Through his almost 40 years as a teacher dedicating his career to helping students and faculty in ways beyond any expectations, Dr. Bradley Roof has been an excellent role model and mentor. He has taught just about every course in the School of Accounting over his tenure. Brad’s sincere interest in people makes him open to welcoming new people. His institutional knowledge in almost every possible academic role based on his many years of service makes Brad Roof the “go to” person in many areas of JMU life. He is open and engaging with everyone he meets, whether he knows them or not. Brad is a person who inspires others about what it means to be a Duke every day and in every way.
One example a few years ago: Dr. Roof traveled to Frisch, Texas to watch the National Championship 2016 game. Dr. Roof and a group of colleagues went to tour the Dallas Cowboys AT&T Stadium. After the tour they were on the field and he stood on the “star”in the middle. Suddenly, several men came running to the center of the field yelling “Dr. Roof, Dr. Roof”. Two of them were JMU College of Business graduates from more than 25 years before. They had come from Maryland to watch the Championship Game, had not seen Dr. Roof in all that time and were thrilled to see him – making it clear that their success in the world after college was dramatically influenced by JMU and Dr. Roof, and he remembered them by name.
In addition to accounting courses, Dr. Roof has 4 wine certifications and teaches a wine course for the JMU Hospitality, Sports and Recreation Management Program while teaching in the accounting program. He gets rave reviews for these classes. Some examples of generosity are how he stepped in to help with fundraising for the new JMU College of Business building, urging faculty to contribute to set a good example to make it easier to request donations from outsiders, while he himself donated money to help sponsor a room that he would never benefit from in his own teaching.
Besides making a difference in huge projects, he also pays attention to detail, for example,he often returns carts (thousands over time) to the fronts of stores from the parking lots. Brad inspires others by leading by example, and reminds people to enjoy the ride - that life is not a destination, but the journey to get there and only focusing on the road, you will miss the beautiful scenery along the way. He will occasionally purchase a bag of Klondike bars and knock on doors of friends to see how they are doing – a process of reverse trick or treating. He attempts to lift the spirits of everyone in his path.
Brad is a lifetime learner. He has been a forest ranger, is a pilot, has had a landscaping business, has arborist skills, and can make wedding cakes! One of his nominators who isone of the first to arrive and often one of the last to leave work, says that from the parking lot he often sees Brad’s office light still on. Brad creates a fun, positive environment in which to work. He is simply put, an interesting, unique man. The Brad Roofs of the world are few and far between and decidedly deserve special recognition, perhaps as one of the “most interesting men in the world.” He is someone at JMU who clearly brings faculty, staff and students together, all together one.
Congratulations, Dr. Bradley Roof! Please come up and accept your 2019 Altogether One Award.