Browse through the emergency plans that James Madison University maintains.  If you need access or have questions or input for the plans please contact Hilary Cronin, Director of Emergency and Risk Management at 

Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) - JMU

The Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) provides a framework to minimize potential impact and allow for rapid recovery from an incident that disrupts operations. This plan encompasses the magnitude of operations and services performed by the university, and is tailored to the university’s unique operations, primary business functions, and mission essential functions. This plan identifies key personnel that perform or manage primary business functions (PBF).This plan was prepared by James Madison University to develop, implement and maintain a viable continuity capability and is reviewed on an annual basis.

Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) - JMU, City of Harrisonburg, Rockingham County

The purpose of the Emergency Operations Plan is to establish the legal and organizational basis for operations in both localities and the educational institutions to effectively respond to and recover from all-hazards disasters and/or emergency situations. It assigns broad responsibilities to local government agencies and support organizations for disaster prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery. These responsibilities are generally extensions of normal, day-to-day functions involving the same personnel and material resources.

This plan adheres to the principles and practices of the National Response Framework (NRF) and National Incident Management System (NIMS) processes, using the Incident Command System (ICS). A planned-for and coordinated response on the part of state and local officials in support of in-the-field emergency responders can save lives, protect property, and more quickly and efficiently restore essential services. The foundation for this coordinated response is established through the joint Emergency Operations Plan between the City of Harrisonburg, Rockingham County, and James Madison University.  This plan is reviewed on an annual basis and adopted every 4 years.

Hazard Mitigation Plan - Central Shenandoah District Planning Commission

The purpose of the Hazard Mitigation Plan is to substantially and permanently reduce the university’s vulnerability to natural, man-made, and technological hazards. The plan is intended to promote sound practices and policies designed to protect human life, critical facilities, infrastructure, and business operations at the university and surrounding planning district.  The twenty-one jurisdictions of the Central Shenandoah Region were actively engaged in the planning process. The local jurisdictions shared their past mitigation projects and created strategies for future mitigation activities. The overall goals of the Hazard Mitigation Plan can be achieved by increasing awareness, documenting resources for risk reduction and loss-prevention, and identifying activities to guide the university towards the development of a safer, more sustainable campus.

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