The James Madison Undergraduate Research Journal seeks to promote, publish, and share the research, scholarship, and intellectual work that undergraduate students produce in and between their different fields of study across James Madison University in all their different genres and media.
We value your countless hours in the field, lab, and library databases. We also value your design, digital scholarship, investigative journalism, case study, policy brief, business plan, statistical analysis, empirical project, elaboration on a mathematical sequence, or researched recital or performance, and other creative projects based in scholarship. If you’ve written, designed, built, performed, or created it at JMU, it falls under the big JMURJ umbrella.
Click here for our text-based and media-based submission guidelines.
Should I / Can I Submit, and other FAQs
If you've already graduated, know that we've accepted and then published submissions from JMU undergraduates a year and more since they were last in a classroom. If you're new to JMU, know that we've accepted and then published submissions by JMU freshmen. We screen, review, and publish submissions on a rolling basis:
- The sooner you send us your work, the sooner we can begin acting on your submission. Our JMURJ Editorial Board operates at full strength during the academic year, but our skeleton crew monitors our email inbox during breaks.
- This means you'll get speedier feedback on your work from the JMURJ Editorial Board and our team of JMURJ Faculty Reviewers.
- It also means that you can say more sooner about the status of your submission on your résumé, CV, cover letter, personal statement, or application.
Check out our Frequently Asked Questions page for more information or contact the JMURJ Editorial Board at jmurj@jmu.edu.
Why Submit to JMURJ?
- Share your work! Your professor has seen your research and scholarship, but a wider audience awaits. Share your work across campus, extend it into your academic field, and find your larger audience through JMURJ. Publications on the JMURJ Scholarly Commons platform are indexed in Google Scholar and appear in scholarly searches.
- Refine your work through our editing process. JMURJ is a peer-reviewed journal with a Faculty Review Board that reads and responds to submissions. Students who publish with us appreciate how JMURJ has enabled them to make their work the best it could be.
- Strengthen your résumé by capitalizing on the time you have already invested in your project. Students who have published with us use their JMURJ experience as a talking point at interviews, as a part of their portfolio, and on their résumé as they impress potential employers.
- Diversify your experiences. You've done the work for class, but why not keep going? JMURJ offers an experience that many never have the opportunity to enjoy. Getting the most out of your time at JMU means taking advantage of all it has to offer!
- Seeing your work published is exciting and fulfilling. JMURJ Volume 2 author Juliana Garabedian reflects, "As a writer, having your work reviewed and published, especially at the undergraduate level, is a big deal because it proves that what you learn has real-world application. In addition to being able to show that I’m contributing to the writing community, I get to show my friends and family what I’ve been working toward for the past four years." Join the students around you who are excited to see their work published in a scholarly journal.?
What Disciplines does JMURJ Accept?
Since our first call for submissions back in 2012, undergraduate students in JMU disciplines across campus have submitted their research, scholarship, and intellectual work to JMURJ:
Architectural Design
Art History
Communication Studies
Computer Science
Criminal Justice
Cross Disciplinary Studies
Educational Foundations
and Exceptionalities
Environmental Science
Family Studies
Foreign Languages
Health Communications
Health Professions
Health Sciences
Humanitarian Affairs
Independent Study - ADP
Individualized Study Project
Integrated Science
and Technology
Intelligence Analysis
International Affairs
International Business
Justice Studies
Mathematics & Statistics
Media Arts & Design
Music Industry
Political Science
Public Policy Administration
Social Work
Sports and Recreation Management
Theatre and Dance
Women's, Gender, and
Sexuality Studies
Writing, Rhetoric and
Technical Communication
Is your major, minor, concentration, track, or cross-disciplinary work on the list? Submit the research and scholarship you do in your field. Help us build the conversation with your classmates and professors as you deepen you academic experience, build your résumé, and share your work with the larger JMU community and the wider academic world.