JMU's Commitments to the UN Sustainable Development Goals
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and improve the lives and prospects of everyone, everywhere. What do the SDGs have to do with JMU? JMU is a member of the University Global Coalition, a global group of universities and other higher education organizations committed to working together and in partnership with the United Nations and other relevant organizations, in support of the Sustainable Development Goals both locally and globally through our education, research, and service missions.
Though imperfect, the SDGs provide a starting place for dialogue around local and global challenges and solutions. Learn more about the many ways different groups at JMU are engaging with the SDGs, including the College of Integrated Science and Engineering, College of Education, and Community Engagement & Volunteer Center. Find out more about the many opportunities JMU offers for students to gain awareness of and take action for environmental sustainability.