Major and Minor Advisors
After you declare WRTC as a major, you will be assigned to WRTC Professor Jay Varner (varnerjs@jmu.edu), who serves as WRTC's New Major Advisor. Professor Varner will guide you in selecting courses and choosing a track to pursue in the major. After you complete WRTC 200, you'll be assigned to an advisor who specializes in your selected track. You can check your Student Center in MyMadison to see your academic advisor(s).
After you declare WRTC as a minor, you'll be assigned to WRTC Professor Shelley Aley (aleysb@jmu.edu), who serves as WRTC's Minor Advisor. Dr. Aley can help you plan your WRTC minor core courses and elective opportunities.
WRTC Course Offerings
Advising Checklists for 22-23 and Earlier
If you have just declared your WRTC major, contact WRTC New Major Advisor Jay Varner (varnerjs@jmu.edu).
If you have declared your WRTC major and have completed WRTC 200, check your Student Center in MyMadison to see your WRTC major advisor and their contact information.
If you have declared your WRTC minor, contact WRTC Minor Advisor Shelley Aley (aleysb@jmu.edu).
Contact WRTC Director of Undergraduate Studies Cynthia Martin (marti2cs@jmu.edu, 540/568-8138) with any additional concerns.