NASPA Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education
NASPA works for the advancement, health, and sustainability of the student affairs profession. It serves a full range of professionals who provide programs, experiences, and services that cultivate student learning and success in concert with the mission of our colleges and universities. NASPA also has an Assessment Evaluation and Research Knowledge Community (AER KC), which encourages and supports student affairs professionals as they assess learning, evaluate programs, and conduct research. The NASPA AER KC offers a variety of resources and learning opportunities for student affairs practitioners. 

ACPA American College Personnel Association
ACPA provides outreach, advocacy, research, and professional development to foster college student learning within the student affairs profession and the higher education community. ACPA also has a Commission for Assessment and Evaluation (CAE) which promotes assessment skills and knowledge to facilitate and support student learning, development, and effective student affairs practice. ACPA’S CAE has a monthly newsletter, hosts webinars and offers a mentorship program for student affairs practitioners looking to improve their assessment skills and competencies. ACPA’s CAE also hosts the Annual ACPA Assessment Institute, a multi-day highly interactive institute with sequenced tracks for beginners new to assessment, student affairs practitioners and administrators. The institute aims to develops essential assessment knowledge and skills across the three tracks. 

SAAL Student Affairs Assessment Leaders
SAAL is a nonprofit organization that is committed to supporting and advancing critical conversations, resources and scholarly endeavors related to student affairs assessment. SAAL offers a plethora of resources, webinars and professional development opportunities related to outcomes assessment and hosts an annual Massive Open Online Course titled Applying and Leading Assessment in Student Affairs which is free to enroll in.  

NILOA National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment
The mission of the (NILOA) is to discover and disseminate ways that academic programs and institutions can productively use assessment data. JMU’s Excellence in Assessment Awards are from this organization. (note there are 2 that we won:

AIR Association of Institutional Research
The primary purpose of the Association is to support its members in the process of facilitating quality, data-informed decisions for the enhancement of higher education. AIR is the premier source of IR education and professional development, and is a respected voice for its leadership in institutional research and data policy issues.

NERA Northeastern Educational Research Association
NERA is an organization whose mission is to encourage and promote quality educational research and to create a venue for experienced and new researchers. NERA members come from all areas of education (e.g., academics, research and development, training and technical assistance agencies, public schools and state departments of education).

AERA American Educational Research Association
The American Educational Research Association (AERA), a national research society, strives to advance knowledge about education, to encourage scholarly inquiry related to education, and to promote the use of research to improve education and serve the public good.

NCHA National College Health Assessment
The American College Health Association’s (ACHA’s) National College Health Assessment (NCHA) is a biennial survey that assists JMU in collecting data on various health behaviors and perceptions various topics including alcohol/tobacco/drug use, sexual health, weight/nutrition/exercise, mental health, and personal safety/violence.

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