Adjunct Instructor
Contact Info
Ph.D., Writing and Rhetoric, George Mason University, ongoing
M.A., Writing, Rhetoric and Technical Communication, James Madison University, 2020
B.A., Writing, Rhetoric and Technical Communication, James Madison University, 2015
Professional Focuses
Writing studies, rhetorical studies, transfer of learning, writing threshold concepts, first-year writing, pedagogy, course design.
Selected Publications and Professional Activities
De Hertogh, L. B., Novotny, M., Harper, K., Evans, B., Meador, P., Palmer, M., Phlegar, J., & Smith, M. (2020). An annotated bibliography of rhetorics of reproductive justice. Reflections: A Journal of Community-Engaged Writing and Rhetoric, 20(2), 26-59.
2023 MLA Institutes on Reading and Writing Pedagogy at George Mason University, 2023. Accepted to MLA’s summer institute in Fairfax, VA, focusing on transparency in learning and teaching and access-oriented institutions.
Committee Member/Reader for Master's Thesis, 2022. Advised and acted as a reader for Arta Sejdiu's thesis titled "Developing Students' Rhetorical and Genre Awareness in First-Year Writing Classrooms."
Writing Innovation Symposium, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2023. Presenter, “Writing as Being” applies Robert Yagelski’s discussion about writing as ontological work to scholarship work.
CCCCs Teacher-to-Teacher. Online, 2022. Presenter, "Teaching-for-Transfer in FYW: Strategies and Techniques."
International Writing Center Association Annual Conference, Columbus, Ohio, 2019. Presenter, "Ecology and the Writing Center."