The table below is best viewed at horizontal orientation on your device.

Last Name First Name Major
Abando Mary Nursing - BSN
Abraham Sairah General Psychology - BS
Abu Chubiyojo General Psychology - BS
Adams Hayley Nursing - BSN
Adams Lacey Social Work - BSW
Adler Katherine Health Sciences - BS
Agoglia Erin Nursing - BSN
Aguilera Selyna Dietetics - BS
Agyeiwaah Vida Health Services Admin - BS
Al Bizri Mona General Psychology - BS
Al Mashhadani Dania Health Sciences - BS
Aleksa Lauren Health Services Admin - BS
Alexander Erica Health Sciences - BS
Allen Brandon General Psychology - BS
Allen Ariana Nursing - BSN
Allwine Sydney Health Sciences - BS
Almeda Nathalie Kinesiology - BS
Alsfeld Sydney Health Sciences - BS
Alston Tiara Social Work - BSW
Altizer Sydney Health Sciences - BS
Amand Reagen Dietetics - BS
Ameer Madison Health Sciences - BS
Amoia Annabelle Health Sciences - BS
Anders Haley Nursing - BSN
Andersen Hannah General Psychology - BA
Anderson Quinn Health Sciences - BS
Anderson Mason Kinesiology - BS
Andrews Brooke General Psychology - BS
Angioli Emelia Health Sciences - BS
Angle Kathleen General Psychology - BS
Antoon Isabella Health Sciences - BS
Applin Mark Health Sciences - BS
Archiopoli Alexis Health Sciences - BS
Ardrey Lauren Health Sciences - BS
Arens Jessica Nursing - BSN
Argabright Abby Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Armstrong Emmarie Health Sciences - BS
Armstrong Jenna Kinesiology - BS
Arnold Lucy Nursing - BSN
Arquette-Overman Gabriella General Psychology - BS
Arwood Grace Health Sciences - BS
Ashworth Eli Nursing - BSN
Asturias Angelique Nursing - BSN
Atkins Abigail Health Sciences - BS
Audain-El Dakari General Psychology - BS
Axelson Erica General Psychology - BA
Azariah Wilhelmina Health Sciences - BS
Aziz Nicole Health Sciences - BS
Babson Mackenzie Nursing - BSN
Baffour Michelle Nursing - BSN
Bailey Tyler General Psychology - BS
Baker Jordan Kinesiology - BS
Baldwin Hannah Health Sciences - BS
Baradi Nicole General Psychology - BS
Barbowski Stephanie Health Sciences - BS
Barksdale Catherine Health Sciences - BS
Barnes Rachel General Psychology - BS
Barnes Jordan Nursing - BSN
Barnes Lauren Nursing - BSN
Barrera Jasmine Social Work - BSW
Barrett Ciara Nursing - BSN
Barretta Kaitlin Kinesiology - BS
Barrick Sophia Nursing - BSN
Bartels Nicole Dietetics - BS
Bartley Kelby General Psychology - BA
Bass Kate Health Services Admin - BS
Bayne Pamela Health Sciences - BS
Beall Lillian Nursing - BSN
Beavers John General Psychology - BS
Becker-Mowery Katherine General Psychology - BS
Becza Juliet Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Bedner Ashley General Psychology - BS
Beggs Veronica Health Sciences - BS
Begovic Anamarija Dietetics - BS
Bell Aidan General Psychology - BA
Bell Andrea Nursing - BSN
Bellamoli Alyssa Nursing - BSN
Beltre-Ovalles Nadya Health Sciences - BS
Bender Alison Health Sciences - BS
Benninghoff Ava Nursing - BSN
Benton Colleen General Psychology - BS
Bentz Kellie Nursing - BSN
Berger Braden General Psychology - BS
Bergquist Kristopher General Psychology - BS
Berman Claudia General Psychology - BA
Berrettini Joseph General Psychology - BS
Berroyer Brooke Health Sciences - BS
Betancourt Julia Health Sciences - BS
Bill Brittany Kinesiology - BS
Bing-Zaremba Caitlin Health Sciences - BS
Biro Monya Kinesiology - BS
Bjorge Devon Health Sciences - BS
Blais Kirstyn Kinesiology - BS
Blakeney Alyssa General Psychology - BS
Bland Madison Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Blanding Reagan Nursing - BSN
Blanton Sarah Nursing - BSN
Bobbitt Anna General Psychology - BS
Boerckel Madeleine Nursing - BSN
Bogda Alexa Nursing - BSN
Boissiere Sydney General Psychology - BA
Bonilla Eliza Social Work - BSW
Bonner Luke Health Sciences - BS
Booker Liam General Psychology - BS
Booth Olivia Nursing - BSN
Botset Kristen Dietetics - BS
Bottoms Cameron Nursing - BSN
Botts Madeline Social Work - BSW
Bousum Grace General Psychology - BS
Bower Caroline General Psychology - BS
Bowers Makenzie Nursing - BSN
Bowles Emily General Psychology - BS
Bowman Catherine General Psychology - BS
Boyce Cheyenne Kinesiology - BS
Boyer Jessie Health Sciences - BS
Boynton Olivia Social Work - BSW
Bramson Jane Health Sciences - BS
Braswell Charles General Psychology - BS
Braun Madelynn General Psychology - BA
Braxton Chanelle Health Sciences - BS
Brazinsky Cassandra Health Sciences - BS
Breland Lauren Nursing - BSN
Brenk Morgan Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Brill Danielle Nursing - BSN
Brinckman Tori Nursing - BSN
Brody Hanna Nursing - BSN
Brosan Megan General Psychology - BS
Brown Ashlynne Health Sciences - BS
Brown Riley Health Sciences - BS
Brown Collin General Psychology - BS
Bruggeman Lilian General Psychology - BS
Brundidge Lauren Health Sciences - BS
Bryant Coltin Health Sciences - BS
Bryant Hannah Nursing - BSN
Bryars Alyssa General Psychology - BS
Buccieri Abigail Nursing - BSN
Buchanan Hannah General Psychology - BA
Bucklew Samantha Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Bulluss Amber General Psychology - BS
Buoye Kaitlyn Health Sciences - BS
Burcher Riley Nursing - BSN
Burgos Isabella Health Sciences - BS
Burke Emily General Psychology - BS
Burks MaKayla Nursing - BSN
Burnett Molly General Psychology - BA
Burns Erika Health Sciences - BS
Burrows Grace Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Busbee Stephen Dietetics - BS
Bush Hailey Nursing - BSN
Butcher Zachary Social Work - BSW
Butera Allison Health Sciences - BS
Butler Amy Dietetics - BS
Butler Audrey Nursing - BSN
Buyas Grace Health Sciences - BS
Byrom Robert Kinesiology - BS
Cabrera Seth Nursing - BSN
Cahill Mary-Kate Nursing - BSN
Caldwell Benjamin Kinesiology - BS
Callaham Skyler Health Sciences - BS
Calvin Lauren Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Camilliere Peter General Psychology - BS
Campisi Zoe General Psychology - BS
Canales Alicia Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Cantilina Anna Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Cao Khue General Psychology - BS
Capozzi Caroline Nursing - BSN
Captain Victoria General Psychology - BS
Caracappa Macayla Health Sciences - BS
Caras Alexa Health Sciences - BS
Cardany Sadie Nursing - BSN
Cardone Gianna Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Carliss Grace Health Sciences - BS
Carr Camryn General Psychology - BS
Carrier Kayci Nursing - BSN
Carson Nicole Health Sciences - BS
Cartwright Aubreigh Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Cascio Rachel Nursing - BSN
Cason Madeline General Psychology - BS
Castro Jhoselin Health Sciences - BS
Caudle Abby Dietetics - BS
Caufield Sarah General Psychology - BS
Cenatiempo Bailey Health Sciences - BS
Chalkley Claire Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Chamberlain Katherine General Psychology - BA
Chavez Emily General Psychology - BS
Chelpon Alexander General Psychology - BS
Chenoweth Katrina Kinesiology - BS
Chergosky Rebecca Health Sciences - BS
Cherpes Katherine Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Cherry Andrew General Psychology - BA
Chesebrough Jeremy Kinesiology - BS
Chichester Bryce Social Work - BSW
Chittum Evelyn Nursing - BSN
Choi Ahyeon Health Sciences - BS
Chotiner Ella General Psychology - BA
Christian Rebekah Health Sciences - BS
Christian Logan Nursing - BSN
Chung Taylor Nursing - BSN
Chung Dayeon Nursing - BSN
Ciampini Courtney Kinesiology - BS
Cinella Hanna Health Sciences - BS
Ciufo Hailey Kinesiology - BS
Clark Chloe Health Sciences - BS
Clay Jillian General Psychology - BS
Cleal Shelby Nursing - BSN
Coary Olivia Health Sciences - BS
Cobb Ashley General Psychology - BS
Coffelt Logan Kinesiology - BS
Cohen Jaeda Kinesiology - BS
Cohn Emily Nursing - BSN
Coldren Corey General Psychology - BA
Collingwood Baylor Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Collins Freedom Kinesiology - BS
Colossi Andrew Dietetics - BS
Comfort Kaitlyn Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Como Karyn Health Sciences - BS
Conant Virginia Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Connelly Kaylee Health Services Admin - BS
Conrades Jenna Nursing - BSN
Conte Olivia Nursing - BSN
Cook Caroline Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Cook Hannah Dietetics - BS
Cook Shellie Kinesiology - BS
Cooter Robin General Psychology - BA
Corella Abigail Health Sciences - BS
Corey Kasey Health Sciences - BS
Cornejo-Longa Alexa General Psychology - BS
Cornelius Hailey Health Sciences - BS
Cornwell Alexandra Social Work - BSW
Corsi Madeline General Psychology - BS
Craddock Brooke Health Sciences - BS
Craig Elizabeth Nursing - BSN
Cramer Julia Nursing - BSN
Cravens Alexia General Psychology - BA
Cresci Megan Nursing - BSN
Crichton William Kinesiology - BS
Crider Ashley Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Crouse Hailey Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Crowe Rachel Kinesiology - BS
Croxton Kate General Psychology - BS
Cubbage Tiffany Nursing - BSN
Cundiff Sophia General Psychology - BA
Cunningham Regan Health Sciences - BS
Cunningham Liam Health Services Admin - BS
Cunningham Grace Nursing - BSN
Curcurato Georgia General Psychology - BS
Currie Amber Social Work - BSW
Custer Aleigh Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Dachisen Autumn Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Dang Benjamin Health Sciences - BS
Dannahey Grace General Psychology - BS
Dantinne Noah General Psychology - BS
Davidson Sydney Health Sciences - BS
Davis Mary Health Sciences - BS
Davis Carson Health Sciences - BS
Davis Alexandra Kinesiology - BS
Davis Kenley Kinesiology - BS
Davis Cory Nursing - BSN
Davis Leah Nursing - BSN
Dawson Emily Health Sciences - BS
Dawson Autumn General Psychology - BA
Deacon Chelsey General Psychology - BA
DeBerardinis Hannah Health Sciences - BS
Deeb Laura Nursing - BSN
DeGroodt Emily Nursing - BSN
Dehaai Jessica Nursing - BSN
Del Gallo Annalie Nursing - BSN
DeLabio Brenna Health Sciences - BS
Delese Andrew Nursing - BSN
DeMaio Shelby Nursing - BSN
DeNise Allison Health Sciences - BS
DePasquale Olivia Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
DePaul Rosemarie Health Sciences - BS
DeValle Caden Nursing - BSN
Dibble Jordan Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Dickerson Katy Nursing - BSN
DiJoseph Jordan Nursing - BSN
Dillon Olivia Health Sciences - BS
DiMartino Laura Nursing - BSN
DiMeglio Sarah Health Sciences - BS
Dimond Margaret Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Dinman Elena Nursing - BSN
Dodson Megan Nursing - BSN
Dolieslager Kyra Nursing - BSN
Donaldson Alexa Health Sciences - BS
D'Onofrio Julianna Nursing - BSN
Donoghue Taylor Health Sciences - BS
Doody Nancy Health Sciences - BS
Dorrier Olivia Health Sciences - BS
Dorris Alexandra Health Sciences - BS
Dougaree Madison Health Sciences - BS
Dowdell Isabella Health Sciences - BS
Dowling Emma General Psychology - BA
Dowling Mackenzie Nursing - BSN
Doyle Callie Health Sciences - BS
Driscoll Molly Health Sciences - BS
Dudley Summer Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Duff Lauren Health Sciences - BS
Duffett Laura Social Work - BSW
Dunfee Sean Health Services Admin - BS
Dupuis Sharon General Psychology - BS
Durham Jacqueline General Psychology - BA
Durrett Emily Health Sciences - BS
Eckhoff Jamie General Psychology - BA
Edmonds Hunter Health Sciences - BS
Edmunds Jordan General Psychology - BA
Edwards Brooke Health Sciences - BS
Edwards Morgan Nursing - BSN
Edwards Hannah Nursing - BSN
Eelkema Reese General Psychology - BS
Egan Victoria Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Eilinger Brielle Health Services Admin - BS
Einarson Ashley Nursing - BSN
Eksteen Kayla Kinesiology - BS
Eley Paris General Psychology - BS
Elkas Olivia Nursing - BSN
Ellett Jordan Health Sciences - BS
Elliott Courtney Health Sciences - BS
Ellis Anne Health Sciences - BS
Ellis Christian Nursing - BSN
Elstad Ashley Social Work - BSW
Emblidge Marina Kinesiology - BS
Emerson Cecilia Health Sciences - BS
Emmendorfer Cheyenne Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Emmi Madison Health Sciences - BS
Erard-Coupe Mia Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Ervin Annelise Health Sciences - BS
Ervolino Alexa Nursing - BSN
Escobar Mia Dietetics - BS
Espinos Skylar Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Evans Madison Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Evans Bryn Health Sciences - BS
Evans Thomas Health Sciences - BS
Fahringer Kathryn Health Sciences - BS
Fair Caitlin General Psychology - BA
Fair Megan General Psychology - BA
Faircloth Whitney Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Falk Logan General Psychology - BS
Fang Hanzhi General Psychology - BA
Farinelli Mark Health Sciences - BS
Faris Lynne Health Sciences - BS
Faris Camryn General Psychology - BS
Farrar Mickia General Psychology - BS
Farzan Courtney General Psychology - BS
Fazio Elaina General Psychology - BS
Federico Sophie General Psychology - BA
Feiler Kendall Nursing - BSN
Feliz Shadther General Psychology - BS
Feltner Jade Health Sciences - BS
Fens Julie Nursing - BSN
Fernandez Nariella Kinesiology - BS
Fightmaster Ashley General Psychology - BS
Fike Katherine General Psychology - BS
Fischer Sonia General Psychology - BA
Fischetti Faith General Psychology - BS
Fisher Jolene General Psychology - BA
Fisher Mary Nursing - BSN
Fitzwater Caroline General Psychology - BS
Fleetwood Rebecca General Psychology - BS
Fleming Christine Health Sciences - BS
Fleming Rachel Nursing - BSN
Fletcher Madelyn Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Foncha Daisy General Psychology - BS
Forand Adria Nursing - BSN
Ford Brooke Health Sciences - BS
Formulak Bennett Health Sciences - BS
Forslund Cameron Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Fortner Ainslee Health Sciences - BS
Foster Grace Nursing - BSN
Frankford Katherine Nursing - BSN
Frazier Mollie General Psychology - BS
Fred Jason Nursing - BSN
Freedman Skyler Nursing - BSN
French Carole Health Sciences - BS
Freret Cathryn Kinesiology - BS
Frescholtz Anna Nursing - BSN
Frey Abigail Nursing - BSN
Fuller Owen General Psychology - BS
Fuller Kelly Nursing - BSN
Fuller Michelle Nursing - BSN
Gallahue Caitlin Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Gannon Tarran Health Services Admin - BS
Ganoe Kelsey Nursing - BSN
Garcia Emily Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Gardenier Katherine General Psychology - BS
Garland Hannah Kinesiology - BS
Garnache Kate Dietetics - BS
Garrett Hannah Health Sciences - BS
Gastley Kelsey Dietetics - BS
Gattoni Teresa Nursing - BSN
Gauffeny Elodie Nursing - BSN
Gautier Hannah Social Work - BSW
Gensone Kyra General Psychology - BS
Gentry Taylor Health Sciences - BS
George Vanessa General Psychology - BS
George Hannah Social Work - BSW
Gerdt Kristina Health Sciences - BS
Gessner Amber General Psychology - BS
Gibbons Ava Health Sciences - BS
Gibson Morgan Health Sciences - BS
Gibson Grace Nursing - BSN
Gillespie Megan Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Ginn Aiden Nursing - BSN
Giovannone Gianna Nursing - BSN
Girard Grace Nursing - BSN
Girata Alexis Health Sciences - BS
Giroux Matthew General Psychology - BA
Gomes Jill Nursing - BSN
Gomez Gabriella General Psychology - BA
Good Kaitlyn Dietetics - BS
Goodwin Emily General Psychology - BA
Goodwin Hannah General Psychology - BS
Gorski Molly General Psychology - BS
Gorwitz Courtney Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Goshime Samrawit Nursing - BSN
Grandjean Alexis Health Sciences - BS
Gray Colleen Nursing - BSN
Green Hannah Health Sciences - BS
Greene Koby Kinesiology - BS
Gregory Renee General Psychology - BA
Grenfell Natalie Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Griffith Lauren Nursing - BSN
Grizzard Riley General Psychology - BA
Groel Heather Nursing - BSN
Grogan Madisyn Health Sciences - BS
Grunwell Allison Kinesiology - BS
Grunwell Sadie Nursing - BSN
Guerrero Victoria Kinesiology - BS
Guevara Perez Chelsea Social Work - BSW
Guidetti Nicole Nursing - BSN
Gulley Hannah Health Sciences - BS
Hagan Ciara General Psychology - BA
Hagler Marjorie Dietetics - BS
Haines Avery General Psychology - BS
Haller Jennifer Nursing - BSN
Halpern Ahna Social Work - BSW
Halstead Catherine Nursing - BSN
Hamidi Hassti Social Work - BSW
Hamilton Lynnsey Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Hamilton Liza Health Sciences - BS
Hamilton Sarah Nursing - BSN
Hammond Katherine Health Sciences - BS
Hamp Ellie Health Services Admin - BS
Handy Elizabeth Nursing - BSN
Hansen Olivia Health Sciences - BS
Hansen Julia Nursing - BSN
Harlow Brooke Health Sciences - BS
Harmon Ryleigh Health Sciences - BS
Harmon Alexa General Psychology - BS
Harral Katelyn Dietetics - BS
Harris Prophett Dietetics - BS
Harris Alexis Health Sciences - BS
Harris Eli General Psychology - BS
Harrison Evan Kinesiology - BS
Hart Marissa General Psychology - BS
Hartley Ann Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Hartsook Meredith Health Services Admin - BS
Hartung Libbey Health Sciences - BS
Hartzog Abigail General Psychology - BA
Harvey Carlon Nursing - BSN
Hassane Hoor Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Hathway Claire Kinesiology - BS
Hatzis Alexandra Nursing - BSN
Hawkins Aliyah General Psychology - BA
Hayser Sophia Nursing - BSN
Heacock Leanna Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Headley LeAnna Social Work - BSW
Heberle Mason Nursing - BSN
Helfter Paige Nursing - BSN
Henke Shannon Social Work - BSW
Henkel Jordan Kinesiology - BS
Henry Charles Health Sciences - BS
Henry Julia Health Sciences - BS
Henry Madison Nursing - BSN
Hepler Elizabeth Nursing - BSN
Hertzler Emily Social Work - BSW
Hewitt Kendall General Psychology - BS
Hewitt Caitlyn General Psychology - BS
Heymsfeld Sarah General Psychology - BS
Hickey Ezrah General Psychology - BS
Higbee Amy Health Sciences - BS
Hildreth Emma General Psychology - BS
Hill Jaycin Nursing - BSN
Hinkle Victoria Health Sciences - BS
Hirshorn Lauren General Psychology - BA
Hockman Tessa Health Sciences - BS
Hoctor Emma Health Sciences - BS
Hoelscher Lindsey Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Hoffman Ethan General Psychology - BS
Hofsommer Kristina Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Holbrook Mackenzie Nursing - BSN
Holland Haley Health Sciences - BS
Hollingsworth Madison Nursing - BSN
Holt Rebecca General Psychology - BS
Hope Ella General Psychology - BS
Hopkins Abigail General Psychology - BS
Hopson Prince Kinesiology - BS
Horner Alexandra Health Sciences - BS
Horner Jordan Health Sciences - BS
Horning Victoria Nursing - BSN
Hornung Olivia General Psychology - BS
Hosseini Kayla Health Sciences - BS
Hottenstein Madeleine General Psychology - BS
Houchens Ella Nursing - BSN
Hoy Liam Kinesiology - BS
Hrynets Yuliya Nursing - BSN
Hubbard Luke Nursing - BSN
Huff Kyra Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Hughes Jenna Health Services Admin - BS
Hull Savannah Health Services Admin - BS
Hulser Kendall Nursing - BSN
Hutcheson Megan General Psychology - BS
Ingco Kyra Health Sciences - BS
Inman Alexandra Health Sciences - BS
Irvin Emma Nursing - BSN
Jackson Talia Nursing - BSN
Jacoby Kristy Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Jamali Ariana Health Sciences - BS
Jansen Lillian Social Work - BSW
Jarvi Laura Social Work - BSW
Jenkins Emma Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Jenkins Taylor Health Sciences - BS
Jensen Katherine Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Jensen Sarah Nursing - BSN
Johnson Grace General Psychology - BS
Johnson Adriana General Psychology - BS
Johnson Drew General Psychology - BS
Johnson Meghan Nursing - BSN
Johnston Tyler General Psychology - BS
Jolly Amber Health Sciences - BS
Jones Piper Health Sciences - BS
Jones Kellen General Psychology - BS
Jones Emily Nursing - BSN
Jones Mikaela Social Work - BSW
Jordan Kara Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Jordan Jacob General Psychology - BS
Jorgensen Ashley Nursing - BSN
Juarez Ana Social Work - BSW
Kalenichenko Katie Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Kampsen Karoline Nursing - BSN
Karcher Jordan General Psychology - BS
Karns Alexandra Social Work - BSW
Kaspary Abigail Nursing - BSN
Kasper Avery General Psychology - BA
Kauffeld Jasmine Health Sciences - BS
Kaupa Corinne Kinesiology - BS
Kavaja Amanda Health Sciences - BS
Kay Lindsay General Psychology - BS
Keane Sydney Dietetics - BS
Keane Ronan Social Work - BSW
Keelor Grace Health Sciences - BS
Kell Haley General Psychology - BS
Kelley Audrey Health Sciences - BS
Kelley Makiah Health Sciences - BS
Kelley Jordan Health Sciences - BS
Kelly Anna Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Kelly Conor Health Sciences - BS
Kelly Julia Nursing - BSN
Kennedy Connor Health Sciences - BS
Kenney Alissa General Psychology - BA
Kent Isabelle General Psychology - BS
Kertelits Michael Health Sciences - BS
Keyes Elijah General Psychology - BS
Kice Susan Dietetics - BS
Kilby-Woodward Jadah Social Work - BSW
Killmon Emily Nursing - BSN
Kim Sumin Health Sciences - BS
Kim Julia Nursing - BSN
Kirby Ryan Nursing - BSN
Kircher Jodi Health Sciences - BS
Kitchen Taylor Nursing - BSN
Klatt Casey Health Services Admin - BS
Kleinsmith Olivia Health Sciences - BS
Kliewer Emma General Psychology - BS
Klimavicz Isabella General Psychology - BS
Knick Harper Health Sciences - BS
Knight Maegan Health Sciences - BS
Knowlton Christopher General Psychology - BS
Koch Madison Nursing - BSN
Koenig Madeline Health Services Admin - BS
Kopstein Calvin Kinesiology - BS
Kosmela Meghan Kinesiology - BS
Kozlowski Marlena General Psychology - BS
Kreienbaum Anna General Psychology - BS
Krough Sydney Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Kulas Irish Health Sciences - BS
Kulisan Cassandra Nursing - BSN
Kurowski Kathryn Health Services Admin - BS
Kurtas Bella Nursing - BSN
Kurzer Mia Kinesiology - BS
LaMendola Adriana Health Sciences - BS
Lamma Phillip Health Sciences - BS
Lange Katelyn Nursing - BSN
Larkin Jordan Health Sciences - BS
Larrow Shayna General Psychology - BA
Larsen Meredith Kinesiology - BS
Lassiter Braelyn General Psychology - BS
Latiolais Madison Health Sciences - BS
Latore Michaila Nursing - BSN
Lauder Jillian General Psychology - BA
Laughorn Caroline Health Sciences - BS
Lauver Kayla Health Services Admin - BS
Lawhead Scott Nursing - BSN
Lawson Thomas Health Sciences - BS
Lawson Ethan Health Sciences - BS
Lawson Haley Nursing - BSN
Leary Daniel Health Sciences - BS
LeHanka Catherine General Psychology - BS
Lehman Lexi General Psychology - BS
Lembach Mackenzie Nursing - BSN
Lemon Morgan Health Services Admin - BS
Lengel Katie Social Work - BSW
Lents Samantha General Psychology - BA
Levine Alison General Psychology - BA
Lewellen Caitlyn Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Lewis Evelyn Social Work - BSW
Liberty Shannon General Psychology - BS
Liebgott Joshua Health Sciences - BS
Lin Ju Health Sciences - BS
Linden Payton Health Sciences - BS
Linthicum Grace Nursing - BSN
Linton Fiona Health Sciences - BS
Livesay Amanda Health Sciences - BS
Lloyd Avery Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Logsdon Lydia Nursing - BSN
Loncar Caroline Health Sciences - BS
Loomis Rachel Nursing - BSN
Lopretto Jordan Health Sciences - BS
Lovis Caroline General Psychology - BS
Luce Julia Health Sciences - BS
Luckart MollyKate General Psychology - BA
Lugent Corinne Health Sciences - BS
Lunn Teagan General Psychology - BS
Lupfer Renee Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Lussier Devon General Psychology - BS
Luxton Allie General Psychology - BS
Ly Nisha Health Sciences - BS
Lynch Samuel Kinesiology - BS
Machado Rivera Ashley Nursing - BSN
Maguire Abigail Health Services Admin - BS
Malaguti Martina General Psychology - BA
Maloney Lauren Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Maloney Kaitlyn Health Sciences - BS
Mamoud Julia Health Sciences - BS
Mancini Sophie Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Mann Marley Health Sciences - BS
Manning Turner Kinesiology - BS
Manning Kendall Nursing - BSN
Manweiler Rachel General Psychology - BA
Manyx Hayden Health Services Admin - BS
Mapoy Josh Martin Nursing - BSN
Market Katherine Nursing - BSN
Marnell Katherine Health Sciences - BS
Martin Rebekah General Psychology - BS
Martin Ryan Nursing - BSN
Martin Ava Nursing - BSN
Mason Emma General Psychology - BS
Mateu Eva Kinesiology - BS
Matthies Abigail Nursing - BSN
Mattingly McKenna General Psychology - BS
Matz Allison Nursing - BSN
Mayer Amanda Health Sciences - BS
Mayhugh Kaitlin General Psychology - BS
Mayo Grace Health Sciences - BS
McBride Jared Health Sciences - BS
McCarthy Caroline Health Sciences - BS
McCauley Lauren Nursing - BSN
McClendon Andrea Nursing - BSN
McCuen-O'Connor Irish Health Sciences - BS
McCullough Shannon Health Sciences - BS
McCummings Delaney Nursing - BSN
McDaniel Kendall General Psychology - BS
McDuffie Cara Dietetics - BS
McFadden Callen Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
McFall Cara Nursing - BSN
McFarlane Hugh Health Sciences - BS
McGloin Megan Health Sciences - BS
McGrath Madeline Nursing - BSN
McGregor Madison General Psychology - BS
McGuinness Rory Kinesiology - BS
McKeown Jamie Health Sciences - BS
McKinney Cameron General Psychology - BS
McLemore Noah Health Services Admin - BS
McMahel Emily Nursing - BSN
McNamara Keenan Health Sciences - BS
McNary Megan Nursing - BSN
McOrmond Taylor Dietetics - BS
McQuade Zoe Social Work - BSW
McQuillan Samantha General Psychology - BA
Meade Caroline Nursing - BSN
Meador Kaylee Nursing - BSN
Meadows William Kinesiology - BS
Meier Erin Kinesiology - BS
Melchor Morgan General Psychology - BS
Mendez Amy General Psychology - BS
Menkara Maya Nursing - BSN
Mensah Obiyaa Nursing - BSN
Merrill Nathaniel Nursing - BSN
Merrill Savannah Nursing - BSN
Mesaros Morgan Health Sciences - BS
Metzger Grace Nursing - BSN
Michel Kristina General Psychology - BA
Middleton Paige Health Sciences - BS
Migliorini Arielle General Psychology - BS
Milby Aidan Nursing - BSN
Miller Amanda Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Miller Joshua Kinesiology - BS
Miller Veronika Health Services Admin - BS
Miller Lucy Nursing - BSN
Miller Madison Nursing - BSN
Miller Elizabeth Social Work - BSW
Mills Kaylee General Psychology - BS
Mishkin Samantha General Psychology - BA
Mitchell Dakota General Psychology - BS
Moir Race Health Sciences - BS
Moncure Grace Health Sciences - BS
Moniak Madeline Nursing - BSN
Moore Hannah Health Sciences - BS
Moore Kyle Health Sciences - BS
Moore Emma General Psychology - BS
Moore Carol-Ann Nursing - BSN
Moorehead William Health Sciences - BS
Moran Payton Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Morrell Caroline Nursing - BSN
Morris Claire Health Sciences - BS
Morris Zoe Kinesiology - BS
Morris Kara Nursing - BSN
Morrissey Catherine General Psychology - BS
Morrow Jacqueline Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Moss Christian Health Services Admin - BS
Motkin Jillian Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Mottram Morgan Health Services Admin - BS
Moulton Courtney General Psychology - BS
Munford Erica Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Murdick Lauren General Psychology - BS
Murphy McKenna General Psychology - BS
Murray Nora Kinesiology - BS
Musser Dana General Psychology - BA
Mutton Emily General Psychology - BA
Myrtle Haleigh Kinesiology - BS
Naden Penelope General Psychology - BS
Nagele Lindsey Nursing - BSN
Nanavaty Foram Health Sciences - BS
Nathan Grace Dietetics - BS
Neddermeyer Olivia General Psychology - BS
Neller Ethan General Psychology - BS
Nelson Raeanne Dietetics - BS
Nelson Jessica Dietetics - BS
Nelson Rosemary Health Sciences - BS
Neuhs Molly Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Newman Kiana Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Nghiem Matthew Health Sciences - BS
Ngongbo Britney Health Sciences - BS
Nguyen Mary Health Sciences - BS
Nguyen Minh Quan Alexander Health Sciences - BS
Nguyen Elizabeth Kinesiology - BS
Noce Jack General Psychology - BS
Nocera Emma Nursing - BSN
Noel Tyler Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Noel Corinne Health Sciences - BS
Noonan Nicholas Kinesiology - BS
Novosel Ally Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Novotny Colleen Nursing - BSN
Nunnally Adelia Dietetics - BS
Nurse Zion Kinesiology - BS
O'Donnell Peyton Dietetics - BS
Ogbe Elena Health Sciences - BS
Olander Sarah Nursing - BSN
Olenski Cassandra Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Olinger Olivia General Psychology - BS
Oliveira Makayla General Psychology - BS
Oliveto Julia Nursing - BSN
Oren Grace Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Ortega Rianna Nursing - BSN
Osborne Joelle Dietetics - BS
Osei Augustina Health Services Admin - BS
Ouellette Avery Kinesiology - BS
Ousset Mary General Psychology - BA
Overton Sydney Nursing - BSN
Owens Karrington Health Sciences - BS
Owens Mia Social Work - BSW
Owings Meghan General Psychology - BS
Ozoemelam Madison General Psychology - BS
Pagan Cameron Nursing - BSN
Page Mikahlynn Health Sciences - BS
Palmucci Christina Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Panning Ella General Psychology - BS
Paredes Nicole General Psychology - BS
Park Elizabeth Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Parker Kayla Health Sciences - BS
Parker Lara General Psychology - BS
Parkes Kaitlynn Nursing - BSN
Parsons Sarah Nursing - BSN
Patel Harrison Health Sciences - BS
Payne Liam General Psychology - BS
Payne Elizabeth Nursing - BSN
Peacher Emily Health Sciences - BS
Pearson George Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Pearson James Health Sciences - BS
Pearson Mary Social Work - BSW
Peckl Lauren Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Pedersen Connor Nursing - BSN
Peebles Robert Kinesiology - BS
Pelais Alexis Health Services Admin - BS
Pena Marina Social Work - BSW
Peng Richard Nursing - BSN
Penneys Samantha Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Pepperman Lucy Nursing - BSN
Pereda Rachel Nursing - BSN
Pericone Lucy General Psychology - BA
Perkins Kaiyah Health Sciences - BS
Perry Audrey Health Services Admin - BS
Peterson Emily Nursing - BSN
Petzold Jake General Psychology - BA
Phelps Christopher Kinesiology - BS
Phelps Kandace Nursing - BSN
Pieroni Abigail Health Sciences - BS
Pifer Emilie Health Sciences - BS
Pilla Hailey General Psychology - BA
Plecker Madison Health Sciences - BS
Points Natalie Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Pokorny Lindsey Nursing - BSN
Polk Constance Nursing - BSN
Ponce Correa Yanely Nursing - BSN
Popuri Abhiram General Psychology - BS
Powell Katherine General Psychology - BA
Powers Francis General Psychology - BA
Pozhilenko Ivan Nursing - BSN
Prall Mackenzie Kinesiology - BS
Pratt Hannah Health Sciences - BS
Price Alexis Health Sciences - BS
Priftis Haley Nursing - BSN
Prince Jamie General Psychology - BA
Prinz Anna General Psychology - BA
Pritchett Haley Health Sciences - BS
Privett Anna Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Prudente Alexandra Nursing - BSN
Pruitt Allison Nursing - BSN
Puciul Rachele General Psychology - BA
Pueppke Jillian Nursing - BSN
Purdy Lily Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Putur Annika Health Sciences - BS
Qawasmi Judy Nursing - BSN
Query Madeline Kinesiology - BS
Quesenberry Kerrigan Health Sciences - BS
Quinn Christina Health Sciences - BS
Ragland Alexandria Health Sciences - BS
Raihall Natalie Nursing - BSN
Raines Peyton Nursing - BSN
Ratanataya Jenna Kinesiology - BS
Ratchford Hannah Nursing - BSN
Ratcliffe Teryn Nursing - BSN
Raymond Ethan General Psychology - BS
Reagan Madison Health Sciences - BS
Recio Anth Raniel General Psychology - BS
Reebals Katherine Nursing - BSN
Reed Anna Nursing - BSN
Register Maeve General Psychology - BS
Rehanek Sarah Health Services Admin - BS
Rehpelz Anna Nursing - BSN
Reid Jessica Health Sciences - BS
Reid Lanie Health Services Admin - BS
Reilly Meghan Nursing - BSN
Reister Jacob Health Sciences - BS
Renalds Madeline Health Sciences - BS
Renehan Samantha Nursing - BSN
Reno Lindsey Nursing - BSN
Renzi Carmen Social Work - BSW
Revere Allison Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Rhodes McKenna Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Rhodes Ashley General Psychology - BS
Richard Emilie General Psychology - BS
Richardson Caroline Health Sciences - BS
Richmond Megan Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Ricks Madison Nursing - BSN
Rieck Jenna Health Services Admin - BS
Riggs Bailey Nursing - BSN
Ritchie Katherine Health Sciences - BS
Ritz Gabrielle Nursing - BSN
Rizzetto Katelyn Health Sciences - BS
Robertson Emma General Psychology - BA
Robertson Libby General Psychology - BS
Robins Evelyn Nursing - BSN
Robinson Lindsay Health Sciences - BS
Robinson Leah General Psychology - BA
Robledo-Estremera Jeanelle Nursing - BSN
Robles Rodrigo General Psychology - BS
Rodman Andrew Health Sciences - BS
Rodman Trinitee Nursing - BSN
Roehrle Carter Health Sciences - BS
Roever Madeline General Psychology - BA
Rogers Kaley Health Sciences - BS
Roland Amber General Psychology - BS
Romero Lorenzo Health Services Admin - BS
Rose Caitlyn General Psychology - BS
Rose Caroline Nursing - BSN
Rosenkranz Kaitlin General Psychology - BA
Rospierski Madeline Health Services Admin - BS
Rossi Corinna Health Sciences - BS
Rowe Elizabeth Nursing - BSN
Roy Morgan Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Rudolph Lilac General Psychology - BA
Runion Makayla Nursing - BSN
Russell Molly Social Work - BSW
Rustay Emily Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Rutherford Haley Nursing - BSN
Ryan Natalie Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Ryan Herbert Nursing - BSN
Sablich Olivia General Psychology - BA
Sabol Carey General Psychology - BS
Sadowski Morgan Nursing - BSN
Salley Hannah Nursing - BSN
Salo Cade Nursing - BSN
Salvati Mia Health Sciences - BS
Salzgaber Camryn Health Sciences - BS
San Diego Madeline Nursing - BSN
Sanabia Valeria Health Services Admin - BS
Sandiford Glenic Nursing - BSN
Sandridge Natalie Health Sciences - BS
Sankoh Khadijah General Psychology - BS
Sanossian Paige General Psychology - BS
Sapone Mia Nursing - BSN
Saulman Brittany Health Sciences - BS
Saulter Tara Health Services Admin - BS
Sawatzky Sydney Health Sciences - BS
Scanlan Amanda Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Schaffner Joshua Kinesiology - BS
Schmank Joanna Nursing - BSN
Schneiderman Jaclyn Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Schwarting Dylan Nursing - BSN
Sciullo Matthew Health Sciences - BS
Scoville Eleanor Kinesiology - BS
Secrist Catherine Health Sciences - BS
Seibel Theresa Nursing - BSN
Seif Ava General Psychology - BS
Sejas Katherine Nursing - BSN
Sell Julia Health Sciences - BS
Sellers Tara Nursing - BSN
Senges Katherine Kinesiology - BS
Serrano Hanna Dietetics - BS
Sevcsisin Amanda Health Sciences - BS
Sewell Olivia Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Shah Nina General Psychology - BS
Shaler Jessica Social Work - BSW
Shapero Danielle Health Services Admin - BS
Sharkey Lauren Nursing - BSN
Sharma Asmita Health Sciences - BS
Shaver Savannah General Psychology - BS
Sheets Courtney Nursing - BSN
Sheirich Hope Health Services Admin - BS
Sheldon Madeline Nursing - BSN
Shergill Harjot Nursing - BSN
Sherry Morgan Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Sherry Niamh Health Sciences - BS
Shields Emily Health Sciences - BS
Short Raeghan Health Sciences - BS
Shotwell Kathleen Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Shreve Cheyenne General Psychology - BS
Shulgan Emiliya Health Sciences - BS
Sicari Kendall Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Siewert Kathryn Social Work - BSW
Silva Kayla Nursing - BSN
Simpson Mary Nursing - BSN
Sines Carly Health Sciences - BS
Sink Melody Nursing - BSN
Sipes Samantha Kinesiology - BS
Sitzman Samantha General Psychology - BS
Skipworth Mikayla Health Sciences - BS
Skurski Maya Social Work - BSW
Slahetka Sophie Social Work - BSW
Smalfelt Jasper General Psychology - BS
Smalls Andrew General Psychology - BS
Smeins Alexandra Health Sciences - BS
Smith Abigail Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Smith Emma Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Smith David Health Sciences - BS
Smith Haley Health Sciences - BS
Smith Lauren Health Sciences - BS
Smith Ashley Health Sciences - BS
Smith Kyle General Psychology - BS
Smith James Health Services Admin - BS
Smith Jonah Nursing - BSN
Smith Cassidy Nursing - BSN
Smith Emily Nursing - BSN
Smith Madison Nursing - BSN
Smith Isabella Nursing - BSN
Smola Maitland General Psychology - BA
Smysom Yousuf Health Sciences - BS
Snead Alexis General Psychology - BA
Snell Erin General Psychology - BS
Snipes Liberty Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Soccodato Samantha Nursing - BSN
Solell-Knepler Kesem Social Work - BSW
Sosa Kassee General Psychology - BA
Soto Hailey General Psychology - BS
Southall Landon Health Services Admin - BS
Spampinato Julia Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Speca Alexandra Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Spencer Phoenix General Psychology - BS
Spilman Virginia Health Sciences - BS
Spinelli Courtney General Psychology - BS
Sponaugle Sarah General Psychology - BS
Sporre Elizabeth Nursing - BSN
Spranger Gabrielle Nursing - BSN
Stallard Jillian Health Sciences - BS
Stanley Katherine Health Sciences - BS
Stanley Victoria Nursing - BSN
Steele Isabel Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Steele Anna Nursing - BSN
Stein Madeleine Health Sciences - BS
Stenz Danielle General Psychology - BS
Sterling Morgan Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Stevens Annie Kinesiology - BS
Stevers Jade Social Work - BSW
Stjepanovic Marko Kinesiology - BS
Stokes EmmaGrace Health Sciences - BS
Storrier Bayley General Psychology - BS
Strona Elizabeth Health Sciences - BS
Stuart Gabrielle General Psychology - BS
Suchan Lauren Nursing - BSN
Sulc Lydia Health Sciences - BS
Sullivan Madeline Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Sullivan Emily General Psychology - BS
Sullivan Meaghan Social Work - BSW
Surdykowski Diana Health Sciences - BS
Surette Katherine Dietetics - BS
Sutherland Kathleen Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Sutherland Morgan General Psychology - BS
Swartz Trinity General Psychology - BA
Sweeney Hannah Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Sweeney Alden Kinesiology - BS
Sweet Riley Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Sykhammountry Tanner General Psychology - BA
Sylaksa Anica Health Sciences - BS
Sylvester Katherine Nursing - BSN
Sylvia Anna Hensley Nursing - BSN
Taber Abigail Health Sciences - BS
Tambroni Carissa General Psychology - BS
Tanzola Colleen Health Sciences - BS
Tarpey Paige General Psychology - BS
Tartabini Julia Nursing - BSN
Taylor Amanda Health Sciences - BS
Taylor Joshua Kinesiology - BS
Taylor Gretchen General Psychology - BA
Taylor Sophia General Psychology - BS
Taylor Lindsey Nursing - BSN
Tennett Glennae General Psychology - BS
Terman Elisa Nursing - BSN
Terry Amanda Health Sciences - BS
Tham Haley Health Sciences - BS
Thomas Brianna General Psychology - BS
Thomas Katherine Nursing - BSN
Thompson Jasmine Health Sciences - BS
Thompson Kyle Nursing - BSN
Thompson Jasmine Nursing - BSN
Thress Kylie Health Services Admin - BS
Thurman Karly Nursing - BSN
Tietjen Arianna Nursing - BSN
Timmerman Michael Health Sciences - BS
Tober Sandra Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Tobio Isabel Nursing - BSN
Todd Colin Health Sciences - BS
Tolentino Baez Mary Health Sciences - BS
Tomchick Grant General Psychology - BS
Tomchik Abigayle Health Sciences - BS
Tonson Matthew Health Sciences - BS
Tosti Marlena Health Sciences - BS
Trammell Kathryn Health Services Admin - BS
Tran Marlene Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Tran Amanda Social Work - BSW
Treat Madison Nursing - BSN
Trimp Gabrielle Health Sciences - BS
Trinidad Abigail Riley Health Sciences - BS
Troshin Carina Health Services Admin - BS
Truslow Brandon Health Sciences - BS
Tucker Hannah General Psychology - BS
Tulloss William General Psychology - BS
Tunstall Jordyn Kinesiology - BS
Turner Karimah General Psychology - BS
Turturro Liana General Psychology - BS
Tussey Kalen Nursing - BSN
Tyner Robert Health Services Admin - BS
Uibel Kayla Health Sciences - BS
Ulmer Julianne Social Work - BSW
Untilova Evgeniya General Psychology - BA
Uranbayar Minjin Health Sciences - BS
Valentin Abigail Nursing - BSN
Valley Madylen Health Sciences - BS
van der Linden Anna Nursing - BSN
Van Roe Carissa Nursing - BSN
Varela Ashley General Psychology - BS
Vasquenz Jessica Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Vassar Lynn General Psychology - BS
Vaughan Jamie General Psychology - BS
Vaughan Hallie Health Services Admin - BS
Veenstra Sarah Social Work - BSW
Via Bryson Health Sciences - BS
Viafora Tara Marie Health Sciences - BS
Vick Megan General Psychology - BS
Villeda Lesly Kinesiology - BS
Villeda Dennis Social Work - BSW
Villegas Sanchez Iris Health Sciences - BS
Violet Caitlin Kinesiology - BS
Visscher Emily General Psychology - BS
Wade Rachel General Psychology - BA
Walker Claire Health Sciences - BS
Walkling Emma Nursing - BSN
Wallace Nicole Social Work - BSW
Walton Elodie Kinesiology - BS
Wang Allen Health Sciences - BS
Wangolo Jasmyne Health Sciences - BS
Ward Cassidy Health Sciences - BS
Warlick Elaina General Psychology - BS
Warren Alexandra General Psychology - BA
Watkins Elliott General Psychology - BS
Watson Abigail Health Sciences - BS
Wayland Benjamin General Psychology - BS
Webb Cicely Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Webb Abbygael General Psychology - BS
Webb Emily Nursing - BSN
Webb Laura Nursing - BSN
Weinstock Jennifer Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Wellinghoff Zachary Health Services Admin - BS
Wells Olivia Nursing - BSN
Wenger Zachary Dietetics - BS
Wentworth Makayla Health Sciences - BS
Wenzel Nicole Nursing - BSN
Weppner Katelyn Nursing - BSN
Werner Sarah Health Sciences - BS
Whedbee Jillian Health Sciences - BS
Wheeler Emilienne General Psychology - BS
Wheeler Lindsey Social Work - BSW
Whetzel Courtney Social Work - BSW
White Meredith Health Sciences - BS
White Andrew Health Sciences - BS
White Ashley Nursing - BSN
White Paula Nursing - BSN
Wickemeyer Alaina Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Wilder Ellen General Psychology - BA
Wilder Charlotte Nursing - BSN
Wilkie Evelyn Health Services Admin - BS
Williams Lydia Health Sciences - BS
Williams Madelyn Health Sciences - BS
Williams Diamond Health Sciences - BS
Williams Abigail General Psychology - BS
Williams Katie Health Services Admin - BS
Williams Mary Nursing - BSN
Wilson Ellie General Psychology - BS
Wilton-Jones Kylie Nursing - BSN
Wiltz Caroline Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Windsor Kathryn Kinesiology - BS
Wink Amanda Health Sciences - BS
Winn Tyler Kinesiology - BS
Wirt Maria Dietetics - BS
Wisniewski Emily Dietetics - BS
Withrow Rebekah Social Work - BSW
Wockenfuss Lydia Kinesiology - BS
Wood Madison Health Sciences - BS
Wood Aiden Nursing - BSN
Wood Cecilia Nursing - BSN
Woodfaulk Shamara General Psychology - BS
Worley Sara Nursing - BSN
Wyant Ariel Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Yachera Caroline Health Sciences - BS
Yager Madison Health Sciences - BS
Yeatts Kayla Health Sciences - BS
Yenser Lauren Health Sciences - BS
Yifrdew Hilina Social Work - BSW
Yohannes Hermella Health Sciences - BS
Young Morgan Comm Sciences & Disorders - BA
Young Abigail General Psychology - BS
Yowell Emma General Psychology - BS
Zanfardino Kayla Health Sciences - BS
Zedd Jacob General Psychology - BS
Zeiger Adeline Health Services Admin - BS
Zook Sawyer Nursing - BSN
Zornick Jenna Nursing - BSN
Zuber Mikala General Psychology - BS
Zucco Alexis Dietetics - BS
Zupan Gabrielle Comm Sciences & Disorders - BS
Zwager Eveline Health Sciences - BS

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