Three Funding Cycles
The Center for Faculty Innovation offers three funding cycles (fall, spring, and summer) for the Adjunct Faculty Professional Development Fund throughout the year. Eligible adjunct faculty can apply for up to $2,000 per academic year for professional development opportunities.
- These non-personnel funds can be used for teaching, scholarship, career planning, and leadership opportunities. Monies cannot be utilized for tuition.
- Each funding cycle includes a time frame for the application, the fund, and the conference/PD activity.
- For accepted proposals, funds will be transferred after the fund notifications to the recipient’s academic unit for the related professional development activity.
- After the PD activities/conference is completed, the fund recipients will submit a brief professional development activity report, which will be used later to share the impact of these monies on the recipient, student, programs, etc.
Review the fund eligibility and application details below. The brief application process requires applicants to indicate the following.
- They have discussed the application for funding with their AUH
- The AUH approves the submission
Fund Eligibility Details
Professional development monies will only be granted for activities that transpire in the future based on the funding cycle activity dates; therefore, these funds are not intended to reimburse faculty for past professional development activities.
Applicants may request monies only for singular events or activities; therefore, the applicant cannot lump multiple requests (e.g., two conferences) into one proposal.
- Funds are intended for adjuncts whose primary role at James Madison University is that of teaching.
- Adjunct faculty must have taught at James Madison University for one semester or more at the time of application.
- Applicants must indicate that (1) they have discussed the application for funding with their AUH, and (2) the AUH approves of the submission.
Not Eligible
- Those not eligible to apply are classified staff members, A&P faculty, emeritus faculty, visiting faculty, scholars in residence, and full-time faculty, as those terms are defined in the Faculty Handbook or university policies.
- Adjunct faculty recipients may only be granted and receive funds for one of the three funding cycles (fall, spring, or summer) during a given academic year.
- You may apply more than once if a fund application request is unsuccessful. However, you may only receive one approved funding in a given academic year.
- Example: If you applied and received funding for the fall 2023 cycle, you are not eligible to receive funding for neither the following spring and summer of 2024.
- Funding CANNOT be approved for travel expenses related to educational courses, such as attending classes associated with graduate or doctoral programs.
Application Process
The Summer 2025 funding cycle is as follows.
- Application period
- March 24 - April 14, 2025
- Conferences/professional development activities must be between
- June 9 - September 21, 2025
- Candidate reviews the sample application questions
- Candidate discusses the application for funding opportunity with your department's AUH
- Candidate submits the application through the link below by the deadline noted
- Candidate receives selection notification
- The recipient submits additional budgetary information to process fund (budget org code and fiscal tech name)
- The recipient submits a follow-up activity report survey (including a photo for sharing on social media)
- Application opens: Monday, March 24
- Application closes: Monday, April 14, 11:00 PM
Decisions will be announced the week of April 28, 2025.
Please email your questions to
Application Preview
First & Last Name
JMU Email
College & Department
Eligibility Questions include:
Taught more than one semesters
How many semesters you have taught at JMU?
The PD activities during a specific time frame (please be sure these dates correspond with the open funding cycle)
Confirmation of department approval
- Indicate additional sources of funding - if any (confirmed or outstanding) that you have sought in support of this professional development activity.
- Total funding requested: Indicate the dollar amount of professional development funds that you requesting Funding ceiling is $2,000
Itemized breakdown of funds: As possible, please offer an itemized break are down of expenses. (Example: “I am requesting $1,190 to attend a threeday Psychology conference in Chicago, IL. The estimated breakdown is as follows: $400 registration fee, $300 travel by air, $280 in hotel expenses, and $210 in meal per diems.”)
For what activity or purpose will you utilize these professional development funds? (If requesting funds for conference travel, please provide conference name, dates, and location.)
In the event that you are planning to utilize funds to attend a conference or institute, please indicate whether you (1) serve in a leadership role with the related association and/or (2) plan to present a paper, workshop, symposium, etc.
In what ways will this funding request advance your teaching, career planning, research/scholarship, and/or leadership?
Please specify anticipated outcomes and impact.
Please limit your response to 150 words.
- Attend a conference or institute: Specify whether attending, presenting or serving in a leadership role.
- Anticipated Outcomes and Impact: In what ways will this funding request advance your teaching, career planning, research/scholarship, and/or leadership?
- (Please provide detailed information and specify anticipated outcomes and impact. Please limit your response to 150 words.)
- Post Survey: By typing my first and last name below and submitting this application, I understand that if I am approved for funding, I must complete a post (follow-up) activity report survey, within the stated timeframe following the cycle activity date period.
Signature Programs
AY2024-25: Fall 2024 Recipients
- Terry Fernsler, Social Work (CHBS)
- SAMAR Fitzgerald, English (CAL)
- Savanah Howe, Health Professions (CHBS)
- Diana Kamwibua, Strategic Leadership (COB)
- Jacquelyn Ragland, (CSD)
AY2024-25: Summer 2024 Recipients
- Aiveen Gallagher, Music (CVPA): Present two lecture recitals at the 2024 American Viola Society Festival, hosted by the Colburn School, in Los Angeles.
- Ayami Makino, Foreign Languages, Literatures & Cultures (CAL): Field research on Japanese literatures and arts in the Kanto, Kansai, and Chubu region of Japan.
- John Newman, Political Science (CAL): Four-day trip to the Hoover Institute for cold war research.
- Toya Okonkwo, Foreign Languages, Literatures & Cultures (CAL): Attend a 5 day symposium and conference with the Toni Morrison Society in Fort de France, Martinique.
- Ashley Riha, IIHHS clinical Services (CHBS): Medical Therapeutic Yoga Level 1 Certification.
AY2023-24: Spring 2024 Recipients
- Israa Alhassani, Foreign Languages, Literatures & Cultures (CAL): Produce five authentic videos tailored for use in courses I teach.
- Peter Fraser-Morris, Philosophy & Religion (CAL): Attend a three day conference (North American Patristics Society) in Chicago, IL.
- Amelia Greenwald, Art, Design & Art History (CVPA): Develop a new body of work based on place and habitat loss.
- Tonya Lambert Delp, Graduate Psychology (CHBS): Attend 20th Annual Virginia ABA Annual Conference; a behavior analysis conference in Alexandria, VA.
- Dylan Mabe, English (CAL): Conference Travel to the American Alliance for Theatre and Education Amplify and Ignite Conference held at American Airlines Theatre and NYU
- Kristen Muyo, Foreign Languages, Literatures & Cultures (CAL): Attend a three-day conference, sponsored by the American Association of Italian Studies, in Sorrento, Italy.
- David Newman, Music (CVPA): Attend a three day Music Theory Pedagogy conference in Norman, OK.
- Molly O'Donnell, English (CAL): Attend a three-day Women’s, Gender and Sexuality conference in Spartanburg, SC.
- George Reid, Kinesiology (CHBS): Continuing education course ELDOA for golf.
AY2023-24: Fall 2023 Recipients
- Savanah Howe, Health Professions (CHBS): Became a Certified Stroke Rehab Specialist
- Sarah Johnson, Graduate Psychology (CHBS): Attended the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision in Denver, Colorado
- Diana Kamwibua, Strategic Leadership (COB)
- Hsini Leary, Art, Design & Art History (CVPA): Designed and printed an edition of 100 artist's books with fold-out tear-away postcards
- Kenney Musyoka, Marketing (COB): Attended the 52nd Annual ARNOVA Conference
AY2023-24: Summer 2023 Recipients
- Anessa Babic, History (CAL): Participated in ethnographic research for an ongoing project examining Greece and Mediterranean travel
- Spencer Bennington, Writing, Rhetoric and Technical Communication (CAL): Presented at the 8th International Martial Arts Studies Conference: Celebrating 50 Years of Bruce Lee's Legacy
- Tracy Deem, Biology (CSM): Purchased consumables which resulted in experiments for one student’s honors thesis and spin-off projects that are now being addressed by other students in the lab
- Alveen Gallagher, Music (CVPA): Attended and performed at the Victoria International Arts Festival
- Joshua Linder, Adult Degree Program (SPCE): Attended a conference in Kigali, Rwanda
- George Reid, Kinesiology (CHBS): Attended the Perform Better 3 Day Summit
AY2022-23: Spring 2023 Recipients
- Seth Binsted, Philosophy and Religion (CAL): Attended the Thinking Otherness with Levinas: Phenomenology, Art, and Ethics Today Conference
- Shayna Finn, Graduate Psychology (CHBS): Attended the MindStretchers Academy Nature Pedagogy Training
- Rebecca Hales, Communication Sciences and Disorders (CHBS): Attended the American Academy of Audiology and HearTech Expo
- Savanah Howe, Health Professions (CHBS): Attended the American Occupational Therapy Association's Annual Conference
- Sarah Johnson, Graduate Psychology (CHBS): Attended the Nature Pedagogy Training at Mindstretchers Academy
- Graeme Mack, History (CAL): Attended the Modern Approaches in Humanities and Social Sciences Conference
- Todd Nieder, Health Professions (CHBS): Attended the Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization Course Seminar
- Julie Sorge Way, English (CAL): Purchased books and training materials to aid in creating accessible websites for readers via digital reading environments
- Leah Stoddard, Art, Design, and Art History (CVPA): Attended the Virginia Associate of Museums Conference
AY2022-23: Fall 2022 Recipients
- Israa Alhassani, Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (CAL): Access materials from Schlesinger Library at Radcliffe Institute - Harvard
- Terry Fernsler, Social Work / Aging and Family Studies (CAL): Attended Annual Conference on Non-Profit Organizational Leadership
- Samar Fitzgerald, English (CAL): Attended the 2023 Association of Writers and Writing Programs Conference (AWP)
- Stephen Gerome, Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (CAL): Presented a Scholarly Article at a Conference in Salamanca, Spain
- Savanah Howe, Health Professions (CHBS): Attended the 11th Annual Johns Hopkins Critical Care Conference
- Jinok Lim, Graduate Psychology (CHBS): Attended the Western Association and Counselor Education Conference in Portland, Oregon
- Dr. John Newman, Department of Political Science (CAL): Attended and presented at a Political Science Conference in Olney, Illinois
- Aaron Noland, SCOM (CAL): Attended the OKA Emotional Intelligence and Development Conference
- Michael Trocchia, Department of Philosophy and Religion (CAL):Attended the Mind and Body Conference at University of Utah
- Lynne Weikart, Political Science (CAL): Collected data from University of Alabama for upcoming book
- Katelyn Wood, School of Art, Design, and Art History (CVPA): Mounted large-scale screen printing work for future exhibits
AY2021-22: Spring 2022 Recipients
- Seth Binsted, Philosophy and Religion, (CAL): Workshop on the Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche in Rapallo, Italy
- Brent Cunningham, Engineering (CISE): Costs associated with small equipment that will enhance the understanding of Thermodynamic principles
- Benjamin Guerrero, Music (CVPA): Human-Computer Interaction conference in New Orleans, LA
- Lauren Heberling, Educational Foundations and Exceptionalities (COE): Virginia Council for Exceptional Children 2022 Conference in Williamsburg, Virginia
- Manita Khemthong, Integrated Science and Technology (CISE): Restarting and Formalizing Existing as well as New Student and Faculty Exchange Agreements within MOUs at Thammasat University and Kasetsart University-Hangkhen
- Hsini Leary, Art, Design, and Art History (CVPA): Creation and Exhibition of New Photography-Based Artworks
- Tammy May, Early, Elementary, and Reading Education (COE): The Science of Knowledge Conference in New York City
- David Newman, Music (CVPA): Music Theory "Pedagogy into Practice" conference in East Lansing, MI
- Todd Nieder, Health Professions (CHBS): Attending the "McKenize Method of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy: Part D”in Erie, PA on May 19-21, 2022
- Anastasia Pike, Music (CVPA): Attended and Performed at the World Harp Congress (WHC) in Cardiff, Wales, UK July 22-28, 2022
AY2021-22: Fall 2021 Recipients
- Steve Gerome, Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (CAL): International Conference on Interpreting and Translation
- Alice Hammel, School of Music (CVPA): Council for Exceptional Children conference
- Savannah Howe, Health Professions (CHBS): CNS (Certified Neuro Specialist) Certification
- John Newman, Political Science (CAL): Research at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) facility
- Melissa Swisher, School of Music (CVPA): Vocal Pedagogy Symposium hosted by Opera Voices Berlin
- Eric Trinka, Philosophy and Religion (CAL): Society of Biblical Literature - Annual Meeting
AY2019-20: Fall 2019 Funding Recipients
- Zachary Collier, Computer Information Systems & Business Analytics (COB): 2019 Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting
- Laura Dent, Computer Science (CISE): Information Development World and/or Spectrum 2020 conferences
- Terrence Fernsler, Social Work (CHBS): ARNOVA (Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action)
- Sarah Gosselin, Theatre and Dance (CVPA): International Association of Dance Medicine and Science conference
- Alice Hammel, Music (CVPA): Council for Exceptional Children 2020
- Matt Heller, Geology and Environmental Science (CSM): Earth Educator's Rendezvous Conference
- Lucy Owen Hoyt, Music (CVPA): Biennial conference of The National Association of Teachers of Singing
- Tonya Lambert Delp, Graduate Psychology (CHBS): ACT Boot Camp workshop;
- Valnora Leister, Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures (CAL): BRASA20 - Brazilian Studies Association- XV Congress and/or LASA20- Latin American Studies Association
- Joy Lohr, Health Professions (CHBS): The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics annual association dues and BRAND (Blue Ridge Academy) fall meeting
- Julie Sorge Way, English (CAL): Midwest MLA Conference, Chicago, IL
- Eric Trinka, Philosophy and Religion (CAL): Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Nostra Aetate in Our Time
- Brittany Williams, Psychology (CHBS): ACES Conference, and/or Black Mental Health Symposium
- Katelyn Wood, Art, Design, and Art History (CVPA): Gallery installation and programming at Torpedo Factory in Alexandria. VA
- Bonnie Yoder, Early, Elementary, and Reading Education (COE): 53rd Annual Conference of the Virginia State Reading Association
AY2018-19: Spring 2019 Funding Recipients
- Mina Attia, Graduate Psychology (CHBS): American Counseling Association Conference;
- Irene Barrow, Communication Sciences and Disorder (CHBS): Learning and the Brain conference in New York, NY;
- Agnes Carbrey, Art, Design, and Art History(CVPA): Interdisciplinary, international, cultural engagement project with local community, JMU students,and guest artists in Spain;
- Joanne Hartog, History (CAL): Biennial Conference of the European Union Studies Association (EUSA);
- Jennifer Hsiaw, Art, Design, and Art History (CVPA): AIA Conference on Architecture 2019
- Valnora Leister, Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures (CAL): Brazil Research Seminar-Columbia University;
- Joy Lohr, Health Professions (CHBS): VAND conference;
- David Newman, Music (CVPA): Pedagogy into Practice: Teaching Music Theory in the Twenty-First Century conference;
- John Newman, Political Science (CAL): Presentations and conferences around research on Kennedy presidency;
- Wendell Shank, Educational Foundations and Exceptionalities (COE): University of Salamanca Sessiones de seguimiento de investigaciones doctorales.
AY2018-19: Fall 2018 Funding Recipients
- Benjamin Bergey, Music (CVPA): for professional memberships;
- Terrence Fernsler, Social Work (CHBS): International Leadership's 20th Annual Global Conference;
- Brett Gardner, Psychology (CHBS): American Psychology-Law Society Conference;
- Steve Gerome, Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures (CAL): Forensic, linguistics course at Hofstra University;
- Valnora Leister, Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures (CAL): Expressions of the Lusofonia Conference;
- Joy Lohr, Health Professions (CHBS): Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Annual Food and Nutrition Conference;
- Ayami Makino, Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures (CAL): International Conference on Language, Literature and Culture;
- John Newman, Political Science (CAL): JFK Lancer Conference and the JFK Forum;
- Katherine Robinson, Educational Foundations and Exceptionalities (COE): Association for Behavior Analysis International Conference;
- Mary Shira, Art, Design, and Art History (CVPA): Material support in portfolio/presentation preparation;
- Budimka Uskokovic, Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures (CAL): Hawaii University International Conference on Arts, Humanities, Social Studies and Education;
- Bonnie Yoder, Early, Elementary, and Reading Education (COE): Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Annual Conference.