For students from the United States and around the world who want to live and learn together as global citizens.
What Do We Do in Madison International?
Madison International is a vibrant and enriching residential learning community for a diverse cohort of students who learn from and about each other through a series of dynamic experiential and classroom-based activities including, but not limited to, the following:
Academic courses uniquely tailored to the participants in Madison International
Experiential learning trips
U.S. and international students living and learning together
Academic Requirements:
By design, the residents of Madison International complete together two courses that are developed and taught keeping their unique experiences in mind. Such courses also satisfy other curricular or programmatic requirements at JMU.
MI participants are required to take the following courses as a community:
UNST 150: Global Learning and Living: Madison International (2 hours of credit)
Global Learning and Living: Madison International provides an opportunity for a diverse cohort of international and U.S. students to learn from and about each other through stimulating discussions, shared class projects, engaging activities in the larger community, intercultural residence hall programs, and the opportunity to participate in service learning.
UNST 151: Making Sense of Beliefs and Values: A Guided Tour for Global Citizens (2 hours of credit)
Making Sense of Beliefs and Values: A Guided Tour for Global Citizens explores the origin and nature of beliefs and values as they relate to religious, political, environmental, gender-based, and cultural actions, policies, and practices around the world. Through dynamic mini-lectures, experiential activities, readings, and dialogues, this course helps students develop a deeper understanding of self, others, and the larger world.

Vesna Hart
Associate Director of Interprofessional and Interdisciplinary Education & Programs