The interdisciplinary minor in chronic illness prepares students from any major to understand and respond to the impacts of chronic illness on the individual, family, the health care system, and society. Knowledge and strategies to address the prevention and the management of chronic illness across its trajectory will enhance the skills and abilities of students who plan to practice in any profession. The minor is open to all undergraduate students at JMU. The minor requires a minimum of 18 credits with no more than 6 credits in the student’s major counting toward the minor.

Steps to Declare Chronic Illness Minor

  1. Consult with your academic adviser regarding the feasibility of your workload to complete the minor in addition to your major requirements.
    1. Declaring a Chronic Illness minor:Log into MyMadison, select Student Center.
    2. Select Major/Minor Change from the “Other Academic…” dropdown menu.
    3. To add a program of study select Add Major/Minor - Choose Chronic Illness as your plan.
    4. After all requests are entered select Submit Request.
  2. Deadlines for submission of the Application to Declare a Chronic Illness Minor are due to the Chronic Illness Minor Coordinator by:
    1. The last day of September for fall registration for the Spring term.
    2. The last day of February for spring registration for the Fall term.

Course Requirements for the Chronic Illness Minor

View the Chronic Illness Minor section of the JMU Catalog

Benefits of the Chronic Illness Minor

  • The prevalence of chronic illness will continue to increase in both the young and old. As the U.S. population ages, knowledge and strategies to manage chronic illness are increasingly important for students in many professions.
  • The more you know about the prevention and management of chronic illness the more likely you can positively influence these life changing conditions. When a chronic illness cannot be prevented it can be managed to reduce the impact and improve the health of the individual and the overall health of society.
  • The greatest proportion of the United States and a large proportion of other countries health care dollar are directed to those with chronic illness. The more you know how these monies are managed the more valuable you can be to an employer.
  • With the increasing complexity of healthcare knowledge and specialization in a variety of disciplines, no one healthcare professional can meet the complex needs of patients with chronic illness. In the environment of specialization, communication across disciplines would naturally decrease. This dilemma can be reduced through a better understanding of the interdisciplinary approach. The interdisciplinary education gives the student the opportunity to view chronic illness through a variety of perspectives. The knowledge will better prepare the individual to work collaboratively to better deal with the issues associated with chronic illness.
  • A minor will provide a way to focus additional academic work that complements the nursing major.

Questions about the Minor? Contact:

Christina Lam PhD, RN
Chronic Illness Minor Coordinator
School of Nursing
James Madison University
Health and Behavioral Studies Building Office 4074

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