If you are interested in having your course added to this webpage, please contact Jeannie Garber at garbe2js@jmu.edu
JMU has developed the IPE designation for stand-alone academic courses that have been reviewed by the IPE and IDE Council and approved through the university curriculum process. The courses listed in this section generate between 1 and 3 credit hours and at this time, are all undergraduate courses. Some courses are offered only through the IPE designation (IPE 415 and 490) while others are cross-listed with existing courses from traditional academic programs (IPE 314 Rural Health may be cross-listed with social work, nursing and health sciences). The IPE designation allows students to have a clear record of their interprofessional coursework at James Madison University.
Information coming soon
Information coming soon
- Names/Units of Collaborating Team: Emily Akerson - DNP, RN, FNP-BC (Nursing and IIHHS), Modjadji Choshi -PhD, RN (Nursing), Lisa McGuire - MSW, PhD (Social Work), Anne Stewart - PhD (Graduate Psychology), Jennifer Walsh - PhD (Dietetics)
- Number of Credits: 1
- Duration of Event: Four 3-hour sessions over one semester
- Student involvement: Undergraduate
- Number of Students Involved: 65+ per section, 3 sections per year
- IPEC/IDE Competencies/Domains Addressed: Values and Ethics, Roles and Responsibilities, Teamwork, Communication
- Date(s) Offered: 2 sections in the fall, 1 section in the spring semesters
- More Info, Contact: Emily Akerson, akersoek@jmu.edu
Description: Brief description: This experiential course utilizes the IPEC (2016) competencies, with a focus on ethical decision-making, as a framework for this experiential course for undergraduate students preparing for careers in healthcare. Students work in interprofessional teams to learn about each other’s body of knowledge and scope of practice through reflecting on their personal/professional values and exploring complex health dilemmas. In addition to working in teams, lectures and readings provide a foundation for understanding collaborative practice, learning about team process and conflict mediation, and building communication and teamwork skills. The final assignment to develop an interprofessional intervention that addresses a community health need provides the opportunity to practice skills in each of the four IPEC (2016) competencies and facilitate an integrated interprofessional identity.
Akerson, E., Stewart, A., Baldwin, J., Gloeckner, J., Bryson, B., & Cockley, D. (2014). Got Ethics? Exploring the Value of Interprofessional Collaboration Through a Comparison of Discipline Specific Codes of Ethics. MedEdPORTAL. https://doi.org/10.15766/mep_2374-8265.9331
McGuire, L., Stewart, A., Akerson, E., & Gloeckner, J. (2020). Developing an Integrated Interprofessional Identity for Collaborative Practice. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, 20. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xjep.2020.100350
Information coming soon
- Names/Units of Collaborating Team: Emily Akerson (Nursing-IIHHS), Lisa McGuire (Social Work) and Anne Stewart (Graduate Psychology
- Number of Credits: 1
- Duration of Event: Online asynchronous class in second block
- Student Involvement: Undergraduate, Junior level in CHBS
- Number of Students Involved: Up to 35 each semester
- IPEC/IDE Competencies/Domains Addressed: Values and Ethics, Roles and Responsibilities, Communication, and Teamwork
- Date(s) Offered: Spring 2020, Fall 2020, Spring 2021
- More Info, Contact: Emily Akerson, akersoek@jmu.edu
Description: This one-credit course introduces an interprofessional trauma-informed approach for students in the health professions. Trauma-informed approaches are relevant to all health professions and throughout the course you will reflect on the roles of diverse professions in promoting health and healing at an individual, family and community level. The course will identify the principles of interprofessional education and collaboration, discuss the definition of trauma, identify the incidence of trauma across populations served by a diverse group of professionals/disciplines, name theoretical perspectives that support a trauma-informed approach, illustrate the biopsychosocial impact of trauma, discuss the intersectionality of trauma with social determinants of health (including race, gender, social economic status, and other factors).
The course will use selected case material to illustrate the importance of interprofessional collaboration in a trauma-informed approach. Reflective writing, case discussions, and quizzes are key elements of the course evaluation and will be used to assess knowledge and understanding of an interprofessional trauma-informed approach, informed by the four interprofessional core competencies of Values/Ethics for Interprofessional Practice, Roles/Responsibilities of Interprofessional Teams, Interprofessional Communication, and Teams and Teamwork.
Given the potentially emotionally activating topic of the course, we are following the NCTIC Trauma Curriculum Instructor’s Guidance highlighted in SAMHSA’s Trauma-Informed Approach: Key Assumptions and Principles. Specifically, we encourage the practice self-care throughout the course. Depending on your own history, you are encouraged to create a self-care plan to use (and also consider the appropriateness of the class for you at this time). To foster collaborative connections, students are placed in small groups that will continue throughout the class. Each online, asynchronous module includes an assignment inviting reflection on course topics, including discussion expectations with the in-class interprofessional team of students. All faculty members are available for consultation.
Publications: None at this time.
- Names/Units of Collaborating Team: Rita Potyeva (Justice Studies), Peggy Plass (Sociology), Lisa McGuire (Social Work)
- Number of Credits: 3
- Duration of Event: 3-hour weekly class sessions
- Student involvement: Undergraduate
- Number of Students Involved: 30
- IPEC/IDE Competencies/Domains Addressed: Values and Ethics, Roles and Responsibilities
- Date(s) Offered: Fall/Spring 2018, Fall 2017
- More Info, Contact: Rita Potyeva, poteyemx@jmu.edu
Description: This course is more than just a survey of the juvenile justice system (JJS) in the United States. Yes, it will provide you with an understanding of how the JJS works and we will trace the evolution of the system from the 19th century to the present, including traditional juvenile court philosophy and influential Supreme Court cases. However, our primary focus will be on investigating the various problems and challenges faced by kids who find themselves in trouble with the law and by JJS practitioners from a multi-disciplinary perspective. We will explore the sources of these challenges, and will try to come up with suggestions for reform. A lot of the topics that we will be covering are controversial and thought-provoking. For example, we will debate whether the JJS is too lenient or too punitive, and whether some adolescents should be transferred to the adult criminal justice system. We will conduct an assessment of special problems confronted by females and minority youth in the JJS, and talk about the so-called “school-to-prison pipeline.” We will explore the causes of juvenile delinquency and debate whether existing prevention and diversion programs within the JJS address the precursors to delinquent behavior. Finally, we will discuss how should the JJS be shaped by what we know about adolescent brain development and adolescent experiences with trauma. This course will be taught primarily in a seminar format by a team of instructors with expertise in social work, justice studies, anthropology, sociology, and advocacy work. We will share our knowledge with you about the existing strengths and weaknesses of the JJS, and hope to engage you in a dialogue about how the JJS should be transformed.
Publications: None at this time
- Names/Units of Collaborating Team: Rob Alexander, Public Policy and Administration (PUAD 584/PPA 483) Aaron Kishbaugh, X-Labs Sean McCarthy, Writing, Rhetoric & Technical Communication (WRTC 328) Dinesh Sharma, Mathematics & Statistics (Math 428) Jamie Williams, Community Service-Learning (NPS 487)
- Number of Credits: 3
- Duration of Event: 3-hour weekly class sessions
- Student involvement: Undergraduate/Graduate Combined
- Number of Students Involved: 8
- IPEC/IDE Competencies/Domains Addressed: Values and Ethics, Roles and Responsibilities, Teamwork, Communication
- Date(s) Offered: Fall 2020 ONLY
- More Info, Contact: Jamie Williams, Associate Director, Community and Service Learning (will23jm@jmu.edu)
Description: Collaborating with community practitioners through the United Way of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County, students will work in interdisciplinary, collaborative teams to understand and respond to the challenges faced by the ALICE population (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, but Employed). Disciplines participating int eh course include Public Policy and Administration, Psychology, Social Work, Nonprofit Studies and Writing Studies. Throughout the semester, students will work closely with local and national stakeholders and experts to create innovative solutions to issues facing the ALICE population. An excellent resume builder, this course offers students the opportunity to develop competencies in writing across various technologies and genres; design methods, systems thinking; project management and innovation complex problem solving.
Publications: None at this time