Dr. Jesse C. Rathgeber has only been at James Madison University since 2016, yet the influence and impact that he has had on this campus is unmatched. To quote one of his nomination letters, “Wherever Jesse Rathgeber goes, ideas formulate.”. In his short time here at JMU, Dr. Rathgeber has had his hand in the development of the Center for Inclusive Music Engagement, JMUke, Stories and Songs with the Gemeinschaft Hose, and JMU’s first Disability Research in Music Education Symposium among many others. Each one of these projects reflects aspects of Dr. Rathegeber’s professional career as well as his personal spirit. Dr. Rathgeber is a man committed to fostering an inclusive community, celebrating your authentic self, and continuing to be a lifelong learner.
Many of his nomination letters discussed how Dr. Rathgeber constantly pushes the envelope to involve marginalized and forgotten communities in the greater discussion. He is currently collaborating with the North East Neighborhood Association in Harrisonburg to enhance safety, revitalize, and preserve the cultural heritage of the primarily black neighborhood in Harrisonburg. As mentioned earlier, he is also heavily involved with the Gemeinschaft House - a halfway home for previously incarcerated men. His involvement with these organizations has given many individuals the ability to begin healing by expressing their personal life stories through song. He has also led musicians for the Dance for Parkinson’s Disease program, which allows those with Parkinson’s Disease to participate in a dance class. His commitment to the inclusion of others and availability of music is evident on a larger scale, structuring his doctoral dissertation and other published research articles around this topic. Some of his nomination letters were from students who had had him as a professor or mentor in one of these programs. Each of them gave stories detailing times that he personally reached out and encouraged them in times of hardship, showing many that he is not just another professor.
There was no doubt when the committee read about how he inspires people across this campus and the greater Harrisonburg community that Dr. Rathgeber was a shining example of the “All Together One” spirit that JMU is founded upon. We hope that this award can be a small thank you for the countless times you have gone the extra mile for this university and its people.