There are no current issues to report
For emergencies, call 911 or contact campus police at 540-568-6911.
- Road conditions in Virginia
- National Weather Service
- Harrisonburg Transit Information
- JMU Police Department
- JMU Policy 1309 - Closings, Class Cancellations and Exam Postponements Due to Inclement Weather or Emergencies
- Academic Affairs - Class Meetings During Inclement Weather
About this page:
The safety of the community is the top priority of James Madison University. In times of inclement weather or other situations affecting campus operations, it may be necessary for the university to close or delay opening.
Decisions altering the university’s normal schedule or operations are made with considerable consultation from many university departments. As decisions are made, the university will communicate them to students, faculty, staff, and the community immediately using a variety of alerts, including JMU Shield messages, informational banners on, this status page, and on official university social media channels.