January 25, 2024
Fulbright Nexus Program - Application Deadline
March 20, 2014: The deadline is April 1, 2014
JMU Students Re-establish Undergraduate Research Journal
March 20, 2014: JMU Students Re-establish Undergraduate Research Journal
Celebration of ICE at JMU
April 15, 2014: Mary Lou Bourne, Director of JMU Technology Innovation and Executive Director of James Madison Innovations (JMI) welcomed over 60 guests and honorees
2014 Provost Award for Excellence in Research and Scholarship
May 8, 2014: Professor of Biology Dr. Conley K. McMullen is the 2014 Provost Award recipient.
Technology-based Innovation and Entrepreneurship Town Hall
September 18, 2014: On September 10th, JMU hosted a site location for a Virtual Town Hall meeting -Technology-based Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
The lobbying economy is twice as big as we think
October 3, 2014: According to the official statistics, over $3.3 billion was spent lobbying the US federal government in 2012. But as massive as that number is, it falls far short of the reality
Intellectual Property Disclosure Incentive Program 2014
October 27, 2014: James Madison University is pleased to recognize the inventors eligible for the Intellectual Property Disclosure Incentive Program during the period ended June 30, 2014 and selected as winners of the $2,000 Incentive...
Meet Triple Duke Eric Korn
December 1, 2014: Eric Korn already has two degrees from JMU: his undergraduate degree in economics and his MBA; he will soon also earn his Ph.D. from JMU.
Research and Scholarship