations, boundaries, etc.
Communication – How to communicate in person, over the phone, via email with different audiences (friends, faculty, academic advisor)
Family expectations – Around “keeping in touch,” financial matters, substance use, academics, how often they will come home to visit, when you will come to visit them on campus
Their values, strengths and priorities – What's most important to them in the first semester? First year? How do they plan to use their time to demonstrate those priorities? How can they lean into their strengths to meet challenges that will come their way?
Trying new things/meeting new people – How do they envision doing this? What ideas do they already have?
Setbacks and resiliency – What will your student do when they’re struggling? Consider topics like homesickness, academics, mental health, roommate/personal relationship struggles, finding their people at JMU
Resources – When and where to look for them, how to reach out, how to make an appointment, ask a question, etc.
Time Management - When/where to fit meals in between classes, social time, study time, screen time, etc.
Submitted by: Lindsey Richards, Assistant Director, Engagement, Communication & Innovation, Community Engagement & Volunteer Center
Is your Duke interested in making a positive social impact and looking for ways to connect with other service-minded students? Look no further! We are committed to creating a welcoming campus environment that feels like a home away from home for your student. We offer a range of exciting events and programs that help your student to explore new possibilities, immerse in community, and lead their peers, ultimately leaving a meaningful impact on campus and in the local community.
Upcoming CEVC Events & Programs
- Alternative Fall Breaks: Travel with a student-led group of Dukes to work alongside community leaders to address pressing social issues.
- Date:10/16-10/18
- Cost: $100 (scholarships available!)
- Register by midnight 9/26
- Open House & Volunteer Fair: Friday, 9/6, 11am-1pm, SSC 2200
- We'll have yummy food, networking with community organizations, giveaways, and raffle drawing for a FREE driving Alternative Break (approx. $300 value)!
- Happy Hour Events: Friday, 9/13, 11am-1pm, SSC 2200
- We host a happy hour event each month. Each theme is different, but they are a way to connect with other Dukes, while enjoying snacks, games, DIY projects, and learning about ways to engage in the community and be involved in programs with social impact.
- Food Truck Fest with CEVC: Friday, 9/21, 11am-2pm, County Fairgrounds
- Enjoy local food trucks, live music, shop local vendors, meet other Dukes, learn about our office, programs, and our partner, Open Doors
- Entry and transportation are covered by CEVC.
For more information, visit Community Engagement & Volunteer Center. Events and registrations open August 6 and are listed on our website. If you or your students have questions, please contact us at or 540-568-6366.
Submitted by: Valerie Kramer, Alternative Transportation Manager, Parking & Transit Services
Dukes get around JMU on the bus. All local buses are fare free! No need to show your JAC card, just hop on! The Inner-Campus Shuttle (ICS) runs 8-10 buses all day long in a counter clockwise loop on campus, making it quick and easy to get where you need to go. For Dukes living off-campus, the HDPT bus system runs six different color routes from off-campus apartment complexes to a number of different stops on campus, all for free. Find your ride at JMU Dukes Ride
Update on Student Travel Home: NY, NJ, CT & PA
Submitted by: Jason ’96 and Amy ‘98 Sfaelos, CollegeTransit LTD
While it’s only a matter of weeks before we drop off our students on the JMU campus, the first two Thanksgiving buses home to the northeast have already sold out. Don’t worry, we have just made a third bus available for Allentown, Morris Plains, Tarrytown and Melville. Our other Thanksgiving route to King of Prussia and Howell has 17 seats left as of this submission. For Fall Break, only 14 seats remain and it is unclear if we will add a second bus at this stage.
Getting excited for being on campus and the amazing semester that awaits your Duke.
Submitted by: Dr. Monica McEnerny, Interim Associate Director, Madison Center for Civic Engagement
Is your Duke ready to vote on November 5th? The start of the semester is a good time for your student to get registered or check their voter registration status. The Madison Center for Civic Engagement can help Dukes become voters. Access JMU's TurboVote.
Questions? Please contact or follow the Madison Center for Civic Engagement on Instagram or your student can do so in the BeInvolved App.
Join 10,000+ fellow JMU parents and guardians in the official Facebook group! This group was created by the Office of Family Engagement in an effort to provide a safe online environment for parents & family members to engage with one another. Request to join the group here »