JMURJ accepts submissions produced in all JMU disciplines by any JMU undergraduate student, as well as by recent graduates. Our open, inclusive definition of research and scholarship covers all fields of study, including the physical and natural sciences, business, education, the visual and performing arts, social sciences, and humanities.
Text-Based Submission Guidelines
JMURJ accepts text-based submissions between 2,000 and 6,000 words.
Submissions should be accessible to a diverse academic audience. In terms of both language and length, interested scholars in other fields should be able to appreciate and understand your research and scholarship.
Use the citation style appropriate to your discipline (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.).
Format any images, figures, or tables using the style appropriate to your discipline and credit any sources.
- If you worked with a group to create your submission, ensure that all group members agree to submit to JMURJ.
- If your work involved living human participants (e.g., you obtained (1) data through intervention or interaction with an individual, or (2) identifiable private information), make sure your submission explicitly affirms JMU Institutional Review Board approval to conduct and disseminate your research. Contact JMURJ or consult with your professor regarding any IRB questions.
- Questions? Check out our FAQs page, and then email us at jmurj@jmu.edu.
How to Submit
- Attach your submission (in MS Word or a similarly editable file format) in an email to jmurj@jmu.edu
- To keep the process anonymous, remove your name, your professor's name, and other identifying features from your submission
- Include the following information in the body of your email:
- Your name if you are the only author, or the names of all authors if you are submitting a collaborative work
- your most used/most permanent not-JMU email address, or the not-JMU email addresses of all authors if you are submitting a collaborative work
- The title of your submission
- Your current year in school (freshman, sophomore...), your (current/intended) major, and your (intended) graduation date
- The course name and the semester and year in which you created the project (if applicable)
- The name of the professor who assigned or advised your project, or with whom you worked (if applicable)
- A sentence or two helping us to know how you learned about JMURJ (e.g., professor, department, email, flyer, social media, word of mouth)
Submission Deadline
JMURJ accepts submissions on a rolling basis and publishes on a rolling basis, which means that you do not need to wait until the end of the academic year, or the end of the next academic year, to hear or report news regarding your submission. We will initiate the JMURJ review process as soon as we receive your submission.
Check out our FAQs page for submission status information!