Associate Professor
Contact Info
Curriculum Vitae
- BA: University of Virginia, Anthropology
- BSN: University of Virginia
- MSN: Emory University, Nurse-Midwifery
- MPH: Emory University, Behavioral Science and Health Education
- PhD: University of Virginia, Nursing
- Labor and Delivery, Nursery, Intermediate Care Nursery, High risk Antepartum & Postpartum Nursing
- Nurse-midwife in public health department, hospital, health maintenance organization and private practice settings
- Centering Pregnancy program coordinator and facilitator
- Teaching: pathophysiology, epigenetics, women's and maternal-child health and applied statistics, population health
- Research topics: psychoneuroimmunologyof adverse birth outcomes, stress and social support patterns; intimate partner and family violence; traumatic brain injury; epidemiology; structural violence and structural justice
- Research populations of interest: pregnant women, vulnerable populations
- Maternal mortality review
Professional Interests:
- Learning facilitation of difficult discussions through simulation
- Public health
- Sexual health issues
- Infertility
- Structural violence
- Postpartum Mood Disorders
- Genetics/Genomics and the Environment
- Intimate partner violence and head injury
- Historical Research of Professional Midwifery