James Madison University has the honor of employing some of the world’s foremost experts on a wide variety of topics.
Members of the Media: We hope you use this resource in your research on trending topics. Experts listed below have extensive media experience and each brings a unique perspective and expertise to their fields. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, let us know and we’ll work to help you find a source.
For all media inquiries, to include university administration and faculty expert interview requests, please contact Chad Saylor at saylorcx@jmu.edu or Eric Gorton at gortonej@jmu.edu.
Faculty and staff: This is an evolving, living list. If you would like to nominate yourself or a colleague for inclusion, please contact Eric Gorton at gortonej@jmu.edu.
Featured current events experts:
The table below is best viewed at horizontal orientation on your device.
Last Name | First Name | Fields | Expertise |
Akers | Jeremy | Health & Medicine | Nutrition and Metabolism; Nutrition and Exercise in Chronic Disease; Weight Management |
Alexander | Rob | Politics & Policy, Law & Policy, Business, Sustainability & Environment | Environmental and climate change policy; Local government management; Public-private partnerships; Sustainable communities |
Almarode | John | Education | Science of Learning |
Almjeld | Jen | Social Sciences | Girlhood Studies; Feminist Methodologies; Identity Performances; Digital Rhetorics |
Altaii | Karim | Sustainability & Environment, Education, Engineering & Technology | Renewable Energy Applications; International Education and Programs; Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning |
Barnett | Brad | Business | Financial Aid in College |
Baxter | Philip | Politics & Policy | International Security; Geopolitics; Nuclear Weapons and Proliferation; Emerging Technology; Data Mining and Modeling; Open-Source Intelligence Collection |
Bentley | Mace | Natural Science | Climate Change (geoscience); Geography; Weather |
Bergmeister | Suzanne | Business | Startups; venture capital/angel investing; social entrepreneurship |
Birch | Caitlin | Education, Digital Media Technologies | Special collections; Digital archives and digital preservation; Oral history |
Blake | Charles | Politics & Policy | Latin America; Dynamics of Corruption |
Blackstone | Bethany | Law & Policy, Politics & Policy | Supreme Court’s role in American policymaking; Development of legal rules in the U.S. courts of appeals; American Government; U.S. Congress; Judicial Politics; Constitutional Law |
Blankenship | Ben | Social Sciences, Politics & Policy, Health & Medicine | Social Identity; Political Psychology; Stigma; Prejudice and Stereotypes; LGBTQ Psychology |
Bollinger | Chelsey | Education | Literacy Education; Technology Integration; Writing Instruction in Elementary Schools; K-12 Professional Development |
Bortolot | Zack | Engineering & Technology, Journalism & Media | Satellite and aerial imagery; Image processing |
Brannon | Rebecca | Social Sciences | American Revolution; America's Founding; American Loyalists |
Britt | Lori | Social Sciences | Facilitative Leadership; Dialogue and Deliberation |
Chen | Jie | Politics & Policy, Social Sciences | Chinese politics; Chinese society; Higher Education in the U.S. |
Choshi | Modjadji | Health & Medicine | Cardiovascular disease in rural women; Social Determinants of Health |
Coates | Tabitha | Business, Social Sciences, Education | Meaning of Work; Generation Y; Phenomenology; Organization Development |
Cohen | Marty | Politics & Policy | Political Parties; Moral issues in politics |
Coleman | Santo | Health & Medicine, Social Sciences | Men’s health; Masculinity/toxic masculinity; Fatherhood relationships; Adolescent health; Obesity; Bioethics; Diversity in education |
Danzell | Orlandrew | Politics & Policy, Law & Policy | International/domestic terrorism; Military interventions; conflict in Africa; Intelligence Theory/ Anti-Money Laundering |
De Hertogh | Lori-Beth | Health & Medicine, Social Sciences | Rhetorics of Health and Medicine; Feminist Rhetorics |
Dean | Art | Social Sciences, Education | Diversity in education; Access and Inclusion in Higher Education |
Depaolis | Rory | Health & Medicine | Infant Language Development; Speech and Hearing Science |
Eaton | Melody | Health & Medicine | Health policy; Politics and nursing practice; Nursing education |
El-Tawab | Samy | Engineering & Technology | Intelligent Transportation; Computer Networks; Internet of Things; Cyber Physical Systems; Cybersecurity |
Enke | Ray | Natural Science, Health & Medicine, Education | Genomics; Molecular Biology; Vision Research; Epigenetics; Undergraduate Research |
Fagan | Allison | Arts & Culture, Civil Rights | Chicanx and Latinx Literature; Race and Ethnicity |
Featherstone | Jared | Health & Medicine, Education | Mindfulness; Writing and Learning |
Feitosa | Klebert | Natural Science | Soft Materials; Complex Fluids; Glassy Dynamics; Amorphous Systems |
Ferraiolo | Kathleen | Politics & Policy | Moral issues in politics; Abortion policy; Direct democracy (ballot measures) |
Fink | Jason | Business | Risk Management; Portfolio Management; Market Dynamics; Personal Finance |
Frana | Philip | Social Sciences | Software and Information Studies; Computing and Culture; Individualized and Interdisciplinary Education |
Frysinger | Steven | Natural Science, Engineering & Technology, Sustainability & Environment, Social Sciences | Environmental Information and Decision Support Systems; Interaction Design; Human Computer Interfaces; Human Factors Engineering; Environmental Systems Engineering; Role of Science in 18th and 19th Century Life |
Gano-Overway | Lori | Social Sciences, Education | Sport & Exercise Psychology; Coaching Education |
Garcia | Angel | Natural Science | Caves; Ethnogeology; Community-based research |
Gerken | Tobias | Sustainability & Environment, Natural Science | Climate Change (environment); Weather; Air Pollution |
Goetschius | John | Health & Medicine | Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation; Knee & Ankle Joint Injuries; Blood Flow Restriction (BFR); Youth Sport Specialization |
Good | Megan | Social Sciences, Education | Educational Assessment; Accreditation; Value of Higher Education |
Guo | John | Engineering & Technology, Business | Behavioral Cybersecurity; Social Media Innovation; Cross-Cultural Technology Adoption; Gamification; Sustainable IT |
Hargens | Trent | Health & Medicine | Physical activity and exercise; Exercise in individuals with chronic disease; Sleep quality and health; Clinical exercise physiology |
Harvell-Bowman | Lindsey | Social Sciences | Suicide and Mental Health ; Death; Existential Psychology |
Henry | Dayna | Health & Medicine, Social Sciences | Sexual Health; Relationship Health; Preventing Sexual Assault |
Herrick | James | Natural Science, Health & Medicine | Environmental microbiology; Microbial genomics |
Hilliard | Rich | Journalism & Media, Digital Media Technologies, Arts & Culture | Illustration; Animation; Pop Culture |
Ittefaq | Muhammad | Journalism & Media | Climate change (communicating); Mis/disinformation; Health communication; AI, conspiracy theories and trust; Fake news and journalism; Media literacy and science literacy |
Jones | David | Politics & Policy | Media and Politics |
Kaussler | Bernd | Politics & Policy | Iran; Middle Eastern Policy; International Security; Terrorism |
Kilby | Christina | Social Sciences, Politics & Policy | Religion and the Refugee Crisis; Buddhism; Tibet and the Dalai Lama |
Kim | Tony | Business | Food Safety/Sanitation; Hotel and Restaurant Cleanliness; Consumer perceptions/behavior in food service industry |
Kirkpatrick | Michael S. | Engineering & Technology | Computing Ethics; Information Security & Privacy; Women in Computing |
Kirkpatrick | David | Politics & Policy | Religion and Politics; Global Violence in the History of American Christianity |
Klein | Michael | Health & Medicine, Arts & Culture, Journalism & Media, Social Sciences | Medical Humanities; Technology in Popular Culture; Technical Communication; Scientific Rhetoric |
Kondrad | Robyn | Education | Young children’s social information processing; Preschooler learning; Scholarship of teaching and learning |
Kozak | Stephen | Business | Sales; Marketing |
Kruggel | John | Business | Economic and personal finance education; Sports economics |
Kurtz | Jaime | Social Sciences | Happiness; Travel |
Kush | Joseph | Social Sciences | Survey Data; Educational Assessment |
LaPira | Tim | Politics & Policy | American Politics; Interest Groups and Lobbying |
Leduc | Laura | Business, Law & Policy | Human Resources; Employment Law; Effect of Personal Traits on the Workplace |
Levinovitz | Alan | Health & Medicine, Social Sciences | Religion and Medicine; Religion and Science; Classical Chinese Thought; Persuasion |
Lukens | Bill | Natural Science | Earth systems and climate change |
Lupo | Sarah | Education | Literacy across disciplines K-12; science of reading |
Mason | Marianne | Social Sciences | Forensic Linguistics; Discourse Analysis; Game Theoretic Pragmatics |
Mathur | Smita | Education | Play; School Readiness for Young Migrant Children |
May | Christine | Natural Science | Freshwater ecology; Conservation biology |
McKay | Cathy | Education, Social Sciences | Parasport education and awareness; Health and Physical Education Teacher Education; Contact theory and social inclusion; Changing attitudes and perceptions toward disability |
McMullen | Conley | Natural Science | Pollination biology; Plant systematics |
McNaught | John | Social Sciences, Education | Self-Determination; Special Education Program Improvement; Students with disabilities; Classroom/Behavior Management; Inclusive Practices |
Merkel | Julia | Arts & Culture | Library & Museum Collections; Book Arts |
Miles | Jonathan | Sustainability & Environment | Wind and Solar Energy |
Mollica | Jason | Journalism & Media | Evolution of sports coverage; Crisis communication; Strategic communication campaigns; News as information; News media bias |
Nash | Carole | Social Sciences, Natural Science | Middle Atlantic Archaeology; Human Ecology; Citizen Science |
Nelson | Hala | Engineering & Technology | Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Data Science; Mathematical Modeling |
Nowviskie | Bethany | Social Sciences, Engineering & Technology, Education | Digital Humanities; Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Digital libraries and museums; Open access and scholarly publishing |
Parker | Rocky | Natural Science, Health & Medicine | Chemical Ecology; Animal Behavior; Invasive Species; Endocrinology; Reptiles |
Parker | Janna | Business | Retailing; Digital Marketing; Advertising; Nonprofit Marketing |
Parrish | Alex | Social Sciences, Natural Science | Classical Rhetoric; Animal Studies; Rhetoric of Science |
Pattie | Marshall | Business | Human resources trends; Managing employees; Trending management topics |
Peterson | David | Business | Employee creativity and innovation; Leadership; Teams; Organizational psychology |
Pyle | Eric | Natural Science, Education | Geology; Science Education; Earth Phenomena |
Riden | Benjamin | Education, Business | Special Education (General Curriculum); Behavior Analysis; Classroom Management; Teacher Preparation |
Rosier | Jennie | Social Sciences | Communication in Interpersonal Relationships; Parent-Child Communication; Attachment; Romance and Love; Marriage |
Rout | Ayasakanta | Health & Medicine | Signal processing in hearing aids; Speech perception in individuals with hearing loss |
Rutherford | Ken | Politics & Policy | International Peacekeeping; International Security; African Politics; Conventional Weapons |
Salman | Ahmad | Engineering & Technology | Network Security; Cyber Physical Systems; Internet of Things; Post-Quantum Cryptography; Efficient Cryptographic Algorithms; Hardware Design of Cryptographic Functions; Energy and Power Analysis |
Salvatore | Jessica | Social Sciences | Intergroup Relations; Social Stigmas |
Saunders | Mike | Health & Medicine | Exercise Science |
Scherpereel | John | Politics & Policy | European Union; Eastern Europe; Women in Politics |
Schill | Dan | Politics & Policy, Journalism & Media | Media and Politics; Campaigns; Political Stagecraft |
Schubert | Carolyn | Education, Journalism & Media | Information literacy; Academic libraries; Mis/disinformation; Information behaviors |
Selznick | Benjamin | Education | Applied Learning; Organizational Leadership in Higher education |
Seth | Michael | Politics & Policy, Education, Business, Social Sciences | Korea; North Korea; East Asia; Comparative Education; Economic Development; World History |
Shanahan | Maureen | Arts & Culture, Social Sciences, Civil Rights | Twentieth Century Art History; Trauma Studies (legacy of World War I); Gender; Sexuality; Race and Anti-colonial Analyses |
Smalls | Morgan | Social Sciences, Digital Media Technologies, Arts & Culture | Communication and culture; Digital Media; African American representation in popular culture; Black female stereotypes in media; Contemporary television shows |
Snyder | Sara | Education, Health & Medicine | Classroom Management; Individualized Behavior Interventions for Children; Students with Disabilities |
Soenksen | Ginny | Social Sciences, Arts & Culture | Museums; Japanese art; Japanese culture |
Stevens | Emily | Health & Medicine | Obesity management |
Sturm | Debbie | Sustainability & Environment | Climate anxiety |
Temple | April | Health & Medicine | Gerontology; Long-term care; U.S. health care system; Health care leadership |
Timler | Geralyn | Health & Medicine | Social Communication Development and Disorders in Children and Adolescents; Social Communication Assessment and Intervention; Autism; ADHD; Language Disorders |
Tokman | Mert | Business | Global supply chain management; International logistics; Business to business marketing |
Trocchia | Michael | Arts & Culture | Philosophy of Literature and Poetry |
Upadhyay | Sri | Social Sciences | Cognitive processes in reading and language; Readers' comprehension and memory for text; Discourse processing and digital communication |
Vanhove | Adam | Health & Medicine, Business | Employee Resilience and Preventative Mental Health; Employment Discrimination; Followership and Leader and Follower Relations |
Vaziri | Baback | Business, Education | Analytics (Business); Ranking Methods; Analytics (Sports); Analytics (Higher Education); Academic Motivation |
Vidal | George | Health & Medicine, Education | Developmental neurobiology; Neurodevelopmental disorders; Undergraduate Research |
Wei | Xuebin | Engineering & Technology, Natural Science, Politics & Policy, Law & Policy | Machine Learning; Cloud Computing; GIS; Data Mining and Modeling; Transportation |
Weniger | Jerry | Health & Medicine | Orthopedics & sports medicine; Musculoskeletal imaging; Physician assistant (PA) education and admissions; Medical malpractice |
Woodstock | Zev | Engineering & Technology | Data Science; Image and signal processing; Algorithmic theory and development |
Wrenn | Greg | Sustainability & Environment, Natural Science, Health & Medicine, Arts & Culture | Environmental Literature and Climate Change; Coral Reefs ; Nature as a Mental Health Resource; LGBT Literature; Creative Writing (Poetry and Memoir) |
Yanacek | Holly | Arts & Culture, Health & Medicine, Natural Science, Social Sciences | German Literature and Culture; History of Emotions; Human/Animal Studies; Robots and AI in Fiction; Historical Semantics |
Zaman | Sojib | Health & Medicine | Non-communicable diseases; Maternal and child health; Sexual and reproductive health; Health systems in developing countries |
Zeman | Catherine | Natural Science, Sustainability & Environment, Health & Medicine | Environmental epidemiology and toxicology; Environment and health relationship; Complementary Alternative and Integrative Health |