Refund Processing

James Madison University uses BankMobile Disbursements to handle the distribution of refunds and reimbursements to students and parents. Learn how to set up your refund preference on the BankMobile page. Please note that once a refund preference is set, it will take 3-5 business days for the funds to show up in your bank account. 

BankMobile Disbursements is a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. To view our contract, visit James Madison University: Client Contracts & Profile.

If you are receiving a refund that resulted from a credit card payment, the refund can only be credited back to the card used to make the original payment. The service fee charged to make the original payment is non-refundable.

Financial Aid Refunds

Grants, scholarships, and loans are credited to the student's account in the order received. 

Refunds will be issued after tuition, room, and board balances have been paid by aid

Expected installment payments and Expected VA529 Prepaid are not deducted from the account when determining credit balances for refunds. These amounts must be paid on the account before the credit can be refunded. 

Dropped Courses

Tuition charges can be reduced on courses dropped during the free drop period. Students should consult the appropriate schedule of classes for specific dates. 

Requests for refunds should be made to the University Business Office by emailing from your @dukes student email and should include the student ID number.

Personal payment refunds may be requested by the student 15 business days after the payment is posted to the student's account. The request must be made by letter, fax, or email to the University Business Office.

Tuition Overpayment by Personal Payments

When a student's account is overpaid by personal payments, the overage will be refunded to the student at the end of their time at JMU, or upon request. Personal overpayments will roll over to the next semester's charges if a refund is not requested.

Requests for refunds should be made to the University Business Office by emailing from your @dukes student email and should include the student ID number.

Personal payment refunds may be requested by the student 15 business days after the payment is posted to the student's account. The request must be made by letter, fax, or email to the University Business Office.

Withdrawal Refund

Withdrawing from the University is considered dropping all classes for a term.

The effective date of the withdrawal and any appropriate refund will be determined by the JMU Office of the Registrar.

Students should consult the University Catalog and the Registrar University withdrawal process for specific procedures.

Book Voucher
  • What is the Book Voucher and am I eligible?

    The Donald E. Gardner Book Voucher was created specifically for students who have a financial hardship and cannot purchase books during the first week of classes. To be eligible for a book voucher you must be receiving Title IV funds as part of your financial aid award and have enough guaranteed financial aid to pay the charges on your student account. Additionally, the Title IV funds must have been eligible for posting to your account 10 days prior to the semester. This loan is available to students from 10 days prior to the semester until the end of the add drop (7 days into the semester) and must be repaid within 90 days. 

  • What is the maximum book voucher I can get?

    The book voucher can be up to $500 or your expected refund amount, whichever is smaller. Grants and scholarships are automatically considered guaranteed, but student loans are only guaranteed once entrance counseling and the master promissory note are completed. 

  • How do I apply for a book voucher?

    To apply for the book voucher please complete the Book Voucher Application and bring it to the University Business Office with a photo ID.

  • How can I use the book voucher?

    Once your book voucher is approved, a charge will be placed on your student account and the book voucher funds will be put on your FLEX account. You can use your FLEX to pay for your books in-person. FLEX can be used at multiple locations to purchase textbooks (on and off-campus).  If you prefer to opt out of receiving the voucher funds via FLEX, then please contact our office to discuss alternatives.

  • How will the book voucher impact my financial aid refund?

    Your financial aid refund will be reduced by the amount of the book voucher. The book voucher is a short term advance of your financial aid. When the aid comes in the advance is repaid along with your normal charges and the remainder is refunded to you. The voucher will not impact the speed of your refund.

  • What happens if my student account balance changes?

    If you add a meal plan, enroll in additional classes or your charges increase some other way, you will be responsible for making sure that difference is paid. If your financial aid refund has not come through yet, this may happen automatically. If it has already been sent to you (or your book voucher was for the entire amount) you will need to make payment arrangements with the University Business Office.

  • I have other questions about the book voucher

    Any other questions about the book voucher can be answered by contacting the University Business Office - or 540-568-6505. See more at Financial-Aid-Refunds.

Please go to the Cost of Attendance Calculator to see the estimated cost of attendance for your program of study.

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