Venus Miller image


Assistant Director for Student and Staff Development, Career and Academic Planning
Contact Info

Task Force Role:

Co-Chair: Administrative and Professional Faculty Professional Development Working Group

Why I want to serve on the Task Force:

I am interested in serving in a role that will look at and address structural issues across JMU that continue to uphold systemic racisms and impact the work of those at JMU in terms of access, equity and inclusion in all departments and divisions including students.

Top three values I bring to this work:

Collaboration: That together we can achieve more, this is a great space to share talents

Connection: Understanding that we are all connected to each other and what happens to one happens to all

Accountability: Ability for everyone to be self-aware of their own beliefs, actions and behaviors while also managing emotions and their impacts on others in shared spaces. Discomfort from growth and understanding can be meaningful for the work but ignorance in the forms of meanness and maintaining systemic racist systems is not.

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