We are an inclusive academic community committed to excellence in the pursuit and dissemination of knowledge.  We advance intellectual and creative discovery through transformative learning experiences that positively impact our lives and communities. 

Bob Kolvoord
Dr. Bob Kolvoord
Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

A Message from the Interim Provost

Dear Colleagues,

Happy New Year and welcome back! I hope you each got some well-deserved rest and relaxation over the winter break. I’m trying to contain my delight at some proper winter weather, although that early January snow was heavy to shovel – I think we might be out of practice after the last couple of winters!?!

I know you’re excited to start the new term, and we’ve got a great slate of accomplishments by your colleagues to start us off.

I look forward to hearing more about teaching and scholarship highlights and other accomplishments for you and your colleagues this year. Please email provost@jmu.edu so we can continue to showcase your work.



Have Question for the Provost?

Academic Affairs faculty and staff can use the options below to contact the provost directly.

This is an open line of communication allowing faculty and staff to ask questions, but it is not a substitute from the crucial interactions they have with their academic unit head, department head and dean.

Students should contact AcademicQuestions@jmu.edu with questions.

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