Chapter activities are implemented by various committees. Chapter members are encouraged to volunteer to serve on these committees by contacting the committee chairs.
Executive Committee
This committee consists of the chapter officers plus one at-large member appointed by the president. The Executive Committee oversees chapter activities, arranges chapter meetings, the induction ceremony, and the awards luncheon, and charges the other committees. This committee meets about four times per year and communicates frequently through email. This committee requires about 15 hours of effort per year (less for some officers, more for others). Anyone interested in being an officer or serving as an at-large member of this committee should contact the chair of the Nominating Committee (see below). Students may serve as at-large members.
Committee on Members in Course
Members of this committee review student academic records each year to choose students to invite for induction. The committee time commitment is about four hours per year. This committee is not open to student members.
PBK Research Minigrant Committee
The committee reviews PBK research minigrant applications. Most of the work is accomplished via email. The time commitment is about 10 hours per year. This committee is not open to student members. This committee is chaired by the vice-president.
Events and Planning Committee
Members plan the First Year Academic Excellence Reception and help select future PBK Visiting Scholars. The Academic Excellence Reception targets transfer students and sophomores who earned high GPAs the previous year. At this event, information about the purpose, requirements, and activities of PBK and its sister academic honor society PKP are shared, followed by a question and answer period and a casual dinner. The time commitment is about four hours per year, including attendance at the fall reception. Students members can serve on this committee.
Nominating Committee
Members of this committee seek nominations among the chapter members to fill officer roles of Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, Vice President and President. Officer terms are two-years, and a subset of new officers is elected in the December annual meeting each year. The time commitment is about three hours per year. This committee is not open to student members.