Lecturer and Disciplinary Writing Coordinator - University Writing Center
Year Started at JMU: 2024
Contact Info
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Ph.D., Composition and Rhetoric, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2024
M.A., Professional and Technical Writing, University of Arkansas, Little Rock, 2018
B.A., English, Kent State University, 2015
Professional Focuses
Writing across the curriculum, writing center pedagogy, linguistic justice, justice-centered collaborations across campus, community engagement methodologies
She is the Disciplinary Writing Coordinator for the University Writing Center, where she oversees outreach and course embedded consultants with the goal to support students and faculty in their writing in all disciplines across campus. Her research focuses on methods for centering linguistic justice in collaborating across disciplines in writing pedagogy and practice.
Peer Reviewed Publications
Bouza, E. (2023). (Re)defining WAC to guide a linguistic justice ideological change across campuses. The WAC Journal, 34(1), 64–82. https://doi.org/10.37514/WAC-J.2023.34.1.05
Bouza, E. (2021). Review of Theories and methods of writing center research: A practical guide, edited by Jo Mackiewicz and Rebecca Day Babcock. Writing Center Journal, 39(1), 413–418. https://doi.org/10.7771/2832-9414.1973
Bouza, E., Cheng, E., Jentsch, A., and Preston, R. (Under Review). Catching Up to an Idealistic Worldview: An Examination of Writing Fellows’ Impacts on Faculty Language Ideologies.
Special Issue Editor
Tucker, K. and Bouza, E. Special Issue: Enacting Linguistic Justice in/through Writing Centers, The Peer Review, 2024.
Selected Public-Facing Publications
"Disciplinary Writing Interviews and the Need for Linguistic Justice Across Professions." With Engl 201 Class: Abbott, Coller Contractor, Doan, Eble, Fulton, Gall, Garelick, Gunaratnam, Harris, Ju, Kwan, Lee, Lor, Majidi, McCormack, Olezczuk, Robinson, and Zukerman, Another Word: A Blog from the Writing Center at the University of Wisconsin Madison, December 2022.
"Assigning Writing in Large Classes." Locally Sourced: Writing Across the Curriculum Sourcebook, Spring 2022.
"Translingualism: An Alternative to Restrictive Language Ideologies," with Keli Tucker and Tim Cavnar, Another Word: A Blog from the Writing Center at the University of Wisconsin Madison, October 2020.