The table below is best viewed at horizontal orientation on your device.

Last Name First Name Major
Abbondanzo Andrea Nursing - BSN
Abdallah Olivia Psychology - BS
Abdul Ali Arslan Health Sciences - BS
Abney Nicholas Health Services Admin - BS
Abu Chubiyojo Psychology - BS
Achiaa Mabel Psychology - BS
Adams Promise Nursing - BSN
Adams Olivia Nursing - BSN
Adams Emma Psychology - BS
Adamson Sydney Kinesiology - BS
Adcock Erin Nursing - BSN
Adelman Taylor Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Agee Katherine Social Work - BSW
Ajbuszyc Gabriella Health Sciences - BS
Aleksa Corey Health Sciences - BS
Alexander Georgia Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Alexander Lillian Psychology - BS
Alexander Emma Social Work - BSW
Allanson Benjamin Health Sciences - BS
Allbritten Peyton Psychology - BS
Allen Brandt Health Sciences - BS
Allmendinger Grace Nursing - BSN
Alvarado Valeria Nursing - BSN
Amato Morgan Health Sciences - BS
Amato Serena Nursing - BSN
Ambrose-Brydie Sage Health Sciences - BS
Amireh Suhaib Nursing - BSN
Amorkor Johana Nursing - BSN
Anne Kendall Psychology - BA
Araujo Kayla Health Sciences - BS
Arduino Elizabeth Psychology - BA
Arenas-Diaz Kathleen Psychology - BS
Arias Contreras Sara Nursing - BSN
Arnold Sarah Nursing - BSN
Arranga Arden Nursing - BSN
Ashenafi Liya Health Sciences - BS
Ashour Yasmeen Health Sciences - BS
August Brynne Nursing - BSN
Austin Isabel Nursing - BSN
Awad Elyssa Psychology - BS
Aziz Nicole Health Sciences - BS
Baik Eunice Health Sciences - BS
Baladi Antwan Psychology - BS
Baldwin Abbey Dietetics - BS
Baldwin Aislinn Kinesiology - BS
Balint Melissa Kinesiology - BS
Ball Nadia Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Ball Casey Kinesiology - BS
Ball Hannah Kinesiology - BS
Ball Olivia Nursing - BSN
Ballout Marisol Health Sciences - BS
Barba Kayla Health Services Admin - BS
Bare Alicia Dietetics - BS
Barger Parry Nursing - BSN
Barker Morgan Nursing - BSN
Barnes Taylor Psychology - BS
Baroody Sophia Psychology - BA
Barrett Sarah Nursing - BSN
Barrow Anna Health Sciences - BS
Bartel Cadance Psychology - BS
Bartlett Amelia Health Services Admin - BS
Barton Ella Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Barton Samantha Psychology - BS
Bartys Emma Nursing - BSN
Batrla Ember Psychology - BS
Bauer Kaitlyn Psychology - BA
Beal Emma Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Beamer Abby Health Sciences - BS
Beard Sydney Nursing - BSN
Beausoleil Elizabeth Psychology - BA
Becerra Alejandro Nursing - BSN
Becker Madison Nursing - BSN
Becker Rylin Nursing - BSN
Becza Juliet Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Beeckler Charleigh Health Sciences - BS
Beitzel Allison Psychology - BS
Bell Andrea Nursing - BSN
Belsito Nicholas Health Sciences - BS
Benbrook Peyton Nursing - BSN
Bencs Alahna Nursing - BSN
Benda Flannery Health Sciences - BS
Benkhayat Jennat Psychology - BS
Bennett Taylor Psychology - BA
Bentkofsky Joshua Kinesiology - BS
Beran Carolyn Health Sciences - BS
Berger Ashley Nursing - BSN
Berger Mary Psychology - BS
Berlo Alana Health Services Admin - BS
Bernier Kristen Health Sciences - BS
Betmarik Riley Nursing - BSN
Bice Delaney Psychology - BA
Bickford Georgia Social Work - BSW
Bierowski Madison Health Sciences - BS
Biers Alexys Nursing - BSN
Binder Lily Kinesiology - BS
Bishop Emma Health Sciences - BS
Bishop Bria Psychology - BS
Bishop Rachel Psychology - BS
Blair Sophie Psychology - BS
Blake Derek Kinesiology - BS
Blalock Davis Health Sciences - BS
Blanco-Alcala Vittoria Health Sciences - BS
Bloomberg Aletta Health Sciences - BS
Blue Anna Health Sciences - BS
Bluntzer Garrett Kinesiology - BS
Boatwright Allie Dietetics - BS
Bodenhamer Jordyn Health Sciences - BS
Bolster Cierra Psychology - BA
Boone Logan Kinesiology - BS
Borromeo Joshua Kinesiology - BS
Borromeo Jonah Kinesiology - BS
Bosco Rachel Nursing - BSN
Botwe Richard Health Sciences - BS
Boucher Helen Nursing - BSN
Bousum Grace Psychology - BS
Bowman Emily Nursing - BSN
Bowman Carousel Nursing - BSN
Boyd Caroline Psychology - BA
Boyer Jessie Health Sciences - BS
Boynton Brooke Psychology - BS
Bozyn Natalia Psychology - BA
Bradford Andrew Psychology - BS
Brammer Marie Nursing - BSN
Branson Natalie Psychology - BS
Braun Megan Health Sciences - BS
Bredbenner Maren Health Sciences - BS
Breslow Cade Psychology - BS
Brezonick Madeline Nursing - BSN
Brictson Katherine Health Sciences - BS
Bridges Katherine Psychology - BS
Brittingham Colleen Health Sciences - BS
Broadbent Scout Nursing - BSN
Broglin Maegan Nursing - BSN
Brooks Colin Kinesiology - BS
Brosan Delaney Health Sciences - BS
Brothers Virginia Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Brown Emma Nursing - BSN
Brown Preston Psychology - BA
Brown Collin Psychology - BS
Brown Kiyah Psychology - BS
Brubaker Melina Psychology - BS
Brun Annelise Psychology - BS
Brundidge Lauren Health Sciences - BS
Brunk Collin Kinesiology - BS
Bruno Owen Kinesiology - BS
Bryan Elizabeth Psychology - BS
Bryant Tyler Social Work - BSW
Buccola Alexis Kinesiology - BS
Buchan Brooklynn Kinesiology - BS
Buchwalter Samuel Social Work - BSW
Bump Rachel Health Sciences - BS
Burchuk Riley Nursing - BSN
Burger Kayla Psychology - BA
Burke Kaitlyn Health Sciences - BS
Burke Mackenzie Kinesiology - BS
Burnett Emily Nursing - BSN
Burtram Ella Psychology - BA
Bush Krista Psychology - BS
Bush William Psychology - BS
Butler Sarah Kinesiology - BS
Butterworth Katherine Nursing - BSN
Byrd Thomas Kinesiology - BS
Byrne Sarah Health Sciences - BS
Byrnes Ava Nursing - BSN
Cabrera Nina Nursing - BSN
Cage Madison Psychology - BS
Calder Allison Nursing - BSN
Caldwell Keely Health Sciences - BS
Caldwell-McGhee Jordan Nursing - BSN
Calixto Corona Karen Health Sciences - BS
Calli Julia Psychology - BS
Calvano Michael Psychology - BA
Cameron Kendall Health Services Admin - BS
Campbell Mary Health Sciences - BS
Campbell Destiny Psychology - BS
Cannata Joseph Kinesiology - BS
Canter Noah Psychology - BS
Capaldo Cameron Psychology - BS
Capozzi Julie Nursing - BSN
Cappendyck Martha Health Sciences - BS
Capps Elyse Health Services Admin - BS
Caprarese Ava Psychology - BS
Caraballo Jessica Psychology - BS
Caraluzzi Hailey Health Sciences - BS
Cardone Madeleine Social Work - BSW
Carini Kylan Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Carotenuto Natalie Health Sciences - BS
Carr Elizabeth Psychology - BA
Carsey Kaylin Psychology - BS
Carter Courtney Health Sciences - BS
Carter Anna Psychology - BA
Caruso Isabella Nursing - BSN
Carver Emily Nursing - BSN
Cascio Gina Social Work - BSW
Cash Ethan Kinesiology - BS
Cataldo Catherine Health Sciences - BS
Cathell Nicole Nursing - BSN
Cavins Isabelle Social Work - BSW
Cawley Makayla Kinesiology - BS
Celleri Isabelle Psychology - BS
Cenatiempo Bailey Health Sciences - BS
Chaddock Edith Kinesiology - BS
Chaloux Ella Nursing - BSN
Chandler Avery Nursing - BSN
Chang Elise Health Sciences - BS
Chao Jade Nursing - BSN
Chayko Joshua Kinesiology - BS
Chernisky Nicholas Kinesiology - BS
Cherry Nathaniel Health Sciences - BS
Chesko Audrey Health Sciences - BS
Chrispen Madison Kinesiology - BS
Christie Samantha Psychology - BA
Christopher Sierra Nursing - BSN
Chruma Violet Kinesiology - BS
Ciufo Hailey Kinesiology - BS
Claisse Hope Health Sciences - BS
Clanton Riley Health Sciences - BS
Clark Payton Nursing - BSN
Clark Faith Nursing - BSN
Clark Molly Psychology - BS
Clark Dwayne Psychology - BS
Clarke Rachel Health Sciences - BS
Claro Guliana Psychology - BS
Cleal Shelby Nursing - BSN
Clemes Caroline Health Sciences - BS
Clemm Samantha Psychology - BS
Clinton Hayden Psychology - BS
Clouse Marissa Psychology - BS
Cochrane Lindey Psychology - BS
Coffey Lauren Nursing - BSN
Colgan Cydney Nursing - BSN
Collier Alana Health Sciences - BS
Competiello Leah Psychology - BS
Compton Ashley Nursing - BSN
Comstock Richard Psychology - BA
Concannon Marlayna Kinesiology - BS
Conjura Blake Psychology - BS
Connelly Eleanor Nursing - BSN
Conners Nenah Psychology - BS
Connolly Caitlyn Health Sciences - BS
Constable Emma Psychology - BS
Conway Kylie Nursing - BSN
Cook Haleigh Health Sciences - BS
Cook Owen Kinesiology - BS
Cook Garrett Kinesiology - BS
Cook Laura Nursing - BSN
Cooke Madison Psychology - BS
Copland Miranda Psychology - BS
Corage Sofia Psychology - BA
Corbett Paige Nursing - BSN
Corcoran Madison Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Cornell Samantha Nursing - BSN
Corrales Francesca Health Sciences - BS
Correa Hency Social Work - BSW
Corso Natalie Kinesiology - BS
Cortez Olivia Nursing - BSN
Coticchia Claire Nursing - BSN
Cotter Kylie Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Cotter Michael Health Sciences - BS
Counts Olivia Health Sciences - BS
Cousens Lauren Health Sciences - BS
Cox Katiana Health Sciences - BS
Coxson Allyson Nursing - BSN
Craddock Emma Health Sciences - BS
Crawford Liam Psychology - BA
Crawson Caitrin Dietetics - BS
Creedon Courtney Psychology - BS
Cresawn Lily Health Sciences - BS
Crist John Kinesiology - BS
Cropper Megan Kinesiology - BS
Crowe Spencer Health Services Admin - BS
Csaszi Lena Psychology - BA
Cuasay Hannah Kinesiology - BS
Cucinotta Samuel Kinesiology - BS
Cue Kathleen Health Services Admin - BS
Culleton Kiersten Psychology - BA
Cunningham Regan Health Sciences - BS
Curles Mason Kinesiology - BS
Curran Skylar Psychology - BA
Cusson Evonne Nursing - BSN
Dakin Rachel Psychology - BS
Dakopoulos Maria Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
D'Alessio Nicholas Kinesiology - BS
Daly Justin Health Sciences - BS
Daly John Kinesiology - BS
D'Amato Zoe Nursing - BSN
D'Andrea Peyton Health Sciences - BS
Darden Linda Health Services Admin - BS
Davie Aliyah Psychology - BS
Davis Hannah Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Davis Adia Health Sciences - BS
Davis Carson Health Sciences - BS
Davis Margaret Psychology - BA
Davis Haleigh Psychology - BA
Davis Rickii Psychology - BS
Dawdy Kyla Dietetics - BS
Dawson Avery Nursing - BSN
Deacy Faith Social Work - BSW
DeCarlo Isabella Nursing - BSN
Dehaai Jessica Nursing - BSN
DeJarnette Carter Nursing - BSN
Del Castillo Iris Nursing - BSN
Delea Kimberly Health Sciences - BS
Dellinger Morgan Health Sciences - BS
DeLuca Mackenzie Nursing - BSN
Dempsey William Kinesiology - BS
Dennis Carley Kinesiology - BS
Desamour Rian Kinesiology - BS
DeSantis Ashley Psychology - BS
Descalzo Bianca Health Sciences - BS
Devan Maya Nursing - BSN
Dexter Garrett Kinesiology - BS
DiBuono Jeri Psychology - BS
Dick Stephen Psychology - BS
DiCosmo Sienna Nursing - BSN
Diehl Emma Social Work - BSW
Diener Norah Nursing - BSN
Dietz Kailey Nursing - BSN
DiPasquale Gerald Health Sciences - BS
Distler Quinn Psychology - BS
Dolan Emelia Nursing - BSN
Dollard Ireland Nursing - BSN
Donnelly Tess Nursing - BSN
Doran Hannah Nursing - BSN
Dordevic Vanja Psychology - BA
Dorgbadzi Frisky Senior Health Sciences - BS
Doss Kayleigh Nursing - BSN
Douthat Anna Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Dowling Emma Psychology - BA
Doyal Hannah Nursing - BSN
Drewry Jackson Nursing - BSN
Dungee Kristen Health Sciences - BS
Duran Francisco Health Sciences - BS
Durante Emma Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Dwyer Emily Nursing - BSN
Dyachkin Alena Nursing - BSN
Dyke Jenna Kinesiology - BS
Dykes Ani Health Sciences - BS
Dzaferagic Hanna Nursing - BSN
Dziegielewski Julia Nursing - BSN
Eaton Joshua Health Sciences - BS
Eaves Emerson Health Sciences - BS
Economou Alexander Nursing - BSN
Eden Megan Nursing - BSN
Edmond Jada Nursing - BSN
Edwards Heather Dietetics - BS
Edwards Zoe Health Sciences - BS
Edwards Jackson Nursing - BSN
Egan Victoria Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Egan Kiera Health Sciences - BS
Ehemann Gabriel Psychology - BS
Eickhoff Erika Health Sciences - BS
Eid Nora Kinesiology - BS
Ellenberger Kendyl Dietetics - BS
Elliott Claire Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Ellis Shelby Health Sciences - BS
Ellis Natalie Kinesiology - BS
Embrey Allison Psychology - BS
Emery Caitlin Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Emmanuel Hezekiah Health Sciences - BS
Enfinger Angel Psychology - BS
Engel Sheila Psychology - BS
Espinoza Kirsten Nursing - BSN
Estep Jessica Health Sciences - BS
Euerle Shane Health Sciences - BS
Evans Hadley Nursing - BSN
Evasius Audrey Nursing - BSN
Eveges Alexa Nursing - BSN
Everidge Sarah Kinesiology - BS
Eversole Ryann Health Sciences - BS
Evitts Melanie Nursing - BSN
Fahey Samantha Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Fan Jacob Psychology - BS
Fann Hannah Health Sciences - BS
Farrell Cameron Psychology - BS
Fearing Julian Psychology - BS
Feeney Madison Nursing - BSN
Feeney Elizabeth Nursing - BSN
Ferguson Eve Kinesiology - BS
Ferri Rachel Nursing - BSN
Feulner Ava Health Sciences - BS
Field Thomas Kinesiology - BS
Fielek Lily Health Sciences - BS
Finamore Sarah Dietetics - BS
Finan Abigail Psychology - BA
Finguerra Emily Psychology - BS
Firoved Cecilia Psychology - BS
Fischer Sonia Psychology - BA
Fischinger Elena Health Sciences - BS
Fitzgerald Christine Nursing - BSN
Fitzgerald Nellie Social Work - BSW
Fitzwater Caroline Psychology - BS
Flaherty Cadence Nursing - BSN
Flanagan Jack Psychology - BA
Flanagan Mary Psychology - BS
Flanders Allison Psychology - BS
Fleenor Kendall Health Sciences - BS
Flemming Jayona Social Work - BSW
Flynt Morgan Health Sciences - BS
Folsom Emily Kinesiology - BS
Forbes Stella Kinesiology - BS
Ford Parker Health Sciences - BS
Ford Michael Nursing - BSN
Forrester Gianna Health Sciences - BS
Forslund Cameron Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Fountain Eloise Nursing - BSN
Fout Emma Health Sciences - BS
Franconeri Summer Psychology - BA
Frank Abigail Psychology - BS
Franklin Christopher Kinesiology - BS
Fraysier Madison Psychology - BS
Fredlock Sara Psychology - BA
Freedle Sydney Nursing - BSN
Freedman Kelby Nursing - BSN
French Layla Psychology - BS
Fritz Marley Psychology - BS
Frost Holly Psychology - BS
Frutos Maximilian Psychology - BS
Fuller Maya Psychology - BS
Funkhouser Emily Social Work - BSW
Gabrielli Gina Health Sciences - BS
Gabrynowicz Ally Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Gagnon Alyssa Health Sciences - BS
Gajewski Kevin Nursing - BSN
Galang Makenna Psychology - BS
Galbert Alana Kinesiology - BS
Gallagher Ryan Nursing - BSN
Gallagher Delia Psychology - BA
Gallion Effie Health Sciences - BS
Ganci Brielle Psychology - BA
Gannon Ciara Nursing - BSN
Garcia Alexander Kinesiology - BS
Garrison Emma Psychology - BS
Garvert Molly Health Sciences - BS
Garvin Lauryn Health Sciences - BS
Gaudiano Abbey Psychology - BA
Gaull Zoe Health Sciences - BS
Gavin Elise Psychology - BS
Geddings Christina Health Sciences - BS
Gentrup Audrey Kinesiology - BS
Gentry Karleigh Kinesiology - BS
George Pilar Nursing - BSN
Ghawider Mohamed Psychology - BS
Giannantonio Isabella Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Gibson William Social Work - BSW
Giesen Alex Nursing - BSN
Gilbert Olivia Nursing - BSN
Gilster Connor Kinesiology - BS
Gimbert Allison Health Sciences - BS
Ginsberg Zachary Psychology - BS
Girard Grace Nursing - BSN
Girma Siryet Health Sciences - BS
Glasow Sarah Health Services Admin - BS
Goddard Ever Kinesiology - BS
Godfrey Mia Psychology - BS
Goff Hailey Psychology - BS
Going Sarah Nursing - BSN
Goldberg Stephanie Health Sciences - BS
Goldring Maxwell Psychology - BS
Golinski Anndonia Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Gomez Victoria Health Sciences - BS
Gomez Gabriella Nursing - BSN
Gomez Sarah Psychology - BA
Gonder Paige Nursing - BSN
Gonzalez Andres Kinesiology - BS
Gonzalez Navajas Valeria Psychology - BA
Goodman Aliza Nursing - BSN
Goodwin Natalie Social Work - BSW
Gorra Olivia Dietetics - BS
Goss Riley Kinesiology - BS
Gouldman Grayson Psychology - BA
Gound Alexandra Psychology - BA
Grady Darius Psychology - BA
Graham Kayla Health Sciences - BS
Grandison Jordan Nursing - BSN
Graves Abbie Nursing - BSN
Gray Kathryn Nursing - BSN
Green Madeline Psychology - BS
Gregory Anissa Nursing - BSN
Griffin Arianna Nursing - BSN
Grimm Audrey Health Services Admin - BS
Groel Daniel Kinesiology - BS
Grove Aubrey Health Sciences - BS
Gruber Ellen Psychology - BS
Gryder Anthony Kinesiology - BS
Gryder Alexis Psychology - BS
Guerra Anthony Kinesiology - BS
Guerrero Liliana Nursing - BSN
Guido Alexis Social Work - BSW
Guinan Jayne Psychology - BA
Gulley Hannah Health Sciences - BS
Gunther Josephine Psychology - BA
Gyllenhoff Tatum Social Work - BSW
Ha Melody-Uyen Health Sciences - BS
Haag Makenna Nursing - BSN
Hahn Addie Health Sciences - BS
Haigh Madison Psychology - BA
Hall Jasmine Health Services Admin - BS
Hall Sawyer Nursing - BSN
Hamer Shannon Psychology - BS
Hamilton Kaley Psychology - BA
Hamrick Amelia Social Work - BSW
Hanley Jessica Nursing - BSN
Hansen Sarah Psychology - BS
Happy Natalie Health Sciences - BS
Harlock Lila Health Sciences - BS
Harmon Virginia Nursing - BSN
Harness Kameron Nursing - BSN
Harrell Sibyl Nursing - BSN
Harris Hannah Kinesiology - BS
Harris Katherine Kinesiology - BS
Harris Eli Psychology - BS
Hart Gracie Health Services Admin - BS
Hartigan Josephine Health Services Admin - BS
Hartmann Isabel Psychology - BS
Hartwick Abigail Nursing - BSN
Hatton Alyssa Nursing - BSN
Haynes Harrison Social Work - BSW
Hays Cassidy Nursing - BSN
Heaney Riley Health Sciences - BS
Heaney Casey Nursing - BSN
Hedden Alexis Dietetics - BS
Hedeman Gwen Psychology - BA
Hedrick Tina Psychology - BS
Heeren Callah Nursing - BSN
Heffner Adelyn Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Hein Laney Psychology - BS
Heller Sofia Health Services Admin - BS
Henderson Jordyn Health Sciences - BS
Hendricks Cody Kinesiology - BS
Hennigan Kendall Psychology - BA
Herald Madisyn Nursing - BSN
Hericks Shawna Kinesiology - BS
Herlinger Mattie Health Sciences - BS
Hermanson Julia Health Sciences - BS
Herold Lucia Health Sciences - BS
Hess Evanlyn Psychology - BA
Hessberg Margaret Psychology - BS
Hetey Shannon Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Hibbert-Claburn Elayna Psychology - BS
Higbee Amy Health Sciences - BS
Higginbottom Kendra Nursing - BSN
Hill Avery Nursing - BSN
Himmelreich Emily Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Hine Makenna Nursing - BSN
Hines Keller Kinesiology - BS
Hingu Eka Psychology - BS
Hinkle Hunter Dietetics - BS
Hitchens Madisyn Kinesiology - BS
Hite Georgianna Nursing - BSN
Hitt Ashley Social Work - BSW
Hobart Matthew Health Sciences - BS
Hodges Tyler Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Hoelscher Lindsey Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Hoffman Paige Health Sciences - BS
Hogan Ainsley Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Hohenshelt Jacob Kinesiology - BS
Holland Hope Psychology - BA
Holloran Delaney Psychology - BA
Holloway Mason Health Sciences - BS
Holmes Makayla Health Sciences - BS
Holmes Lucas Kinesiology - BS
Homren Hannah Nursing - BSN
Hoosier Logan Kinesiology - BS
Hopper Nicholas Health Sciences - BS
Horan Elizabeth Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Horne Sheridan Health Sciences - BS
Horton Grace Psychology - BA
Howell Casey Psychology - BS
Howorth Jenna Health Sciences - BS
Hoyt Elizabeth Psychology - BA
Hubbs Kylie Nursing - BSN
Hughes Josephine Nursing - BSN
Hughes Savannah Psychology - BS
Hunter Philip Kinesiology - BS
Hutsell Isaac Psychology - BS
Hutter Meghan Health Sciences - BS
Hutter Julia Health Sciences - BS
Hydock Jayden Psychology - BS
Iannizzi Olivia Health Sciences - BS
Ibarra Victoria Psychology - BS
Inks Karlee Kinesiology - BS
Irwin Jessica Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Itayem Hannah Health Sciences - BS
Iurato Samantha Psychology - BS
Iverson Patrick Psychology - BS
Jabalee-Farrell Emma Psychology - BA
Jackson Mellissa Health Sciences - BS
Jackson Katelyn Health Sciences - BS
Jackson Chloe Health Sciences - BS
Jalali Nikki Psychology - BS
James Isabella Health Sciences - BS
James Isata Health Sciences - BS
James Hannah Psychology - BA
Jamison Madelyn Psychology - BA
Jarrett Caitlyn Health Sciences - BS
Jeffries Sarah Psychology - BS
Jeffs Connor Health Sciences - BS
Jeirles Marina Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Jendzurski Katherine Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Jenkins Kristina Psychology - BS
Jenkins Emma Social Work - BSW
Jennings Asya Nursing - BSN
Jeweler Katrina Psychology - BS
Jimenez Valeria Nursing - BSN
Johnson Ava Health Sciences - BS
Johnson Campbell Kinesiology - BS
Johnson Kaitlyn Psychology - BS
Johnson Kelsey Psychology - BS
Johnston Abigail Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Johnston Brooke Health Services Admin - BS
Jones Taylor Kinesiology - BS
Jones Amanda Nursing - BSN
Jones Campbell Nursing - BSN
Jones Rachel Psychology - BS
Jones Haley Psychology - BS
Joseph Riley Psychology - BA
Joyce Caitlyn Health Sciences - BS
Judy Raegan Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Kamencik Ella Health Sciences - BS
Kane Isabella Psychology - BS
Karam Youstina Health Sciences - BS
Kates Emma Nursing - BSN
Keats Jordana Psychology - BA
Keefer Leah Nursing - BSN
Keller Kennedy Health Sciences - BS
Kennedy Connor Health Sciences - BS
Kent Sadie Nursing - BSN
Kent Isabelle Psychology - BS
Kenworthy Victoria Health Sciences - BS
Kern Rachel Health Sciences - BS
Ketzle Lorelei Psychology - BS
Kidd Reagan Psychology - BS
Kielb Julian Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Killmon Abigail Kinesiology - BS
Kim Ashley Health Sciences - BS
Kimble Kiley Nursing - BSN
Kinder Michaela Nursing - BSN
King Gracen Nursing - BSN
King Bridget Nursing - BSN
Kingsada Krystiana Health Sciences - BS
Kinmartin Alyssa Health Sciences - BS
Kirby Ryan Nursing - BSN
Klein Caitlin Psychology - BS
Koenig Camille Health Sciences - BS
Koenig Hadley Nursing - BSN
Koenig Grace Psychology - BS
Koller Brooke Health Sciences - BS
Koper Katie Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Kosbab Delaney Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Kouar Stephen Nursing - BSN
Kraszewski Zoe Nursing - BSN
Krepich Lindsay Health Services Admin - BS
Kresse Clara Psychology - BS
Krieger Callie Health Sciences - BS
Kuzmin Annabelle Psychology - BS
Lackey Virginia Kinesiology - BS
Ladehoff Olivia Nursing - BSN
Lagman Samantha Nicole Nursing - BSN
Lagnese Sophia Nursing - BSN
Lai Kaitlyn Health Sciences - BS
Lamb Cody Psychology - BS
Lambe Kiara Dietetics - BS
Lamm Kathryn Kinesiology - BS
Lamm Sarah Nursing - BSN
Lampf Brielle Psychology - BS
Landi Rachael Health Sciences - BS
Landivar Sofia Kinesiology - BS
Landolfi Alexa Health Services Admin - BS
Lane Connor Nursing - BSN
Larrow Shayna Psychology - BA
Lassiter Autumn Health Sciences - BS
Lassiter Juliana Psychology - BS
Lauder Jillian Psychology - BA
Lawler Mikayla Psychology - BS
Lawrence Meredith Dietetics - BS
Leach Shea Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Leahy Maura Psychology - BS
Leal-Cruz Jennifer Psychology - BS
Lee Elizabeth Nursing - BSN
Lee Amanda Nursing - BSN
Legg Olivia Psychology - BS
Lehman Madison Health Services Admin - BS
Leich Allyson Nursing - BSN
Leichty Elana Psychology - BA
Leonard Michael Psychology - BS
Lesjak Isabel Health Sciences - BS
Levy Catherine Health Sciences - BS
Levy Robin Social Work - BSW
Liggio Brielle Kinesiology - BS
Lightle Auvren Social Work - BSW
Lilly Samantha Health Sciences - BS
Linder Hannah Kinesiology - BS
Lipinski Maximilian Kinesiology - BS
Liscomb Olivia Health Sciences - BS
Livelli Ana Psychology - BA
Lodge Cameron Psychology - BS
Lodwick Seaton Health Sciences - BS
Lombard Abby Social Work - BSW
LoMonaco-Kiss Giovanni Social Work - BSW
Loncar Caroline Health Sciences - BS
Longo Julia Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Lopez Cruz Angel Kinesiology - BS
Lopez Cruz Antony Kinesiology - BS
Lorton Jaiden Health Services Admin - BS
Lorusso Daniel Kinesiology - BS
Lozon Caitlin Kinesiology - BS
Lucero Emerson Nursing - BSN
Lugent Corinne Health Sciences - BS
Lumi Donika Health Sciences - BS
Lynch Mackenzie Health Sciences - BS
Lynch Julia Nursing - BSN
Lyngdal Annika Health Sciences - BS
Lyon Cameron Health Sciences - BS
MacLeod Lindsay Psychology - BA
Maddox Tyler Health Sciences - BS
Madrigal Simon Nursing - BSN
Magill Lindsey Health Sciences - BS
Magnant Madeleine Psychology - BA
Mahaney Mya Health Sciences - BS
Mahyoub Hana Psychology - BA
Maines Ella Psychology - BS
Malik Zaven Health Sciences - BS
Malinsky Katherine Health Sciences - BS
Mallee Abigail Health Sciences - BS
Malobisky Grace Social Work - BSW
Mancini Catherine Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Manjunatha Roshni Health Services Admin - BS
Manrique Vania Psychology - BA
Mantoni Alexis Nursing - BSN
Marcalaya Jean Pierre Kinesiology - BS
Marciniak Lucy Health Sciences - BS
Maringola Lauren Health Sciences - BS
Marotta Victoria Social Work - BSW
Martin Adryn Health Sciences - BS
Martin Cara Nursing - BSN
Massar Jenna Health Sciences - BS
Massey Donovan Psychology - BS
Mathews Elliott Psychology - BA
Matiyos Yeabsira Psychology - BS
Maton Stella Health Sciences - BS
Mattis Olivia Kinesiology - BS
Maxwell Isabella Nursing - BSN
Maynes Colleen Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Mazur Evan Kinesiology - BS
Mazzocchi Ashlyn Dietetics - BS
McCabe Kayla Psychology - BA
McCain Luke Nursing - BSN
McCarter Jason Psychology - BA
McCarthy Caroline Health Sciences - BS
McCay Maddie Health Sciences - BS
McCutcheon Addison Nursing - BSN
McDaniel Kaelyn Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
McDaniel Ella Health Sciences - BS
McDaniel Cyann Kinesiology - BS
McDaniel Kaylee Nursing - BSN
McDevitt Emma Health Sciences - BS
McDonald Grace Nursing - BSN
McGavin Elias Kinesiology - BS
McGhee Clare Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
McIvor Isabella Nursing - BSN
McKenney Hailey Nursing - BSN
McLean Jacob Nursing - BSN
McLeod Brooks Psychology - BA
McNeal Addyson Health Sciences - BS
McPeek Connor Kinesiology - BS
Meade Mary-Brooke Psychology - BS
Meador Kaylee Nursing - BSN
Mears Morgan Nursing - BSN
Medley Talia Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Medrano Aidan Social Work - BSW
Meincke Ava Health Sciences - BS
Melone Tatum Psychology - BS
Melville Allison Psychology - BS
Menard Layla Health Sciences - BS
Mendez Jada Psychology - BS
Mendez Dana Social Work - BSW
Mendieta Aileen Health Sciences - BS
Meredith Gracie Psychology - BS
Merica Camryn Nursing - BSN
Merold Alina Nursing - BSN
Meyers Rachel Health Sciences - BS
Michaud Mia Health Sciences - BS
Middleton Elena Nursing - BSN
Middleton Nora Psychology - BS
Mikelskas Kendall Health Sciences - BS
Militello Adam Kinesiology - BS
Miller Ella-Clare Health Sciences - BS
Miller Claire Nursing - BSN
Miller Lucia Psychology - BA
Miller Olivia Psychology - BS
Millis Meredith Psychology - BS
Mines Jordan Health Sciences - BS
Mirabito Ava Nursing - BSN
Mirakian Carly Nursing - BSN
Mitchell Grace Kinesiology - BS
Mitchell Elizabeth Nursing - BSN
Mitchell Jonathon Psychology - BA
Mitchell Sara Psychology - BS
Mitchem Rachel Psychology - BS
Mizelle Maggie Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Mizic Una Nursing - BSN
Mohamed Mai Health Sciences - BS
Moles Madelyn Nursing - BSN
Moleski Joseph Health Sciences - BS
Molnarova Anna Laura Psychology - BA
Montante Olivia Kinesiology - BS
Moore Jacqueline Health Sciences - BS
Moorehead William Health Sciences - BS
Moran Hailey Health Sciences - BS
Morel Caroline Health Sciences - BS
Moreno Adrian Health Sciences - BS
Morgan Grace Nursing - BSN
Morrell Caroline Nursing - BSN
Morris Avery Kinesiology - BS
Morris Kendall Kinesiology - BS
Morris Libby Nursing - BSN
Morris Olivia Nursing - BSN
Morrow Alexandra Psychology - BS
Morton Skyler Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Moses Mikayla Psychology - BA
Moskowitz Sarah Psychology - BS
Mouton Giselle Psychology - BA
Moyer Lea Nursing - BSN
Moyer Sarah Nursing - BSN
Muir Alexander Social Work - BSW
Mulhern McKayla Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Mullins Emma Nursing - BSN
Munoz Mario Psychology - BA
Murphy Natalie Health Sciences - BS
Murphy Madison Health Sciences - BS
Murphy Anna Kinesiology - BS
Murray Norah Nursing - BSN
Murray Mackenzie Nursing - BSN
Musser Dana Psychology - BA
Naden Penelope Psychology - BS
Nankervis Jenna Kinesiology - BS
Nannery Dana Health Sciences - BS
Nanney Marlea Psychology - BS
Nantob-Bikatui Sandra Health Sciences - BS
Narciso Sophia Psychology - BS
Narleski Julie Health Sciences - BS
Narlis Irene Nursing - BSN
Navin Audrey Health Sciences - BS
Neely Caroline Health Sciences - BS
Negron Damsky Rebeca Nursing - BSN
Nelson Rosemary Health Sciences - BS
Nelson Margaret Psychology - BS
Nemeyer Reagan Kinesiology - BS
Neuhs Molly Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Neven Mia Kinesiology - BS
Newberry Sierra Psychology - BS
Newman Ella Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Newton Brooke Health Sciences - BS
Ngongbo Britney Health Sciences - BS
Ngov Samantha Health Sciences - BS
Nguyen Ella Kinesiology - BS
Nichols Julianna Nursing - BSN
Nicholson Abigail Dietetics - BS
Niemeyer Ashleigh Psychology - BS
Nigro Lindsey Health Sciences - BS
Nikoloff Caelyn Health Services Admin - BS
Nofplot Madalynn Health Sciences - BS
Nolan Claire Health Sciences - BS
Norcross Natalie Health Services Admin - BS
O'Brien Mykenzie Health Sciences - BS
O'Brien Caitlin Nursing - BSN
O'Brien Mary Nursing - BSN
O'Dell Taylor Health Sciences - BS
Oehlbert Lauren Psychology - BS
Oh Jade Ashley Social Work - BSW
Ohanian Yasmin Psychology - BS
Olivares-Diaz Anna Nursing - BSN
Oliveira Ines Psychology - BS
Oliveira Makayla Psychology - BS
Olsen Riley Nursing - BSN
Olson Virginia Nursing - BSN
O'Neal Laney Kinesiology - BS
Orabi Sara Psychology - BA
Orehowsky Annie Nursing - BSN
Oropeza-Mozqueda Karen Health Sciences - BS
Orsi Lauren Psychology - BS
Ortiz Emmi Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Osazuwa Mary Psychology - BS
Osborn Catherine Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Osborne Hunter Psychology - BS
Osorio Victoria Psychology - BA
Ott Gavin Nursing - BSN
Ougnou Sara Nursing - BSN
Oveissi Skylar Health Sciences - BS
Padilla Adria Nursing - BSN
Pai Anoushka Health Sciences - BS
Palestrant William Psychology - BA
Paleti Yasasvi Psychology - BS
Palmer Gavin Kinesiology - BS
Panagsagan Jaymi Health Services Admin - BS
Panichas Katerina Health Sciences - BS
Pareja Juan Kinesiology - BS
Paris Mary Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Parker Alexandra Psychology - BS
Parr Taylor Nursing - BSN
Parsons Natalie Nursing - BSN
Partosan Lana Nursing - BSN
Pascual Sydney Psychology - BS
Pasquarello Luciana Psychology - BS
Patel Riya Health Sciences - BS
Patel Anjali Health Services Admin - BS
Patel Bhavi Kinesiology - BS
Patterson Taylor Psychology - BS
Patton Brendan Health Sciences - BS
Paulk Kylie Nursing - BSN
Pelais Alexis Health Services Admin - BS
Peng Richard Nursing - BSN
Penner Jillian Health Services Admin - BS
Perciak Hannah Health Sciences - BS
Perillo Erin Nursing - BSN
Perkins Za'Ronica Health Sciences - BS
Perkins Grace Health Services Admin - BS
Permut Emily Health Sciences - BS
Perrelli Jada Health Sciences - BS
Perricone Emily Kinesiology - BS
Pester Anna Health Sciences - BS
Peters Todd Health Services Admin - BS
Petitma Marah Psychology - BA
Petsko Alex Psychology - BS
Petzold Jake Psychology - BA
Pezzella Lorelle Health Sciences - BS
Pfaff Adia Nursing - BSN
Phillips Christina Health Sciences - BS
Pichardo Olivia Dietetics - BS
Picklesimer Samantha Psychology - BS
Pilson Peyton Nursing - BSN
Pineiro Abigail Kinesiology - BS
Piscitello Haley Nursing - BSN
Pittman Eli Kinesiology - BS
Pizzi Leah Nursing - BSN
Poggi Ava Kinesiology - BS
Polsky Melissa Nursing - BSN
Poole Emma Psychology - BA
Poretto Isabella Nursing - BSN
Porowski Hanna Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Porter Abigail Health Sciences - BS
Porter Bella Health Services Admin - BS
Posada Jonah Kinesiology - BS
Posey Danielle Health Sciences - BS
Posey Noah Psychology - BS
Potter Tabitha Psychology - BS
Poulin Jaiden Kinesiology - BS
Powell Hannah Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Powell Violet Health Sciences - BS
Powell Courtney Health Sciences - BS
Powers David Dietetics - BS
Powers Kyla Psychology - BA
Pressimone Cristina Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Price Eric Health Sciences - BS
Price Lauren Kinesiology - BS
Proctor Sydney Health Sciences - BS
Proctor Jackson Psychology - BS
Proctor Rylee Social Work - BSW
Prouty Julia Nursing - BSN
Puckett Emma Psychology - BA
Pullia Samantha Nursing - BSN
Puritz Annabel Health Sciences - BS
Quesenberry Ava Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Quintana Alexandra Health Sciences - BS
Quitugua Alexis Health Sciences - BS
Rahman Maria Psychology - BS
Ramsay Brianne Nursing - BSN
Randles Lily Nursing - BSN
Rapps Emily Health Sciences - BS
Ratcliffe Alaina Psychology - BS
Raza Savera Psychology - BS
Razi Sam Health Sciences - BS
Reagan Madison Health Sciences - BS
Reagan MaKenzie Health Sciences - BS
Reasons Cana Nursing - BSN
Reecer Jacquelyn Health Sciences - BS
Reese Ashley Kinesiology - BS
Reese-Banks Amiya Nursing - BSN
Rehanek Sarah Health Services Admin - BS
Reid Connor Health Services Admin - BS
Reilly Emma Health Sciences - BS
Reinaldo Taylor Health Sciences - BS
Rhett Kamryn Health Sciences - BS
Ribeiro Adelina Dietetics - BS
Richards Anna Nursing - BSN
Richardson Caroline Health Sciences - BS
Richardson Sakari Psychology - BS
Riddick Mari Dietetics - BS
Riggs Campbell Nursing - BSN
Rini Elizabeth Health Sciences - BS
Risco Amaya Kinesiology - BS
Ritterpusch Wilson Health Sciences - BS
Rivera Rivas Helen Health Sciences - BS
Rivera-Maldonado Isabella Psychology - BA
Roakes Madison Psychology - BA
Roberts Ainsley Social Work - BSW
Robertson Rory Dietetics - BS
Robinson Aerin Nursing - BSN
Robinson Leah Psychology - BA
Robinson Jaclyn Psychology - BS
Rock Kylie Psychology - BS
Rodeheaver Bryan Psychology - BA
Rodman Andrew Health Sciences - BS
Rodriguez Christina Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Rodriguez Jorge Kinesiology - BS
Rogers Mary Olivia Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Rogers Ian Nursing - BSN
Rogers Samuel Psychology - BA
Romano Samantha Dietetics - BS
Roseboom Emma Nursing - BSN
Rosenberger Kensey Nursing - BSN
Rosenkrantz Morgan Health Sciences - BS
Rosenzweig Ella Psychology - BS
Roudabush Olivia Kinesiology - BS
Rountree Sophie Psychology - BS
Routten Carter Health Sciences - BS
Rovang Savannah Health Sciences - BS
Rowe Madison Social Work - BSW
Rowland Addison Health Sciences - BS
Rubin Helena Health Services Admin - BS
Ruch Courtlyn Nursing - BSN
Rude Claire Nursing - BSN
Rudick Autumn Psychology - BS
Rudolf Genavieve Dietetics - BS
Rudolf Jaynie Health Sciences - BS
Ruggiero Grace Social Work - BSW
Rush Hayden Nursing - BSN
Ryan Alina Kinesiology - BS
Ryman Lana Psychology - BS
Rynne Margaret Health Sciences - BS
Sabelli Francesca Health Sciences - BS
Sager Isabelle Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Salameh Anna Nursing - BSN
Sale Emily Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Salomone Adriana Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Salvano Daniel Health Sciences - BS
Sampson Erykah Psychology - BS
Sanchez Villareal Miranda Nursing - BSN
Sanchez-Aguilar Ashley Nursing - BSN
Saplak Charles Kinesiology - BS
Sapperstein Allison Psychology - BS
Saulman Brittany Health Sciences - BS
Savedge Erin Kinesiology - BS
Scannell Sydney Social Work - BSW
Scarbrough Gabrielle Psychology - BA
Schiller Karoline Health Sciences - BS
Schmidt Jessica Nursing - BSN
Schmidt Gia Psychology - BA
Schneider Dylan Psychology - BS
Schultz Gabrielle Psychology - BS
Schwartz Chloe Psychology - BA
Scott Joseph Kinesiology - BS
Scott Jenalyn Psychology - BS
Scoville Gibson Psychology - BS
Scranton Austin Kinesiology - BS
Sease Anne Nursing - BSN
Sebetzki Kaylin Psychology - BA
Seek Lindsey Psychology - BS
Serrano Jason Nursing - BSN
Settle Anica Psychology - BS
Shaffer Erika Health Sciences - BS
Shamp Megan Psychology - BS
Shapiro Gabrielle Nursing - BSN
Shaver Dylan Kinesiology - BS
Sheiner Lyndsey Nursing - BSN
Sheppard Amber Social Work - BSW
Shergill Harjot Nursing - BSN
Sheridan Andrew Kinesiology - BS
Shibut Brittany Social Work - BSW
Shifflett Grace Nursing - BSN
Shin Liora Dietetics - BS
Shingler Aava Nursing - BSN
Short Gavin Psychology - BS
Shufflebarger Emma Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Shuke Hunter Nursing - BSN
Shumate Charlotte Health Sciences - BS
Siljanoski Caitlyn Nursing - BSN
Sim Eugene Nursing - BSN
Simmons Caroline Dietetics - BS
Simms Clint Health Sciences - BS
Simpson Kayla Nursing - BSN
Simpson Madeline Nursing - BSN
Sims Emma Health Sciences - BS
Sinsel John Kinesiology - BS
Sipe Alison Kinesiology - BS
Sisk Amanda Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Siskind Amanda Kinesiology - BS
Skatoff Zoe Nursing - BSN
Slade Zander Kinesiology - BS
Sleeth Caleigh Nursing - BSN
Sloan Abigail Health Sciences - BS
Smalley Rachel Nursing - BSN
Smith Connor Health Sciences - BS
Smith Matthew Health Sciences - BS
Smith Brendan Health Sciences - BS
Smith Victoria Health Sciences - BS
Smith Ashley Health Sciences - BS
Smith Callie Health Services Admin - BS
Smith Amber Kinesiology - BS
Smith Alexandra Kinesiology - BS
Smith Campbell Nursing - BSN
Smith Hanna Nursing - BSN
Smith Abigail Nursing - BSN
Smith Hadley Social Work - BSW
Smith Norah Social Work - BSW
Snayd Isabelle Social Work - BSW
Snyder Sophia Psychology - BS
Snyder Emily Psychology - BS
Sorrentino Isabella Health Sciences - BS
Soucek Adeline Psychology - BS
Sours Allison Health Sciences - BS
Spalding Sean Health Sciences - BS
Spalletta Jessica Nursing - BSN
Spiggle Bailey Nursing - BSN
Spilman Virginia Health Sciences - BS
Sporysz Chloe Nursing - BSN
Spradlin MiKayla Nursing - BSN
Sprinkle Kate Health Sciences - BS
Stager Samantha Psychology - BS
Staley Emma Health Sciences - BS
Stallings Alaina Psychology - BS
Stam August Nursing - BSN
Stanford Natalie Nursing - BSN
Stanley Adair Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Staymates Evyn Psychology - BA
Stayton Sara Dietetics - BS
Stebbins Maggie Nursing - BSN
Steele Kimberly Nursing - BSN
Steinberg Emery Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Steinberg Paige Psychology - BS
Stephens Chloe Kinesiology - BS
Stewart Alexis Dietetics - BS
Stinson Caroline Health Sciences - BS
Stokes Trinity Health Sciences - BS
Stolar Camryn Health Sciences - BS
Stormer William Kinesiology - BS
Strach Maya Kinesiology - BS
Strange Grace Health Services Admin - BS
Strosnider Kameron Psychology - BS
Sullivan Hannah Health Sciences - BS
Sullivan Miranda Nursing - BSN
Sullivan Mikaela Nursing - BSN
Sumangil Amelia Psychology - BA
Summerville David Psychology - BA
Supinsky Grace Nursing - BSN
Sweeney Dillon Psychology - BS
Swingle Michael Health Sciences - BS
Szczyglinski Emma Psychology - BS
Szulborski Eliana Nursing - BSN
Tadle Samantha Psychology - BA
Taffera Sophia Health Services Admin - BS
Tango Mary Health Sciences - BS
Tatro Brianna Social Work - BSW
Taylor Allisan Kinesiology - BS
Taylor Gretchen Psychology - BA
Taylor Natasha Psychology - BS
Tebbe Lillian Kinesiology - BS
Terrell Aneesa Health Services Admin - BS
Terry Mikaila Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Thomas Ella Social Work - BSW
Thomasson Amber Health Sciences - BS
Thompson Avery Nursing - BSN
Thompson Kayleigh Nursing - BSN
Thorpe Paris Nursing - BSN
Thurman Karly Nursing - BSN
Tickle Hannah Health Sciences - BS
Tierney Madeline Health Sciences - BS
Timmerman Michael Health Sciences - BS
Tinaz Ege Health Sciences - BS
Tingue Patricia Nursing - BSN
Tocci Jessica Psychology - BA
Todd Callen Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Toliver Alexis Social Work - BSW
Tombul Samuel Psychology - BS
Tomlin Landen Health Sciences - BS
Toole Katherine Kinesiology - BS
Topham Madison Dietetics - BS
Topper Brooke Kinesiology - BS
Totten Abigail Health Sciences - BS
Townsend Madison Health Sciences - BS
Townsend Abigail Social Work - BSW
Tran Paul Health Sciences - BS
Tran Alyssa Health Sciences - BS
Trentowski Taylor Health Sciences - BS
Tribble Izaac Psychology - BA
Trottman Reagan Kinesiology - BS
Troy Ryan Health Sciences - BS
Trujillo-Gomez Emanuel Nursing - BSN
Trumbo Grace Nursing - BSN
Tsipas Scarlett Nursing - BSN
Tuck Ellie Nursing - BSN
Tuerk Taylor Health Sciences - BS
Tussey Kalen Nursing - BSN
Unger Chloe Social Work - BSW
Unpingco Kylie Psychology - BS
Van Bergen Kira Nursing - BSN
Vance Olivia Psychology - BA
VanDyke Victoria Nursing - BSN
Vasquenz Jessica Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Vasquez Citlali Nursing - BSN
Vassallo Samantha Social Work - BSW
Vaughan Gina Nursing - BSN
Vaught Ella Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Vayo Anna Psychology - BS
Vazquez Sofia Psychology - BA
Velde Jessica Health Sciences - BS
Velez Isabella Nursing - BSN
Verderami Gianna Nursing - BSN
Verveniotis Anna Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Viar Sage Psychology - BS
Vick Dillan Psychology - BS
Visscher Emily Psychology - BS
Vitanovec Allison Health Sciences - BS
Vliet Bailee Health Sciences - BS
Vo Tina Health Sciences - BS
Voelkel Lily Kinesiology - BS
Vokac Kayla Nursing - BSN
Vosburg Hanna Social Work - BSW
Wagenmaker Zachary Nursing - BSN
Wagner Jacqueline Health Services Admin - BS
Waldron Kaelin Health Sciences - BS
Walicek Gabriella Nursing - BSN
Walker Haden Health Sciences - BS
Wallace Hannah Nursing - BSN
Wallech Alyssa Social Work - BSW
Walsh Sarah Health Sciences - BS
Walsh Norah Nursing - BSN
Walsh Nella Psychology - BS
Walters Sidney Nursing - BSN
Walton Elodie Kinesiology - BS
Ward Maxim Health Sciences - BS
Ward Elaina Psychology - BS
Ware Sydney Health Sciences - BS
Washington Destiny Kinesiology - BS
Watkins Kai Health Sciences - BS
Watson Larry Nursing - BSN
Watson Justin Psychology - BS
Watzlavick Sarah Psychology - BA
Waugh Kate Nursing - BSN
Weakley Leah Psychology - BS
Weast Allison Psychology - BS
Webb Cicely Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Webb Joseph Psychology - BS
Wegner Emma Nursing - BSN
Wehmeyer Hugo Health Sciences - BS
Weiss Sarah Nursing - BSN
Weiss Megan Psychology - BA
Wells Hannah Dietetics - BS
Wells Olivia Health Sciences - BS
Wells Juliet Kinesiology - BS
Wessel Iris Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
West Cayla Social Work - BSW
Whelehan Norah Psychology - BS
White Kylie Health Sciences - BS
White Anna Kinesiology - BS
White Isabel Psychology - BS
Whitley Megan Psychology - BA
Whitman Carter Kinesiology - BS
Whitmer Hannah Psychology - BS
Wiarda Kayla Kinesiology - BS
Widner Katherine Nursing - BSN
Wiedinmyer Olivia Health Sciences - BS
Wilfong Eric Nursing - BSN
Wilhelm Emily Kinesiology - BS
Wilkie Evelyn Health Services Admin - BS
Wilkinson Anna Psychology - BA
Williams Erin Health Sciences - BS
Williams Madelyn Health Sciences - BS
Williams Molly Nursing - BSN
Williams Laney Nursing - BSN
Williams Christian Psychology - BS
Williams Claire Social Work - BSW
Williamson Mather Health Sciences - BS
Williamson Caleb Kinesiology - BS
Williamson Holden Psychology - BS
Willson Caroline Nursing - BSN
Wilson Ellie Psychology - BS
Wirt Maria Dietetics - BS
Wirt Kaitlyn Health Sciences - BS
Wise Tyler Kinesiology - BS
Wolfsheimer Margaret Psychology - BS
Wood Sydney Health Sciences - BS
Wood Tristan Nursing - BSN
Wood Aiden Psychology - BA
Woodard Alexis Health Sciences - BS
Woodruff Olivia Nursing - BSN
Woodson Nicholas Nursing - BSN
Wright Kayli Social Work - BSW
Wyatt Chloe Psychology - BS
Wyllie Mora Nursing - BSN
Yabes Isabel Social Work - BSW
Yane-Grey Zadie-Joan Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Yates Emma Health Sciences - BS
Yenesew Misale Health Services Admin - BS
Yeshtokina Sofia Psychology - BS
Yohannes Hermella Health Sciences - BS
Young Sadie Kinesiology - BS
Young Alayna Nursing - BSN
Young Ella Psychology - BA
Youssef Joy Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Yuce Zisan Nursing - BSN
Yudt Kristen Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Yunk Ryan Nursing - BSN
Zazzaretti Macie Health Sciences - BS
Zeller-Bender Collin Psychology - BA
Zhekova Christine Nursing - BSN
Zoromski Caleb Psychology - BS
Zrenda Kylene Psychology - BA
Zuniga Adriana Psychology - BA
Zwicker Elena Kinesiology - BS

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