What is a Campus Security Authority?
A campus security authority (CSA) is a type of mandatory reporter defined by federal law. When a CSA witnesses or receives a report of a crime, the CSA is required to promptly report the incident to the James Madison University Police Department, the Title IX Office, or the Clery Compliance Officer. By providing such information, CSAs help ensure that appropriate action can be taken in response to criminal incidents, that the campus community remains informed, and that individuals affected by crime have access to the support and resources they deserve.
CSAs do not need to investigate a crime but simply need to report information in an accurate and timely manner as our institution has a responsibility to notify the campus community about crimes that pose a serious or ongoing threat to the community.
What do you as CSA’s need to report?
Clery reportable crimes that occur in Clery reportable geographical areas.
To report a Clery Act qualifying crime reported to them, CSA's should access and submit a CSA Crime Report form.
Campus Security Authorities (CSA's), under the Clery Act, have an obligation to promptly report allegations of Clery Act defined crimes. This information is used to issue a Timely Notice. A Timely Notice is issued in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act) by the JMU Police Department. A Timely Notice is posted when a Clery Act crime is reported to the university police and the crime is considered to be a serious or continuing threat to the campus community. These crimes must have occurred within those areas of the campus that are specifically defined in the Clery Act (on campus property, non-campus property owned or controlled by the university or public property bordering campus).
JMU is not required by law to issue a timely warning for off-campus crimes; however, incidents occurring off campus will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis in conjunction with the local police jurisdiction of the crime to determine if there is a crime that poses an ongoing or serious threat to the community. A community crime alert may be issued if the distribution of a crime alert is warranted so that students, faculty and staff can be made aware crimes that occur in the areas surrounding campus.
A crime is reported to you. What do you do?
First and most importantly. Is a violent situation in progress? Is there imminent danger to the victim or others? Is it an emergency or crime in progress? Is medical treatment needed for serious injury?
If so……... Contact JMU POLICE Immediately at 540-568-6911 if it is occurring on campus.
If it has occurred off campus contact Harrisonburg/Rockingham Emergency Communication Center (HRECC) at 911 to be directed to the appropriate agency.
If it is not an emergency, the CSA should ask the individual reporting the crime if they would like to report the incident to the JMU Police or the police in the jurisdiction the crime occurred. If they do, then the CSA should help coordinate reporting. If they do not want to contact police, the CSA should explain that they are a federally mandated crime reporter and are required to submit a crime report for statistical purposes.
If you think someone may disclose a criminal incident to you, gently inform them of your reporting obligations. You can say something like: “It sounds like you’re about to tell me something that I may need to report because of my role as a campus security authority”. Explain that you are obligated to share reports of crimes with the office that collects crime statistics and evaluates the need for a campus alert. Clarify that the report is not a formal police report. Do not investigate the crime. CSAs are not responsible for investigating or determining if a crime took place. Clery Act crime statistics are based on crime allegations, not confirmed criminal activity. Under the Clery Act, a crime is “reported” when it is brought to the attention of a campus security authority by a victim, witness, other third party, or even the offender. Reports should be of intentional disclosures made specifically to you, not an overheard conversation. The report does not need to include names and anonymity will be honored to the extent permitted by law. However, in areas of sexual violence, rape, dating/domestic violence and stalking, a report must be made to Title IX. Ask the person disclosing a crime of sexual violence if they would like your help making a report to Title IX. Anonymity cannot be promised.Title IX will conduct an initial assessment, a threat assessment, and take any immediate action that may be necessary to protect the health and safety of individuals and the university community. The university will make reasonable efforts to protect the privacy and respect the wishes of reporters, in accordance with applicable state and federal law, while balancing the need to gather information to assess the report and to take steps to eliminate prohibited conduct, prevent its recurrence, and remedy its effects. Depending on the nature and severity of the conduct reported, the university may be required to share all known information, including names, with law enforcement.
A report to the JMU Police satisfies the CSA reporting requirement. If they do not want to file a police report, you must still submit a CSA report for statistical purposes.The CSA must have firsthand confirmation that the reporting party already filed a police report with JMU Police, then the CSA can complete and submit a CSA Crime Report Form indicating this on the Crime Report Form. However, if the reporting party says they will file a police report with JMU Police, but the CSA has no firsthand knowledge/confirmation that a police report was filed, then the CSA must complete and submit a Crime Report Form. When in doubt, a report form should be completed and submitted.