Meet the 2024-2025 JMURJ Editorial Board!
Simon Van Nostrand
Managing Editor
Majors: WRTC and Modern Foreign Languages (German)
Minor: Honors
Kayleigh Terry
Managing Editor
Major: WRTC
Minor: Honors
Amelia Bailey
Major: English
Minors: WRTC, Creative Writing, and Film Studies
Griffin Brilhart
Majors: WRTC and English
Kailyn Brown
Editor and Intern
Major: WRTC
Sara Buie
Majors: Psychology and WRTC
Sara Curling
Editor Major: WRTC
Minors: Criminal Justice and Business French
Amanda Donner
Lead Outreach and Marketing Editor
Major: SCOM
Minor: WRTC
Allie Etheridge
Lead Design Editor
Major: WRTC
Minor: Environmental Studies
Halle Hutson
Major: Justice Studies
Minor: WRTC
Jillian Kotin
Major: WRTC
Minors: Legal Studies, Family Studies
Emily Kruger
Major: WRTC
Minors: Honors and Linguistics
Fiona Pacious
Major: WRTC
Alexa Roussel
Major: WRTC
Connor Sites
Editor and Intern
Major: WRTC
Minor: Creative Writing
Freddie Tavakoli
Major: WRTC
Minor: Honors
Abigail Thompson
Major: WRTC
Minor: Honors
JMURJ Editorial Board: 2023-2024
Managing Editors
Andrew Hess - Fall 2023
Rachel Tan - Fall 2023 and Spring 2024
Sarah Allen - Spring 2024
(Fall 2023 Lead Editor)
Lead Editors and Interns
Shimantha Barua - Editor and Intern
Wren Dendler - Editor and Intern
Aster Detwiler - Editor and Intern
Amanda Donner - Lead Outreach Editor
Allie Etheridge - Lead Design Editor
Anna Pompanio-Alt - Lead Editor and Intern
Leif Stawarz - Lead Editor and Intern
Kamryn Upson - Lead Editor
Simon Van Nostrand - Lead Editor
Stephanie Bloom - Editor
Corinne Davie - Editor and Honors Liaison
Tommy Ediwards - Editor and Honors Liaison
Grace Phillips - Editor
Kyle Shipman - Editor and CSM Liaison
Kayleigh Terry - Editor
Vivien Trent - Editor
Madeline Yaeger - Editor (Design)
Kevin Jefferson
JMURJ Editorial Board: 2022-2023
Managing Editors
Lauren Howard - Fall 2022
Kate Peppiatt - Fall 2022 and Spring 2023
LauraJean Logue - Spring 2023
(Fall 2022 Lead Editor and Design)
Lead Editors and Interns
Maeve Burke - Editor and Intern
Nornye Douglas - Editor and Intern
Sophie Edlich - Lead Editor
Izzy Hansen - Editor (Design) and Intern
Andrew Hess - Editor and Intern
Kristy Kocot - Lead Editor
Caroline Smith - Lead Editor (Design)
Aren Tifft - Editor and Intern
Sarah Allen - Editor
Quinn Burnett - Editor
Ella Feinstein - Editor
Erica Kukanich - Editor
Aurora Phlegar - Editor (Outreach)
Pat Poirier - Editor
Rachel Tan - Editor
Jim Thomas - Editor
Haylei Turpin - Editor
Jill Williamson - Editor
Rena Wise - Editor (Outreach)
Kevin Jefferson
JMURJ Editorial Board: 2021-2022
Managing Editor
Tori Carpenter
Lead Editors and Interns
Ashley Doss - Editor and Intern
Sophie Edlich - Editor and Intern
Bailey Espaillat - Editor and Intern
Morgan Glantz - Lead Editor (Outreach)
Genesis Hernandez - Editor and Intern
Lauren Howard - Lead Editor and Intern
Caroline Smith - Editor and Intern
Haley Cline - Design
Megan Crews - Design
Aster Detwiler
Maggie Flournoy - Outreach
Erin Hagan - Editor
Kristy Kocot - Editor
Michael LeMar - Liaison
Kevin Leonard - Editor
LauraJean Logue - Editor
Sean McHale - Editor
Tyler Noel - Editor
Kate Peppiatt - Editor
Mary Soltys - Editor
Haylei Turpin - Outreach
Kevin Jefferson
JMURJ Editorial Board: 2020-2021
Managing Editors
Sarah Hann - Spring 2021
(Fall 2020 Lead Editor)
Jessica Tosi - Spring 2021
(Fall 2020 Lead Editor)
Kim Stuart - Fall 2020
Jennifer Switzer - Fall 2020
Lead Editors and Interns
Leah Coffey - Editor and Intern
Lindsay Faules - Lead Editor and Intern
Kenny Graham - Lead Editor and Intern
Angela Lin - Intern (Outreach and Marketing)
Sara Mustafa - Intern (Outreach and Marketing)
Rachel Smith - Editor and Intern
Isabelle Amato - Outreach and Marketing
Tori Carpenter - Design
Nick Dunard
Morgan Glantz - Outreach and Marketing
Mayla Ligo
Leah Shewmaker
Declan Sofield - Design
Allison Stanley
Jay White
Kevin Jefferson
JMURJ Editorial Board: 2019-2020
Managing Editor
Logan Roddy
Lead Editors / Interns
Laura Baird
Tess Myracle
Kim Stuart (Design)
Jennifer Switzer
Zach Welker (Webmaster)
Leah Coffey
Aleah Crystal
Nick Dunard
Homer Eliades (Design)
Taralyn Guthrie
Sarah Hann
Nolan Harrington (ISAT Liaison)
Clara Peirce (Outreach and Marketing)
Rochelle Podolsky (Social Media Coordinator)
Rihaana Stevens (Content Writer)
Jennifer Switzer
Jessica Tosi
Kevin Jefferson
JMURJ Editorial Board: 2018-2019
Managing Editor
Matt Cappo
Ashley Cox
Tess Gibson
Brooke Long
Brenna Murray
Erin Paulson
Jazmine Otey
Logan Roddy
Hannah Sandler
Jemma Stratton
Head of Marketing & Design
Dana Webb
Design, Marketing, & Outreach
Paige Franklin
Ashley Lindquist
Abigail Mumma
Clara Pierce
Kevin Jefferson
Kurt Schick
2018 - 2019 JMURJ Website Redesign
Dana Webb
JMURJ Editorial Board: 2017-2018
Managing Editor
Catherine Evans
Matt Cappo
Maria Castro
Paige Franklin
Isabel Kerr
Maddie Matarazzo
Edel Rimando
Emma Steinhobel
Jenna Welch
Catie Willett
Marketing & Outreach
Skylar Campbell
Dylan Owens
Caroline Henry (Lead Editor)
Callie Bingen (Lead Editor)
John Corvari
Eric Fox
Olivia DePasquale
Marissa Kircher
Wyatt Lam
Magi Jo Linscott
Caroline Mohan
Becky Reid
Fiona Wirth
Kevin Jefferson
Kurt Schick
JMURJ Editorial Board: 2016-2017
Jamie Agee
Drew Barrar
Abby Benchimol
Ryan Boals
Alexandra Bowen
Kara Delfino
Catherine Evans
Eric Fox
Caroline Henry
Alex Hoen
Danielle LeFrancois
Sydnie Long
Caroline Mohan
Rachel Moss
Amy Nuccitelli
Sarah Paynter
Becky Reid
Christina Reilly
Edel Rimando
Ali Shannon
Nathaniel Silva
Kevin Jefferson
Scott Lunsford
Kurt Schick
JMURJ Editorial Board: 2015-2016
Lauren Adams
Lindsey Campbell
Jess Crowley
Kara Delfino
Sarah Foster
Alexandra Hoen
Crystal Jin
Amy Lebrecht
Sydnie Long
Aaron Minnick
Rachel Moss
Kathrine Olenick
Urvi Patel
Sarah Paynter
Joseph Pitsenbarger
Alexa Senio
Katie Utne
Greta Wolking
Allison Zeppuhar
Lizzie Zulauf
Kevin Jefferson
Scott Lunsford
JMURJ Editorial Board: 2014-2015
Heads of Marketing & Outreach
Stephanie Chung
Crystal Jin
Tanner Post
J.P. Riley
Heads of Design
Victoria Price
Alexa Senio
Heads of Editing
Lindsey Campbell
Katie Utne
Editing Team
Jess Crowley
Jackie Finn
Sydnie Long
Allison Michelli
Virginia Sandlin
Design Team
Matt Gurniak
Rachel Keith
Marketing & Outreach Team
Jordan Barnes
Jordan Meeks
Sarah Paynter
Joseph Pitsenbarger
Daniel Vieth
Lizzie Zulauf
Kevin Jefferson
Scott Lunsford
JMURJ Editorial Board: 2013-2014
Zachary Buchin
Stephanie Chung
Christopher Deitrick
Olivia Deputy
Morgan Foran
Frank Galante
Anna Hull
Carly Isakowitz
Jacqueline Jessop
Estelle Mitchell
Megan Parker
Rachel Petty
J.P. Riley
Nathan Saxman
Alexa Senio
Courtney Stout
Katie Utne
Kevin Jefferson
Scott Lunsford
JMURJ Editorial Board: 2008-2009
Alex Sharp VII
Sierra Stanczyk
Caroline Cournoyer
Cassie Potler
Bess Gerhard
Walter Canter
Matt Powers
Caroline Blanzaco
Jessica Dodds
JMURJ Founders: 2007-2008
Casey Boutwell
Laurence Lewis