Throughout the academic year, the CFI sends out emails to share ideas, resources, programs, practices, and distilled research related to teaching and learning. Subscribers also have the opportunity to discuss the topics via the listserv.
Please contact Emily Gravett at if you have any suggestions for future Toolbox topics, if you would like to consider authoring a Toolbox yourself, or if you have any direct feedback about specific Toolboxes.
Subscribe to the Toolbox
If you are interested in joining the Toolbox listserv, simply send an email to with SUBSCRIBE TEACHING-TOOLBOX in the body of the email and nothing in the subject line. Please be sure to delete your automatic signature before sending the email.
While the Toolbox emails are disseminated only every two weeks, subscribers of the listserv may choose to interact more regularly. If you would like to receive these additional communications less frequently, you can adjust your settings (once you have subscribed) on
- You may need to set up a password first, if you haven't done so already
- Simply go to Subscriber's Corner and click on [Settings] after TEACHING-TOOLBOX
- Specify your "Subscription Type" (such as "Digest")
Read the Latest Teaching Toolbox
Find and read the latest Toolbox at the top of the CFI Teaching Toolbox - JMU webpage.
You may also access our Teaching Toolbox postings in the new feed, light yellow box "TOOLBOX" found at the bottom of most of the CFI website pages.
Teaching Toolbox Archive
View past Teaching Toolboxes that are two years or older on our Archive Toolbox webpage.
From the archive webpage, view the Toolboxes in chronological order or search by year using the left navigation!