Welcome from the Dean

Dean Sharon LovellThe College of Health and Behavioral Studies encourages the exploration of our personal, social and institutional wellbeing, recognizing how urgently the scholarship of today must inform the practices of tomorrow. Preparing students to recognize and understand the contributions they may offer for health and human services, businesses, governments, innovative community agencies and the advance of knowledge in the 21st century, the college's programs foster interdisciplinary and interprofessional opportunities for inquiry, critical reflection, research and practice.

Dr. Sharon Lovell
Dean of the College of Health and Behavioral Studies.


The College of Health and Behavioral Studies, launched on July 1, 2012, brings heightened visibility and emphasis to the academic programs that contribute so vitally to the needs of the surrounding community, the Commonwealth, the nation and the world for the enlightened leadership, scholarship and professional practice that will serve our systems of healthcare, business, government, education, research & development, and investments in community life. The College heralds a strong and enduring focus on the singular and the interconnected strengths of our faculty in Communication Sciences and Disorders, Health Sciences, Health Professions, Kinesiology, Nursing, Psychology and Social Work. Both undergraduate and graduate education in these growing and essential fields represent the promise of outstanding accomplishments by CHBS faculty and students.

CHBS infographic highlighting university student enrollment statistics and funding, including total students, types of programs offered, and external funding received.

6,219 undergraduate students (including minors and second majors) - 8 undergrad programs, 6 minors, 24 graduate programs - Over 8.33 million in external funding last year - 40% of all external university funding



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