If you don’t know Dr. Brian Charette, you may have seen him walking around campus on a cold day, not in a coat, but instead wearing a suit and a New England Patriots beanie. His boisterous character unending joy, and healthy sense of humor keeps him warm enough. Brian is not only a cheerful man who doesn’t dress quite right for the weather, through his work as the Special Assistant to the President for Strategic Planning and Engagement, he is someone who has impacted the James Madison University community in ways that few can measure through his servant leadership and intentionality.
This is one word that went through my head as I read Brian’s nominations - intentionality. Brian is a leader who listens and cares. When meeting with him, he frequently asks how each member of his team is doing before getting to an agenda or the task at hand. He listens before he speaks. He values the time of others and makes a point of asking what he can do to assist or support those he supervises or collaborates with. He is the person who frequently asks “how can I serve you?” to others. Brian is the rare leader that not only asks that question, but follows through and keeps his promises. Brian has strived to be this leader from the beginning, when he joined JMU in the Human Resources office for his first position many years ago, it was evident he was a leader who brings people together to accomplish great things! Over the years, he has often been observed showing concern through his actions and words to those around him regardless of his role.
Another word that came to mind as I read Brian’s nominations was inspiration. It is often noted that Brian inspires those around him, and that his ability to motivate, encourage, and influence others is unmatched. You can see his light reflected within the people he works with. You can watch his work take root in others as they learn from him and grow beside him. Brian not only encourages life-long learning and supports continual development among his people, but models it. He constantly shares emerging issues in higher education that have an impact on his offices’ work. Brian is committed to team building and always brings new ways of building community within an office or committee. He has a dedication to making sure everyone feels heard, and that each opinion is considered and appreciated.
As a leader for not only the update of the university’s strategic plan, but previously in his integral role in the reaffirmation of accreditation of JMU, he emphasized working together to achieve the best outcomes. His leadership in bringing many key leaders to agree on strategic goals for the university has been impactful! It is evident that Brian has impacted the strategic focus of the university in ways that few can measure. Dr. Brian Charette is the rare person who embraces all of the values that characterize the recipients of the All Together One award. I am honored to have been a part of the committee that selected him.