When sheltering -in-place, you will be safest by moving to the interior of a building area that protects you from the danger. Do not lock doors behind you as others may need to shelter -in-place.

How Do I Shelter-In-Place?

  • Immediately seek shelter within the closest sturdy building. 
  • Once inside, stay away from windows, glass, and objects that may fall. Stay put until the danger passes - resist the temptation to personally assess the weather.
  • Whenever possible, seek shelter in interior rooms, corridors, and hallways.
  • Avoid large free-standing rooms such as auditoriums and gymnasiums.
  • DO NOT use elevators.
  • Await instructions from JMU Alerts and emergency responders.
  • DO NOT leave until an "All Clear" is received.

During a tornado, shelter in the lowest level possible. If necessary, consider crouching near the floor and seeking additional shelter under a sturdy table or desk, or cover your head with your hands.

In the event of hazardous material incidents requiring sheltering in place, close exterior windows and turn off heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems.

Always use common sense; there are exceptions for all guidance and prescribed directions.

Weather Definitions

Watch: Conditions are favorable for the development of severe weather. Closely monitor the situation in case it gets worse.

Warning: Severe weather has actually been observed. Listen closely to instructions provided by weather radios/emergency officials.


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