Investing the time to plan out your schedule in advance will save you a lot of time and stress in the long run—but you probably already know that. Here are some suggestions to get you started on improving your time management skills.

Start with a Bird's-Eye View: Create Your Master Schedule

  • Develop a master schedule to outline your typical routines
  • Put in activities that are mandatory and routine like classes, practice, working out, etc.
  • Create a goal for the amount of hours you would like to dedicate to school work (studying, reading, reviewing, etc.), then add a few more hours to this goal to create a buffer
  • Try to spread school work hours throughout the day whenever possible

Get More Detailed with a Weekly/Daily Planner

  • Write down appointments, classes, and meetings on a chronological log book or chart.
  • If you are more visual, sketch out your schedule
  • Check what's ahead for the day first thing in the morning
  • You'll sleep better knowing you're prepared for tomorrow
  • Printable Daily Planners
  • Printable Blank Weekly Schedule with Instructions for how to fill in a Weekly Schedule.  If you need some ideas to get you started, take a look at the 
  • Sample Weekly Schedule

Create To Do Lists

  • Use sticky notes or an task list app to identify and prioritize important items
  • Experience peace of mind knowing what's coming up on the horizon
  • Enjoy checking items off as you work through your list!

Other Time Management Strategies for Test Preparation

  • Plan where you will study. Instead of studying in one location, try alternating the room--it will help improve your retention.
  • Vary the type of material you study in a single session. There is evidence that doing so will leave a deeper impression on the brain than concentrating on just one subject at a time.
  • Space out the times you study a subject: this approach also improves later recall: an hour of study tonight, an hour on the weekend, another session a week from now. This strategy doesn't require additional study time or effort but does require planning and commitment!
  • Review the material during the same week when it is being covered in class. For example, if your class is covering Chapters 3 & 4 you should be reviewing those that week and not just before the test.
  • Don't wait for the weekend to do your school work, look for free times during the week.
  • Postpone unnecessary activities until your work is done. You'll enjoy fun activities even more if you don't have a test or paper hanging over your head.

Other Resources:

How to Improve Your Time Management Skills (7 Easy Ways)

LSS's Test-taking Strategies

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