Spring 2025 Applications

The College of Health and Behavioral Studies (CHBS) highly values interprofessional and innovative collaborative efforts between departments and programs within our College. To support those collaborative efforts, the Dean makes every effort to offer Collaborative Grants each year. Grant funds may support interprofessional and/or collaborative work through a wide range of activities. Successful grant applications will emphasize scholarship and/or education that crosses traditional boundaries (e.g., cross-departmental programs that serve a diverse range of CHBS students). Examples of supported activities include new directions in scholarship, innovative teaching and learning approaches, faculty development, projects related to student success and/or inclusive excellence, and projects to advance teaching evaluation and/or student assessment. Small start-up and pilot projects with the promise of attracting future external funding are encouraged. Proposals that represent innovations or significant extensions beyond existing programs or collaborations are requested. Collaborations may include scholars or professionals outside of CHBS; however, funding is designated for CHBS faculty only.

Award Amount

Grants will be awarded at a maximum of $15,000 per project. The total number of awards given will depend on the number and quality of the applications received, as well as available funding.

Funded Activities Timeline

**Please note the CHBS is not able to support requests for faculty summer salary.
  • Activities may be supported as early as July of the application year (e.g., grants awarded in April/May 2025 are available for use in July 2025).
  • All expenditures must be completed by May 15 of the following year. Funds can be used to cover CHBS faculty course release during the academic year, purchase of supplies and equipment as well as other project costs. (Funds are not available for the subsequent repair or replacement of equipment purchased; funds are not available for publication fees or other costs associated with research dissemination).

Proposal Review Criteria

Review of proposals will be based upon the following criteria:

  • Interprofessional and/or collaborative focus – Projects must involve collaboration between programs or departments representing different disciplines, and/or may advance interprofessional education, practice or research. Proposals must be submitted by full-time faculty collaborators in two or more separate programs or departments within CHBS. Collaborators from other Colleges may be involved in the project but at least two faculty members from CHBS (different programs) must be included. Preference will be given to proposals that involve multiple CHBS units. Proposals must clearly articulate the critical role of each collaborator to the success of the project.
  • Innovation - Goes beyond traditional methodologies or teaching and learning processes and holds promise for a novel contribution.
  • Implementation - Is achievable with the allocated time and money.
  • Evaluation - Includes effective strategy for evaluating the project's success.
  • Budget - Costs are well-justified. Itemized budget justification form (attached) is completed and accompanies the proposal. Use of funds must follow JMU guidelines. (See "Use of Funds" below).
  • Composition - Proposal makes the case clearly and cogently.
  • Endorsement from Academic Unit Head (AUH) or direct supervisor (if a collaborator is not in an academic unit) -Include an AUH endorsement along with your other submission materials. You may forward the AUH approval email or attach as a document. It is strongly recommended that AUHs or direct supervisors are consulted early in the proposal process to ensure they understand and agree with resources being requested that might affect the department (e.g., release time from teaching, storage or upkeep of equipment) before significant time is invested in the proposal.

Use of Funds

Funds may be used for the following:

  • To support CHBS staff salaries and/or student wages. Faculty course release time must be approved by the AUH or direct supervisor at the time of application. Though other departments outside of CHBS may be involved in the proposed project, funding will only be allotted for CHBS faculty, staff or students.
  • One-time purchase of equipment and supplies if the budget justification demonstrates that it is an integral part of the project and not available from other sources. Funds are not available for the subsequent repair or replacement of equipment purchased.
  • Travel that is essential to the accomplishment of the project may be included. Expenses for non-CHBS collaborators are not covered.

All guidelines and spending regulations for CHBS apply to these projects. Although dates and deadlines will change in 2025-2026, you may find it instructive to view the accompanying document, Guidelines and Spending Regulations for CHBS

Application Timeline and Process

Applications are due by 5:00 pm (ET) on Friday, February 14, 2025. Late submissions cannot be accepted. 

Submit all materials to: chbs-dean@jmu.edu

Decisions are announced around mid-April with funds available in July.


All documents must be in Microsoft Word (.doc or.docx), PDF (.pdf) format or Excel format.

To ensure the completeness of your application, please include the lead faculty member's name in the file name of all application materials to be attached (e.g., Smith2023.docx).

  • Proposal narrative not to exceed 10 (double-spaced) typed pages or 2,500 words, reflecting careful attention to the review criteria above. A bibliography is not expected.
  • Itemized budget justification form - (This form is required. You will need to download the form, fill in your information and then upload it to the application web page.)
  • If applicable, you will also need to verify you have reviewed and agree to abide by the Laboratory Safety and Handling of Chemicals Guidelines.
  • You will need to indicate your IRB status if applicable. In addition, if an IRB protocol has been submitted, you will be asked to submit the protocol and approval letter.
  • You will need the names and emails of the AUHs or direct supervisors of all research collaborators for the project.
  • Endorsement from Academic Unit Head (AUH) - attach as a pdf


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