Updated February 20, 2025 

View the latest status update for the university. 

See below for Academic Affairs operations in response to inclement weather. Faculty and students should communicate directly regarding individual classes. 

University Closings

When JMU is closed, on-campus classes - with the few exceptions noted - will not meet.

  • NOTE: On-campus clinicals and some labs may meet when JMU is closed. Students should be in touch with their instructors to verify their clinical and lab start times. 

Online classes may meet as scheduled.

No other Harrisonburg-based, in-person classes or labs may be held while the university is closed; closures for classes in other locations will align with the local school district or organization in which the class is facilitated.

When the university is closed, faculty may not require students to attend events, classes and labs other than those noted above, or any other functions on campus.  

University Delays

When JMU’s opening is delayed, on-campus classes - with the few exceptions noted here - that begin prior to the opening time of the university will not meet. On-campus classes that begin at the next standard starting time will meet as usual.     

  • Note: On-campus clinicals and some labs that begin prior to the delay may begin when JMU opens. Students should be in touch with their instructors to verify their clinical and lab start times. 

Online classes may meet as scheduled.

No other Harrisonburg-based, in-person classes or labs may be held while the university is closed; closures for classes in other locations will align with the local school district or organization in which the class is facilitated.

When the university is closed, faculty may not require students to attend events, classes and labs other than those noted above, or any other functions on campus. 

University Early Closings

When JMU closes early, all on-campus classes must end at or by the university’s published closing time. On-campus classes - with the few exceptions noted here - that begin after the published closing time will not meet. The official university message and status page will specify the last starting time for on-campus classes.

  • Note: On-campus clinicals and some labs that begin after or extend beyond the official closing time may still meet. Students should be in touch with their instructors to verify their clinical and lab start times. 

Online classes may meet as scheduled.

No other Harrisonburg-based, in-person classes or labs may be held while the university is closed; closures for classes in other locations will align with the local school district or organization in which the class is facilitated.

When the university is closed, faculty may not require students to attend events, classes and labs other than those noted above, or any other functions on campus. 

Class Meeting Schedule

 Standard Class Meeting Times

Making Up Classes

Faculty members have several options for making up missed instructional time, including but not limited to:

  • Incorporate the course content missed on that day into other classes throughout the semester.
  • Hold class at a time acceptable to all class members other than the regularly scheduled time. Time and location will be arranged by the academic unit.
  • Prepare the lecture asynchronously and allow the students to review the lecture in a reasonable amount of time.
  • Provide students with alternate assignments that can be completed through electronic means.
  • Hold class through electronic means, with the understanding that there may be no academic support services from IT or the Libraries. Students who are not able to attend class virtually, due to lack of internet, living situation, etc. must not be penalized for missing class.

Individual instructors will determine the option for making up class time. Students should contact their instructors with questions specific to their class.

Spring 2025 Official Makeup Days

The official university makeup days for Spring 2025 missed class meetings are listed below.

Missed Class Day  Make Up Day
Feb. 20  March 29
Feb. 19  March 8
Feb. 12  March 1
Feb. 11  Feb. 22


Questions and More Information

Students should contact their instructors with questions specific to individual classes.

You can also email AcademicQuestions@jmu.edu with more general class-related questions.

See University Policy 1309 for more details on JMU’s responses to inclement weather.


Faculty with religious or cultural observances on a planned makeup day will be accommodated and may make other arrangements. 

Faculty are required to give reasonable and appropriate accommodations to students requesting them, as stated in the Faculty Handbook, III.A.17. 


This information is current for Spring 2025 and supersedes any previous guidance related to closings. 

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