Apply Now for the Spring 2025 JMURJ Editorial Board
3-credit course | 1-credit practicum | Internships | Honors students
Application Information
The James Madison Undergraduate Research Journal is a peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to promoting, publishing, and sharing the text- and media-based research and scholarship created by undergraduate students in all JMU disciplines. JMURJ Editorial Board members collaborate within and across teams and coordinate the efforts of students, faculty, and administrators in a university-wide effort to advance JMU undergraduate scholarship, research, and intellectual work.
Students accepted into the WRTC 328: JMURJ course serve on the JMURJ Editorial Board. We invite applications from students in all JMU fields who are ready to apply and develop their editing, design, and outreach/marketing skills:
- Editing team editors comprehensively edit text- and media-based submissions from disciplines across the university, collaborate with undergraduate researchers and scholars, and coordinate the efforts of faculty reviewers. We value applicants with copyediting experience, familiarity with disciplinary styles and style manuals, and/or time in JMU's Learning Centers/Writing Center.
- Design team editors create the professional layouts, graphic art, and website design necessary for an online, multi-disciplinary, multimedia academic journal. Applicants should be familiar with InDesign (we can supply/loan access to the Adobe Creative Cloud). Other skills—from Canva to Cascade, and everything in between—are a plus. If you want to work closely on a creator-client basis, we need you.
- Outreach/Marketing team editors promote and share the journal through social media, email, and other print and online outlets. They develop presentations; communicate with students, faculty, and administrators; and create funding opportunities. We need people with social media experience, design skills, and/or JMU contacts.
- College and Department liaisons—designed for students interested in a 1-credit practicum—assist in the efforts described above as they focus on networking/sharing JMURJ with students and faculty in their specific areas of expertise.
The Spring 2025 WRTC 328: JMURJ Practicum (Tu/Th 12:45-2:00) is a 3-credit course, but is available for 1 and 2 credits to students with specific skills, experiences, contacts, or practicum needs. The course can count toward different JMU graduation requirements:
- Non-WRTC students: the WRTC 328 JMURJ Practicum counts toward your general elective credits. We can work with your major or minor advisor or academic unit head to develop a course directive that might allow the course to count toward your specific major or minor requirements. You may repeat WRTC 328 for up to 6 total credits.
- WRTC majors:
- for WRTC majors working to complete WRTC major requirements under JMU's 2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog (and any earlier catalogs), the WRTC 328 JMURJ Practicum is listed as a WRTC Crossover Elective course. If you have already satisfied your Crossover Elective requirement, we can work with you to apply the course toward WR or TC requirements, depending on your Editorial Board role. We can work with your WRTC major advisor and the WRTC academic unit head to affirm credit possibilities. You may repeat WRTC 328 for up to 6 total credits.
- for WRTC majors working to meet WRTC major requirements under JMU's 2023-2024 JMU Undergraduate Catalog, the WRTC 328 JMURJ Practicum is a WRTC elective. The course is a key experience and future talking point if you are interested in WRTC's Professional Writing and Publishing track, and students pursuing other tracks or seeking a general WRTC degree are welcome. You may repeat WRTC 328 for up to 6 total credits.
- WRTC minors: the WRTC 328 Practicum counts toward your WRTC Elective credits. You may repeat WRTC 328 for up to 6 total credits.
- Honors students: you can count the WRTC 328 JMURJ Practicum, available for 1-3 credits, as an Area of Emphasis practicum, and/or toward the Honors Experiential Learning requirement. WRTC 328 JMURJ Practicum is a Designated Honors Option course and may be repeated for credit.
Enrollment in the Spring 2025 JMURJ course requires instructor permission. Let us know about your interest by emailing JMURJ Advisor Kevin Jefferson (jefferkx@jmu.edu) and JMURJ Managing Editors Simon Van Nostrand (vannoske@dukes.jmu.edu) and Kayleigh Terry (terryka.jmu.edu). You can speed the process by attaching a cover letter/letter of inquiry (300 words max):
- Who you are, including with your major(s), any minor(s) and your anticipated graduation date.
- How did you hear about the JMURJ Editorial Board? Did someone recommend the course to you—who?—and can you identify a professor or JMU employer who can speak well of you?
- Check out the JMURJ Editorial Board roles outlined above. Which role(s) are you interested in?
- Share your experience and/or disciplinary expertise. What skills, interests, experiences, and/or contacts can you bring in serving as a member of the JMURJ Editorial Board?
- How do see your academic and professional goals aligning with the journal’s mission? What about the journal's vision and values inspires you to contribute?
Attach your letter of interest and résumé in an email to Kevin Jefferson (jefferkx@jmu.edu) and JMURJ Managing Editors Kayleigh Terry (terryka@dukes.jmu.edu) and Simon Van Nostrand (vannoske@dukes.jmu.edu). In your letter of interest/cover letter (300 words max), please address/build on the concerns listed under "Application Information" above as you express your readiness to capitalize on an internship with JMURJ.
- JMURJ Editorial Internships: The JMURJ internship provides a great opportunity to gain management and leadership experience steering a publication. As one of our past JMURJ interns remarked, "You end up doing a bit of everything and, in the process, get a good perspective on the kind of work involved in running a successful publication." Applicants should have a strong editing background and be comfortable working in a team setting. Contact current JMURJ interns Kailyn Brown (brown9kl@dukes.jmu.edu), Kayleigh Terry (terryka@dukesljmu.edu), and Simon Van Nostrand (vannoske@dukes.jmu.edu) if you have any questions.
- JMURJ Design Internships: JMURJ needs help with the professional layouts, graphic art, and website design necessary for an online, multi-disciplinary, multimedia academic journal. Applicants should be familiar with InDesign (we can supply/loan access to the Adobe Creative Cloud). Other skills—from Canva to Cascade, and everything in between—are a plus. Contact us to express interest in this opportunity or to learn more.