LSI and the LASSI

LSI utilizes the LASSI (Learning and Study Skills Inventory) to gather information about students’ strengths and weaknesses, as well as, to provide information regarding points of intervention.  Data were gathered from the past 2 years since implementing the LASSI as part of the LSI program. 

Students are given the LASSI during the first session, then take a post-test after approximately 4 visits.  For those students, the results suggest significant improvement in learning and study strategies over time.  Dependent samples t-tests revealed significant improvement in all areas assessed by the LASSI, with effect sizes ranging from 0.70 (Attitude) to 1.17 (Test Taking Strategies).  The largest effect sizes were associated with the most common strategies taught in LSI, such as test taking strategies, time management, information management (making information meaningful and storing in memory; studying, test-prep), and self-testing (self-regulation while studying) .  These significant, meaningful improvements reflect a strong association between the strategies commonly taught in LSI and targeted points of intervention and/or services students are seeking.

Graph depicting results of pre vs. post that is described in previous paragraph


GPA was used as a performance indictor to triangulate self-reported growth as measured by the LASSI.  A dependent-samples t-test was conducted to evaluate GPA changes prior to and after students participated in Learning Strategies Instruction.   Students with 2 or more LSI appointments throughout the year were selected.   There was an increase of GPA from previous semester of .51.  Results of the paired-samples t-test were significant, t(54) = 6.761, p <.0 01.  Cohen’s d was .91, which is a large to very large effect size, suggesting that LSI may have a significant impact on increasing students’ GPA. 


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