Associate Professor
Year Started at JMU: 2000
Contact Info
Ph.D., English, Ohio State University, 1983
M.A., English, Ohio State University, 1981
A.B., English, University of Michigan, 1971
Professional Focuses
Contemporary American rhetorical practice, including the theory and practice of leadership and professionalism and approaches to articulating personal and professional futures
"'I've Gotten a Lot of Sympathy and That's Not What I'm Looking For': Epistemic and Ontological Violence in Writing as Healing Pedagogies." With Cathryn Molloy. In Violence in the Work of Composition (eds. Fleckenstein and Gage). Utah State University Press (2022): 114-129. Print.
"Affective Writing Toward Feasible Futures: Helping Students Envision Triumph, Trauma, and Everything in Between." With Cathryn Molloy. In Preserving Emotion in Student Writing: Innovation in Composition Pedagogy, ed. Craig Wynne, in the Peter Lang series, "Writing in the 21st Century: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Instruction, Practice, and Theory." New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Oxford, Wien (2021): 105-15. Print.
“The Gravity of Self-Conscious Awareness.” Essay in Terry Rodgers: Sweet Illusion. Torch Books. Lisse, NL. 2019. Print.
Op-ed in the Columbus Dispatch, “Qube was grand experiment with short shelf life” (12/9/17). Print and Online.
Essays on Terry Rodgers in various publications, including “Unseen,” “Summer Daze,” and “Interview” (2016). Print.
“It’s Not About American Football: Tony Dungy’s Journey of Self-Emancipation from Rejected Black Quarterback to Celebrated African American Coach.” Revista de Humanidades. Sept.-Dec., 2014. Seville, Spain. Print and web.
“Terry Rodgers’ Approximations” in Approximations of the Sublime. Catalogue. Brussels, Belgium, 2013.
Terror to the End: The Last Day in the Life of Charles Dickens in His Own Words (More or Less). Revised script of one-man play, with a new “Introduction.” 2012. Print.
Review of book on T.S. Eliot (G. Douglas Atkins’s Reading T.S. Eliot) in Time Present (The Newsletter of the T.S. Eliot Society)
“A Translucent Superficiality Most Profound” in Novel, a U.K. publication.
"Alain-Fournier and the Tutoring of Tom Eliot" in Time Present (The Newsletter of the T.S. Eliot Society) 73, Spring 2011. Print.
“Re-mediating Terry Rodgers.” Introductory critical essay in The Fluid Geometries of Illusion. Amsterdam, 2011.
“Virtual Writing as Actual Leadership.” Chapter in Handbook of Research on Virtual Workplaces and the New Nature of Business Practices. Edited by Pavel Zemliansky and Kirk St. Amant. Hershey: IGI Global, 2008. Print.
The Art of Collecting. A publication of Keny Galleries on the occasion of their 25th anniversary, “With the assistance of James R. Zimmerman.” Columbus, Ohio, 2005.
Vectors of Desire: Terry Rodgers’ Vision of the American Millennial Moment. Lincoln: iUniverse/Standing Watch Press, 2004. Print.
With Dr. Traci A. Pipkins. “Walking the Fine Line: Balancing Assessment Politics with Writing Pedagogy” Chapter in Research Writing Revisited: A Sourcebook for Teachers. Edited by Pavel Zemliansky and Wendy Bishop. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook Heinemann Press, 2004. Print.
“Sun and Shadow in Little Dorrit.” The Dickensian, Summer 1987.
“The French Lieutenant’s Woman: Book, Movie, & Screenplay.” The Ohio Journal, Spring 1982.
Dozens of newspaper and magazine pieces, including book reviews in publications in Michigan, Ohio, and West Virginia (1972-1999).
Additional Work
The Communication Effectiveness Handbook, Rodgers & Associates, multiple editions 2003-11, co-authored with Estelle Rodgers.
“Seven Solos” (recorded collection of short fiction), 2001, Zone 8 Studios.
“It’s Not Important” (short story), Enigma, Fall 2001.
“Poems” (ms. received Honorable Mention for Poetry Collection, West Virginia Writers’ Competition, 2000).
He Never Knew What Hit Him (ms. received Honorable Mention for Novel, West Virginia Writers’ Competition, 2000).
Terror to the End. Wrote, directed, and produced audio recording, 1996.
An Inappropriate Life (ms. received Honorable Mention for Novel, West Virginia Writers’ Competition, 1996).
With A Bang (poetry chapbook). Clintonville Design Associates. Columbus: 1976.
“Spirits of the Winter Wind.” Commissioned work for musicians, dancers, and voices. Performed with The Olu Makinde Dance Ensemble at The Columbus Museum of Art. Columbus: February, 1976.