The Haynes Learning Community is a community for incoming first-year STEM majors at JMU who feel that they can contribute to and benefit from the goals of the program. Students will live and learn together while taking math classes in cohorts and exploring mathematical research together. Students of ALL backgrounds and ALL levels of mathematical ability are encouraged to apply. 

The Haynes program is run by the Department of Mathematics & Statistics and will have openings for 16 Haynes Scholars. For more information see our program website.

Goals of the Program: 

  • Celebrate and value all forms of community cultural wealth and backgrounds at JMU.
  • Bring JMU STEM majors from CSM and CISE together in a residential and academic environment where all people feel they belong.
  • Provide opportunities for success in STEM mathematics courses, and hands-on experiences with undergraduate research in mathematics.

Who should apply?

  • All students are welcome to apply to be Haynes Scholars, and selection is without regard to a person’s race, color, national origin, or other protected characteristic. Students applying to be Haynes Scholars will be asked to describe how they will personally contribute to and benefit from the four Goals of the Haynes Scholars Program.
  • Students of ALL mathematical levels who want to succeed in first-year calculus, explore mathematics in creative group research projects, and become leaders in their own STEM departments.
  • Students interested in majoring in Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics, or other STEM-related disciplines.

What do students in this program do? 

  • Live and learn in a diverse and supportive community in Hoffman Hall and get to know and work with former Haynes students in STEM majors. 
Faculty Coordinators
Profile Image for Alex Capaldi

Alex Capaldi

Associate Professor, Applied Math, Statistics

Profile Image for Laura Tipton

Laura Tipton

Assistant Professor, Biology & Applied Math

Program Directors
Profile Image for Elizabeth 'Beth' A. Arnold

Elizabeth "Beth" A. Arnold

Professor, Pure Math and Math Ed; Chair, Pure Math

Profile Image for Laura Taalman

Laura Taalman

Professor, Pure Math

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