The CFI Career Planning area provides opportunities for faculty at all stages of their careers to set clear goals, identify concrete action plans, and document effectiveness and excellence while viewing their various activities as connected to an integrated career whole.

We provide faculty orientation programs such as Faculty Welcome Week and New Faculty Academy, offer one-on-one career consultations, provide programs that support career planning and documentation of faculty achievements (see our annual summer institutes), and provide opportunities for faculty to develop effective mentoring relationships and build their mentoring skills.

The Career Planning area also manages the recipient selection for JMU’s Provost’s Award for Excellence in Part-Time Teaching and supports JMU applicants to the SCHEV Outstanding Faculty Awards.

Throughout these programs, our work emphasizes collaboration with and inclusiveness of all instructional faculty career paths, disciplines, and experiences. We are guided by the need to integrate different work and life responsibilities as we work with faculty in a diverse and evolving range of roles, responsibilities, projects, and commitments.

Click on the buttons below to learn more about Career Planning and access additional resources using the "Resources" quick links in the light blue box at the bottom of this page.

Active CFI programs are listed in the events feed at the bottom of this page!

Career Planning Programs
Program Outcomes
CFI Career Planning programs are designed to help participants make progress towards the following outcomes
  • Appreciating the place and purpose of comprehensive career planning in academic careers,
  • Creating a comprehensive career plan with meaningful, measurable goals for professional advancement,
  • Identifying and implementing effective strategies for career advancement,
  • Achieving self-defined career milestones,
  • Applying best practices of performance documentation to career advancement,
  • Developing and fostering productive mentoring and networking relationships, and
  • Identifying strategies to maintain balance in work-life continuum.
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