Faculty Emeritus, Professor
Year Started at JMU: 2001
Contact Info
Ph.D., English, Texas Christian University, 2002
M.A., Teaching, Mary Baldwin College, 1995
B.A., Middle East Studies, University of Virginia, 1987
Professional Focuses
Teaching writing and rhetoric, argumentation, first-year writing, and writing centers.
So What? The Writer's Argument, 3rd ed. With Laura Miller. New York: Oxford UP, 2021.
A Guide to Composition Pedagogies. 2nd ed. Ed. with Gary Tate, Amy Rupiper Taggart, & H. Brooke Hessler. Oxford UP, 2014.
"What Is Composition Pedagogy?" With Amy Rupiper Taggart & H. Brooke Hessler. A Guide to Composition Pedagogies. 2nd ed. 1-19.
"Writing in Action: Scholarly Writing Groups as Faculty Development." With Lincoln Gray, Cindy Hunter, Nancy Poe, & Karen Santos. Journal on Centers for Teaching & Learning 3 (2011): 43-63.
"Citation Obsession? Get Over It!" The Chronicle of Higher Education. 4 Nov. 2011: A96.
"The Idea of a Writing Center Course." With Olivia Mankowski, Karen McDonnell, Tiffany Bryant, Alicia Wendt, & Michael Moghtader. WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship. 34.9/10 (2010): 1-6.
"Through Glasses Half Full." WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship. 33.3 (2008): 1-4.