We accept submissions from young scholars in the Writing, Rhetoric and Technical Communication (WRTC) program at JMU as well as from students in comparable, stand-alone programs across the United States. We also welcome and encourage submissions from first-year writers. 

Submissions are accepted during the fall semester of each academic year, and each new issue is published near the end of the spring semester.

Why submit?

  • A chance to be published in a peer-reviewed journal
  • An opportunity to start a dialogue with other student writers
  • Exposure in a national undergraduate journal
  • Bragging rights
  • Feedback from a dedicated team of editors

Incomplete submissions will not be reviewed.

Please submit alphabetic text essays in MLA or APA style. Include a "References" or "Works Cited" page with multimodal submissions.

We are happy to accept the following file types: 

  • Audio: .mp3 or .wav
  • Word: .docx or .doc
  • Images: .jpeg or .png
  • Videos: link to YouTube or Vimeo
  • Website: link

Submissions are now closed for this year. We will start accepting submissions again in August 2025.

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