Mission: We are committed to providing exceptional customer service as we educate students about financial responsibility, provide support and payment options for students and their families, and protect the assets of the university with accurate and timely financial procedures.
Vision: Offering an excellent customer experience through superior customer service and the use of enhanced technology.
Office Contact Info:
- Phone: 540-568-6505
- Email: ubo@jmu.edu
Brandon Cline-Taskey
Wesley Breeden
Compliance Manager
Pam Connellee
Sara Price: Cashiering Supervisor
Dee Riddle: Lead Cashier
Nathan Ringle: Cash Accountant
Amanda Seward: Senior Cash Accountant
Account Specialists
Vilayvanh Khamphavong: Collections Supervisor
Brenda Huffman: Student Account Specialist (A-F)
Crystal Huffman: Student Account Specialist(G-M)
Renee Miller: Student Account Specialist (N-Z)
Customer Service/Billing
Paula Bennet: Customer Service Specialist
Vacant: Customer Service Specialist
Christal Marshall: Billing Specialist
Kent Dubler: Systems Coordinator
Carol Duff: Disbursements Coordinator
Cindi Sechler: Veterans' Funds Coordinator
Amanda Sokol: Athletics Specialist
Wesley Howdyshell: Compliance Specialist
Nathaniel Morris: Accounting Specialist