Saturday, March 29, 2025 | 9am-2pm | Madison Union/Taylor Hall
Please join us for our conference featuring nearly 50 students presenting outstanding examples of undergraduate scholarship in the humanities, social science, and communications fields.
Call for Proposals
The JMU Arts & Letters Undergraduate Research Conference seeks undergraduate research and/or creative works in written, poster, or multi-media formats from any humanities, social science, or communication discipline.
How to apply
Interested students should submit a 150-word project or presentation abstract to no later than 5:00pm on Wednesday, February 19, 2025. Abstracts should be word files and include author, major, institution, and title of the presentation. Abstracts should also indicate the preferred type of presentation: paper, whole panel, or poster. Those opting for a paper should plan a 15-minute oral presentation that could (but does not need to) include a PowerPoint or other visual display. Those opting for panel should include 3-4 papers on a related topic. Please include author, major, institution, and title for all panelists. Those selecting poster should prepare a poster to display.
View the full Call For Proposals as a PDF
Best Paper Prizes
The top three papers will receive monetary prizes—1st place: $100; 2nd place: $75; 3rd place: $50. To be eligible for the prizes, your completed paper, poster (digital file), or presentation must be submitted by Monday, March 3. Winners will be announced at the conference.
JMU students who have been accepted to present at the conference are invited to submit their completed project for publication consideration in the James Madison Undergraduate Research Journal.
View last year's program as a PDF.
Questions? Contact Melinda Adams.