James Madison University has many scholars across multiple disciplines who have contributed to the IPE and IDE literature. The links below provide a growing list of scholarly products created by JMU faculty and students. If you have published an article on IPE and IDE issues and it is not on this list, please contact us and we will consider adding it.
Akerson, E., Stewart, A., Baldwin, J., Gloeckner, J., Bryson, B., & Cockley, D. (2014). Got ethics? Exploring the value of interprofessional collaboration through a comparison of discipline specific codes of ethics. MedEdPORTAL.
Armstrong, K.J., Walker, S.E., Feld, S.D., & Weidner, T.G. (2019). Athletic training students’ engagement in interprofessional education in the classroom and during clinical education. Journal of Interprofessional Care.
Baldwin, D.M., Zook, S. & Sandford, J. (2018). Implementing posthospital interprofessional care team visits to improve care transitions and decrease hospital readmission rates. Professional Case Management, 23(5). Pp. 264-271.
Dudding, C.C., Hulton, L., & Stewart, A.L. (2016). Simulated patients, real IPE lessons. The ASHA Leader, 52-59.
Eaton, M.E., deValpine, M., Sanford, J., Lee, J., Trull, L., Smith, K. (2017). Be the change: An interprofessional team-based health advocacy summit. Nurse Educator, 42(5), 226-230. doi.org/10.1097/NNE.0000000000000382.
Johnson, C. E., Stewart, A. L., Brabeck, M. M., Huber, V. S., & Rubin, H. (2004). Interprofessional collaboration: Implications for combined-integrated doctoral training in professional psychology. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 60(10), 995–1010.
McGuire, L., Stewart, A., Akerson, E., & Gloeckner, J. (2020). Developing an integrated interprofessional identity for collaborative practice. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, 20.
Nagel, J.K., Ludwig, P.M., & Lewis, E.J. (2017, June 25-28). Community health innovation through an interprofessional course [Paper presentation]. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Columbus, OH, United States.
Pfeiffer, D., Pavelko, S., Hahs-Vaughn, D., & Dudding, C. (2019). A national survey of speech-language pathologists’ engagement in interprofessional collaborative practice in schools: Identifying predictive factors and barriers to implementation. Language, Speech & Hearing Services in Schools, 50(4), 639–655.
Rozensky, R. H., Grus, C. L., Goodie, J. L., Bonin, L., Carpenter, B. D., Miller, B. F., Ross, K. M., Rybarczyk, B. D., Stewart, A., & McDaniel, S. H. (2018). A curriculum for an interprofessional seminar on integrated primary care: Developing competencies for interprofessional collaborative practice. Journal of Allied Health, 47(3), e61–e66.
Strunk, J., Kipps-Vaughn, D., Pavelko, S., Allen-Bronough, D., Myers, K., Gilligan, T., Kielty, M., Richardson, E., & Tacy, J. (2019). Interprofessional education for pre-service school-based professionals: Faculty and student collaboration. teaching and learning in communication science & disorders, 3(1), 9.
Temple, A. & Mast, M.E. (2016). Interprofessional education through service learning with undergraduate health administration and nursing students. Journal of Health Administration Education, 33(1), 5-21
White, H., Stokes, T.F., Simons, E., Longerbeam, M., Richardson, E., & Zinn, T. (2018). Interprofessional practice for simultaneous implementation of merged techniques from three disciplines: OT SLP ABA. Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice, 12, 1-7.
Zook, S.S., Hulton, L.J., Dudding, C.C, Stewart, A.L., Graham, A.C. (2018). Scaffolding interprofessional education: Unfolding case studies, virtual world simulations, and patient- centered care. Nurse Educator, 43(2), 87-91.