Director of Student Life
Year Started at JMU: 2021
Website: https://www.jmu.edu/osl
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Dr. Grossman Leopard first came to JMU in August of 2021. She graduated with her Bachelor's degree in History from Wittenberg University. She then moved on to The Pennsylvania State University to earn her Master's of Education degree in College Student Affairs. Her first role out of graduate school was as the Assistant Director of Student Life at the Penn State Altoona campus. There she wore many hats and had her hands in all things Student Life. She then took a job back at the University Park campus of Penn State in the Office of Student Activities. She spent roughly 14 years there supporting student organizations. Jen also worked part-time earning her doctoral degree in Higher Education. Jen is married and has two children and a dog that follows her around everywhere...everywhere.
Jen volunteers at the international level for ACUI: Advancing Campus Community as a Communtity of Practice Leader and member of the Education Council. She also volunteers for the Penn State Higher Education Program Alumni Council as an alumni board member. Locally, she volunteers as a co-leader for a Girl Scout Troop.
She continues to love working in Student Affairs and supporting the student life work because she firmly believes this is where students discovery and develop into the humans they will be in this world (or at least the beginning of that discovery and development). Jen's favorite quote to share is "never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the wold. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." by Margaret Mead.