JMU full-time instructional faculty who want to incorporate sustainability in their courses can apply for travel funding to participate in workshops and other professional development opportunities.

An example of an opportunity is through the Centers for Sustainability Across the Curriculum in partnership with the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE). The goal of the new centers is to “accelerate the infusion of sustainability content into curriculum by increasing the availability and accessibility of faculty development opportunities related to sustainability.” Learn about these workshop opportunities on AASHE’s workshop webpage.  JMU faculty should complete this form to apply for funding from the ISNW to attend one of these workshops.  Forms should be submitted at least 45 days prior to the date faculty wish to travel.  Typical travel awards are $750.

Faculty who wish to apply for funding for other professional development related to the environment and sustainability should contact the ISNW at stewardship@jmu.edu.

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