CFI Program Recordings

Throughout the year, CFI may have the opportunity to provide recordings of our scheduled programs and events whether it is in person, online, or hybrid. We hope this service of program recordings provides support to faculty that are unable to attend one of our scheduled programs or just wants the chance to revisit the programming at a later date.

CFI will only offer recordings when we have received prior permission from the facilitator(s) and/or presenter(s) of our scheduled programs.  

Faculty and staff may access these password protected recordings through the links provided on our website using their JMU eID and password (DUO not required).

2023-24 Program Recordings

February 2024 - Reducing Barriers to Student Success Through Classroom Communication

Reducing Barriers to Student Success

Learn strategies for leveraging your classroom communication to connect with students and improve student learning, even at the semester's midpoint. 

May Symposium 2024

Afternoon Plenary: Supporting Student and Faculty Mental Health

Hope in a Time of Monsters

As a follow-up to the keynote presentation, Sarah shares an investigation into the mental health crisis affecting young adults today.

November 2023 - Advancing Equity in Every Class: Practical Course Design and Teaching Strategies: Guest Presenter, Flower Darby

Advancing Equity

Based on The Norton Guide to Equity-Minded Teaching (2022), this session presented theory and practical tips that follow the cadence of how we teach. 

October 2023 - Creating Transparent Assignments

Creating Transparent Assignments

This online workshop identified ways to make your own assignments more clear.

2022-23 Program Recordings

May 2023 - May Symposium

Morning Plenary: Exploring New And Old Pathways For Engaged Learning

May 2023 Symposium

In this session, participants interacted with a faculty panel participating in engaged learning practices.

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Tracie Addy

Dr. Addy is the Associate Dean of Teaching & Learning at Lafayette College in Easton, Pennsylvania where she is responsible for working with instructors across all divisions and ranks to develop and administer programming related to the teacher-scholar model, from classroom teaching to the scholarship of teaching.

>Inclusive Teaching: A Critical Competency for Higer Ed Instructors

Inclusive Teaching: A Critical Competency for Higher Ed Instructors


Inclusive Teaching

Afternoon Workshop: A Deeper Dive into Inclusive Teaching

April 2023 - Faculty Wellness & Wellbeing Week Plenary Speaker: Kevin Gannon

JMU Alumni and nationally recognized author, Kevin Gannon  joined us on campus for the culminating event for the FWWW 2023.

Kevin Gannon

Kevin talked about his book, Radical Hope and how the themes in the book intersect with wellness and wellbeing.

2019-2022 Program Recordings

May 2021 - Equity Minded Faculty Workloads by Design, KerryAnn O'Meara

Title page of KerryAnn O'Meara's presentation on Equity Minded Reform of Faculty Workloads

 October 14, 2021 - Editorial Insight into Publishing Journal Articles (Online Roundtable)
Editorial Insight into Publishing Journal Articles

Demystify the journal article publication process in a dialogue with editors from diverse journals. Facilitated by Melanie Shoffner, COE, Cathryn Molloy, CAL, Charles Bailey, COB, and Ed Brantmeier, CFI & COE.

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