
The Godwin Transit Center is location 2 on the tour. The following description also appears on the Story Map.

Adjacent to JMU's Bridgeforth Stadium, the Godwin Transit Center (GTC) is a multimodal transportation hub with a host of JMU transportation resources: frequent inner-campus shuttles, buses that travel City of Harrisonburg transit routes, regional buses, and a bicycle fix-it station. JMU has implemented many strategies to encourage more sustainable modes of transportation and reduce the impact of student and employee commuting. Students' and faculty members' projects have contributed to improvements.


Origin-Destination Tracking Analysis of an Intelligent Transit Bus System Using Internet of Things, S. El-Tawab, Z. Yorio, A. Salman, R. Oram, and B. B. Park, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops), Kyoto, Japan, 2019, pp. 139-144.

Data Analysis and Information Security of an Internet of Things (IoT) intelligent Transit System, Z. Yorio, R. Oram, S. El-Tawab, A. Salman, M. H. Heydari and B. B. Park, 2018 Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium (SIEDS), Charlottesville, VA, 2018, pp. 24-29.

Exploring the Feasibility of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Technologies for Measuring Transit Passengers Wait-Times and Origin-Destination Travel Times, Whittier, John, Saerona Choi, B. Brian Park, and Samy El-Tawab, Paper presented at ITS World Congress 2017, Montreal, Canada, 2017.   

Data Analysis of Transit Systems Using Low-cost IoT Technology, S. El-Tawab, R. Oram, M. Garcia, C. Johns, and B. B. Park, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops), Kona, HI, 2017, pp. 497-502.

Poster: Monitoring Transit Systems Using Low-cost WiFi Technology, S. El-Tawab, R. Oram, M. Garcia, C. Johns, and B. B. Park, 2016 IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), Columbus, OH, 2016, pp. 1-2.


For more information about each course below, search by course number in the Undergraduate Catalog.

  • HTH 352. Environmental Health
  • HTH 490. Special Studies in Health Education
  • ENGR 280. Projects in Engineering
  • ENGR 331. Engineering Design III
  • ENGR 431. Engineering Design V

Example Project:
Improving Transit Bus Operations Using Low-Cost Bluetooth/Wi-Fi Technology, Michael Garcia, Chris Johns, and Raymond Oram, Advisor: Dr. Samy El-Tawab, Department of Integrated Science and Technology, ISAT Capstone Project, 2016.

The following is a news article about a continuation of the above project. “Improving Transit Bus Operations Using Low-Cost Technology,” is a collaboration between JMU, Harrisonburg Department of Transportation (HDPT), the University of Virginia (UVA) and Charlottesville Area Transit (CAT) and a continuation of an ISAT capstone project.

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