Serving the community gets you ready.
Success matters to Jordan Pratt. Pratt points to her leadership mindset as a form of intellectual money in the bank, noting that she has gained much of it through her different JMU community service initiatives.

Jordan Pratt - Class of 2023
Major: Finance
Minor: Entrepreneurship
Hometown: Salem, Virginia
High School: Salem High
Highlights: JMU cheerleading team member; community service work while at JMU has included Relay For Life organizing and fundraising, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, diversity book drives, adopt-a-highway clean-ups; praises JMU for providing the resources and support whenever she needed them.
Q&A With Jordan
Sounds as if you’ve done a lot of community service.
Being in many different organizations at JMU, I have had the opportunity to do many different community service experiences. For example, I’m on the JMU cheerleading team and through that I’ve been able to do a lot of things with JMU Athletics. We’ve done diversity book drives and we’ve done Big Brothers/Big Sisters.

What else?
Through Pi Sigma Epsilon, my co-ed business fraternity, we’ve done Adopt-A-Highway and also Relay For Life is our big initiative. So for my three years in Relay For Life, I was able to do the event here at JMU and raise hundreds of dollars throughout different Facebook campaigns, and then go to the event that runs until 2 a.m. or 3 a.m. We do a bunch of things throughout that event to participate in the fight against cancer, which is really important to me. I feel lucky to have had those experiences here.
Have your classes helped, too?
I’ve learned a lot of useful things that I know will pay off in my career, and a lot of different workshops that especially the College of Business has put on that have prepared me for being a professional and being workplace-ready.
Are you ready for what’s next?
I think JMU has prepared me in many different ways through the organizations that I’ve been a part of here. I’ve gotten a lot of leadership experience, so that will definitely help me in the real world.
What’s next for you?
I’ll be working in financial advising and wealth management at Merrill Lynch in Charlotte, North Carolina. Going into my junior year, I took an internship there to see if I would like it and like the area and I fell in love with it. Luckily, I received a fulltime offer for after graduation, so I’ll be heading back there the first of July.
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