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The "Fire Helpers"

In a continued spirit of all together one, several JMU employees pitched in and helped relocate those staff members displaced by the fire of the Medical Arts East building. These employees made temporary room to house their colleagues, while others - especially in facilities management - put much overtime and labor into moving staffers, sometimes three or four times.

Budget Office

David Eton relocated John Knight to the budget office and Jini Cook processed all the necessary paperwork for the insurance company. Jenny Lyons and Mack Moore helped find office space for staffers.

Business Services

Towana Moore retrieved employee's personal items from their offices after the fire, and her office served as the main contact for questions, key distributions, cell phones, etc.

Facilities Management

Mike Davis coordinated all activities and moves and David Mars coordinated utility shut downs and security. John Ventura handled housekeeping and recycling, while Jim Meadows provided keys for temporary office spaces. Cathy Rohrer coordinated warehousing, moving and delivery and helped move staffers two to three times in a two-month period. A number of other facilities management staffers volunteered to carry furniture out of the Medical Arts East building.


Dale Hulvey programmed new computers and Robin Bryan helped set up procurement staff temporarily in the Williamson Lab. Telecom employees provided cell phones to displaced associate vice presidents, managers and directors and reconnected all phone and fax service.

Human Resources

Brian Charette offered human resource office space as temporary space for displaced staff.


While they, themselves, were displaced by the fire, procurement staff worked diligently to help get copiers, fax machines, computers, printers and furniture for their displaced colleagues.

Campus Police

Campus police officers ran extra patrols after the fire.


JMU employees never missed a paycheck! The whole payroll staff worked a lot of overtime after the fire, so subsequent pay notices were sent on time and employee records destroyed by the fire were recreated.

Mail Services

Mail service staff made sure all displaced departments received their mail, quite a task as these offices moved several times.

Card Services and Student Financial Services

Employees from the card services and student financial services offices donated furniture to displaced staff.

J.W. Myers

J.W. Myers provided office space for John Hulvey of the grants office.

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